One of them is dedicated to artificial intelligence Microsoft announces its first two processors!

One of them is dedicated to artificial intelligence Microsoft announces its first two processors!

Microsoft entered the world of manufacturing processors, and announced the development of two distinct processors, one of which is dedicated to artificial intelligence technologies.

The company indicated on its official websites that it had begun testing two new processors that it developed for upcoming versions of Windows systems, to make these systems work with excellent efficiency with various types of devices.

Microsoft explained that the Azure Maia 100 AI Accelerator processor will work as an accelerator for artificial intelligence systems, running software algorithms and training generative neural networks, and this product will be used in the Copilot service in future versions of Windows.

This processor was developed using 5nm technology, and will be used with computers equipped with liquid cooling systems, and is currently being tested with GPT 3.5 Turbo software.

As for the second processor developed by Microsoft, it is called “Azure Cobalt 100.” This processor has 128 ARM Neoverse cores and is designed to handle large amounts of data used in Microsoft Cloud services.

Technology : Invents a wireless device for underwater communications

Scientists at the Russian University of Sevastopol were able to create the world's first underwater multimedia wireless communication device.

The Information Office of the "Priority 2030" program of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science indicates that using this device it will become possible to quickly transfer a large amount of information over a long distance. For example, when inspecting underwater pipelines, mooring submarines underwater and servicing floating weather monitors.

A source in the media office explains: “This modem combines two communication channels at the same time: audio and visual. The purpose of the device is to transmit heterogeneous information (telemetry, text through hydroacoustics, and visual via optics). This device will be equipped with two transmitters and receivers: audio will allow to establish communications over a long distance, and optical - to transfer a large amount of information between devices approaching from a certain angle.”

For his part, Konstantin Kipkal, senior researcher at the Laboratory of Intelligent Robotics and Control Systems, points out that separate devices for underwater audio and visual communications have existed for a long time, but no one has yet integrated them into one device in a way that allows avoiding double power supplies and getting rid of unnecessary cables and elements.

Russia : Artificial intelligence protects social media users from “hackers”!

Experts at the Russian Odnoklassniki network announced the development of new software based on artificial intelligence to help network users get rid of people who intrude on their pages.
A post on the network’s official websites stated: “Programmers in Russia were able to develop new software based on artificial intelligence to rid users of social networks of people who intrude on their pages and send random friend requests. This software can also protect users from unwanted communications.” .

By analyzing the data very quickly, the new software identifies the accounts that send random friend requests to users through social networks, and send random messages. The software also identifies the accounts whose owners receive such requests and messages and add their senders to the “black list,” and by analyzing these All data is blocked by the software "stalking parties".

Experts at the Russian "Odnoklassniki" social networking network indicate that after they tested the new software with the network, complaints related to "random friend requests" among users decreased by approximately 25%, so adopting such software will make interaction on the network more comfortable and friendly.


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