"Meta" allows the deletion of "Threads" accounts without abandoning "Instagram"

"Meta" allows the deletion of "Threads" accounts without abandoning "Instagram"

Adam Mosseri, CEO of Threads, said that users are now able to delete their accounts on the application without also deleting their Instagram account.
Users can remove their profiles from the Threads app by going to the Settings section, then clicking on “Account,” and then choosing to delete or deactivate the profile.

This change has been a long-requested feature among Threads users, many of whom felt frustrated by the inability to clear their profile on the app without also deleting their Instagram accounts.

The update comes shortly after Meta introduced another settings change that allows Threads users to opt out of promoting their posts on the main pages of Instagram and Facebook.

Despite these changes, Threads and Instagram are still closely linked, as joining Threads requires having an Instagram account, and the only messaging feature in the app relies on the email registered on Instagram. Threads also relies on users' presence on Instagram to get recommendations and other features.

Although it is unlikely that Meta will separate the two services completely, there are steps that indicate that Threads may eventually become more independent.

Artificial intelligence raises controversy with “white faces” that are more convincing than real photos!

A new study has found that people are more likely to believe that images of white faces generated by artificial intelligence look more “realistic” than images of real people.
“It is striking that white AI faces can appear more realistic than human faces, and people do not realize that they are being deceived,” the researchers say.

The team, which includes researchers from Australia, the UK and the Netherlands, said their findings have important real-world implications, including identity theft, with people potentially being deceived by digital fraudsters.

However, the team said the findings did not apply to images of people of color, perhaps because the algorithm used to create the AI ​​faces was largely trained on images of white people.

This could have implications for areas ranging from online therapy to robotics, said Dr Zak Witkower, co-author of the research from the University of Amsterdam.

In the journal Psychological Science , the team describes how they conducted two experiments. In one, participants were shown a selection of 100 white AI faces and 100 white human faces.

Participants were asked to choose whether each face was AI-generated or real, and how confident they felt on a 100-point scale.

Results from 124 participants revealed that 66% of AI images were classified as human compared to 51% of real images.

The team said that a re-analysis of data from a previous study found that people were more likely to classify the AI's white faces as human faces, compared to real white faces. 

In a second experiment, participants were asked to rate AI and human faces based on 14 traits, such as age and symmetry, without being told that some of the images were generated by AI.

The team's analysis of the results indicated that the main factors that led people to mistakenly believe that AI faces were human included greater facial proportion, greater familiarity, and less memorability.

Somewhat ironically, while humans seem unable to distinguish between real faces and those generated by AI, the team has developed a machine learning system that can do so with up to 94% accuracy.

Dr. Claire Sutherland, co-author of the study from the University of Aberdeen, said that the study highlighted the importance of addressing biases in artificial intelligence.

YouTube is in the process of classifying content created by artificial intelligence

The YouTube video platform will force users to classify content created by artificial intelligence.
The famous YouTube platform intends to require video authors to tag content created using artificial intelligence. This was stated in the platform's blog.

It should be noted that YouTube will only require that “realistic” content be featured. Realistic, according to YouTube, is events, people, and conversations that have been filmed realistically.

YouTube said in its blog that it will flag content to combat false information. Particular attention will be paid to the topics of elections, conflicts and health care. In addition, YouTube warned that content would be blocked if the rules were violated.

It is noteworthy that Duma (Russian Parliament) Deputy Anton Gorelkin had previously proposed canceling unlimited YouTube viewing from phones. According to the parliamentarian, if unlimited viewing is cancelled, Russians will watch the Western video platform less, which will lead to a decrease in the volume of information flow.

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