Lying down or sitting? Which two positions are better for body health?

Lying down or sitting? Which two positions are better for body health?

Scientists recommend getting enough sleep instead of sitting.

One of the recommendations of "classical doctors" says: "Sitting is better than standing, lying down is better than sitting, and if you are lying down, sleep." This recommendation is adhered to by those who “pump” their muscles in “rocking chairs” for reasons of saving energy. You can also maintain your health by introducing variety into your habitual and harmful sedentary (sitting) lifestyle.

Epidemiologists from University College London reached conclusions that may seem controversial to many in the so-called “cross-sectional study.” They analyzed the results obtained by their colleagues during numerous experiments that included more than 15,000 people. Scientists were looking for “everything good” for the cardiovascular system, and identifying the most beneficial ones, meaning certain actions, or even positions, that people assume throughout the day.

The researchers eventually developed a sort of “benefit-to-harm” classification, presenting their recommendations in the European Heart Journal.

The data on which the classification was based indicates that lying down and sleeping is healthier than sitting, especially when watching television.

Joe Blodgett, lead researcher and supervisor of the study, said: “You can greatly benefit your health by alternating between sitting and moderate or excessive activity.” This could be running, brisk walking, or climbing stairs, and any activity that raises your heart rate and makes you breathe faster, even for a minute or two.

Some may wonder: “When I was a boy, did I give up my seat on the tram in vain for an elderly person to sit in? - Did I take care of my health, and not their health?” Previously, posters were hung in the entrances of homes saying: “Take care of the safety of the elevator, as it protects your health.” And now he advises Doctors are forced to climb the stairs a lot, - to health again. How everything has changed in this life!

A doctor reveals the dangerous consequences of using scented candles at home

Fragrance products such as sprays, incense, and candles can cause health problems, because they may contain dangerous volatile organic substances, such as phthalates, benzene, formaldehyde, and others.
Dr. Alexandra Velieva points out that when these substances come into contact with the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, it causes irritation and can also exacerbate the symptoms of asthma and other respiratory diseases. Therefore, some compounds, such as formaldehyde and benzene, are toxic and can accumulate in the body, causing cell damage and mutations.

According to her, using these scented materials for a long time increases the risk of chronic diseases, including cancer. Because phthalates can disrupt the work of the endocrine system, leading to hormonal disorders, and their components can have a negative effect on the central nervous system: causing headaches, fatigue, lack of sleep, and poor cognition. Fragrance oils, which consist of several chemical components, are also added to candles.

The doctor points out that the most dangerous ingredient is diethyl phthalate - which is used to concentrate the scent of perfume. This chemical can cause problems with reproductive function. Therefore, the safest candles for health are those made from soy or beeswax with the addition of essential oils. Also, even products that consist entirely of natural ingredients, such as incense, can be dangerous because during their burning, chemical compounds that are harmful to health can form. The doctor recommends using it for short periods and in places with good ventilation.

Experts warn of the transmission of a deadly virus through the toothbrush

Hepatitis C is a curable disease, but many people do not know that they are infected with it, which may cause some to develop serious diseases, such as cancer, severe liver damage, and death if left untreated.
The virus is transmitted through contact with blood infected with the virus, and according to experts, exchanging toothbrushes and razors may be a factor in the transmission of the virus.

Hepatitis C is a viral infection that causes enlargement (inflammation) of the liver. The infection rarely causes symptoms, but in some cases infected people can exhibit fever, feeling tired all the time, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, jaundice, and depression.

In many cases, people infected with hepatitis C can live with the virus for decades before they notice symptoms, at which point liver damage may be irreversible.

But if the virus is diagnosed early enough, the virus can be treated in nearly 100% of cases with simple antivirals.

The most common way hepatitis C is transmitted is through sharing needles and other drug-taking equipment, but sharing razors and toothbrushes, or performing medical or cosmetic procedures in countries with high rates of infection can also increase the risk of infection.

Experts explain the possibility of the virus being transmitted through the toothbrush, through a person using a toothbrush belonging to a person infected with the virus, as wounds on the gums of a person infected with the disease can transfer blood contaminated with the virus to the brush used by another person, thereby contracting the disease.

The same applies to razor blades, a practice that experts recommend avoiding to avoid the risks involved.

It is noteworthy that, according to the World Health Organization, an estimated 58 million people suffer from chronic hepatitis C virus infection, with about 1.5 million new infections occurring annually. There are an estimated 3.2 million adolescents and children with chronic hepatitis C infection.

Direct-acting antiviral drugs can treat more than 95% of people with hepatitis C infection, but access to diagnosis and treatment is low.

Duration: 10 minutes. Doctors succeed in identifying a treatment for loss of sense of smell and taste!

Doctors have identified a promising treatment for the damage caused by the Corona virus to the senses of smell and taste.
The 10-minute procedure involves the doctor injecting a steroid into a group of nerves at the base of the neck, which stimulates the nervous system.

This method has been used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder, migraines, and other problems related to blood circulation.

Doctors found that people infected with the Coronavirus lose their sense of smell because the virus destroys the receptor nerve endings or supporting cells inside their noses.

The nerve endings that detect smell tell the brain how to interpret the chemical information that makes up the smell, and when they are damaged, this can lead to parosmia.

In a study conducted on 54 patients suffering from persistent parosmia after the Corona virus (a term used to describe health conditions that distort the sense of smell and taste), the treatment provided some desired relief in the sense of smell.

The procedure itself saw the doctor inject an anesthetic mixed with steroids into the base of the neck, where the group of nerves is located on either side of the larynx, where it delivers signals to the head, neck, arms and chest.

“Parosmia has been previously reported as a rare disorder that occurs after brain trauma, brain surgery, stroke, viral syndromes, and with some head and neck tumors,” said Dr. Adam Zuga, a musculoskeletal radiologist at Jefferson Health in Philadelphia, who led the study. "We were not completely confident that the procedure would work in treating parosmia."

The reasons for the team's choice of stellate ganglion block (SGB) as a potential treatment have not been clarified, although there is a general hypothesis that this type of injection into the synapse could recalibrate the part of the nervous system that deals with unconscious tasks to its pre-Covid state. ".

Initial results showed that the procedure was largely successful. Of the 37 patients who provided follow-up information, 22 people reported that their smell improved one week after the injection.

18 of 22 people said their symptoms improved significantly after one month.

“The initial patient had a tremendous positive result, almost immediately, with improvement continuing to the point where symptoms disappeared after four weeks,” Dr. Zoga said. “Other treatments have failed so far. This injection is effective.”

The results will be presented in full at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America.

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