Israeli attacks kill one child every 10 minutes in Gaza Ankara

Israeli attacks kill one child every 10 minutes in Gaza Ankara

Israeli attacks have killed an average of one Palestinian child every 10 minutes over the past month in Gaza, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) said on Monday. 

"On average, a child is killed and two others injured every 10 minutes during a war," UNRWA said in a statement posted on X. "

Protecting civilians in conflict is not an ideal; it is an obligation and commitment to our shared humanity ," the statement added.

UNRWA is the main UN agency operating in the Gaza Strip, where their schools currently accommodate around 670 thousand Palestinians who have fled to escape Israel's relentless attacks. The agency alone lost 70 of its staff since the attacks began.

Israel launched air and ground attacks on the Gaza Strip after a cross-border attack by the Palestinian Hamas resistance group on October 7.

Israel's bombardment of the Gaza Strip has killed 10,022 Palestinians, including 4,104 children and 2,641 women. Meanwhile, the death toll in Israel reached 1,600 according to official figures.

In addition to the extraordinary death toll and massive displacement caused by Israel's siege on the territory, supplies of basic materials are also running low for Gaza's 2.3 million residents.

“It is not a Jewish-Muslim war.” Al-Safadi: What is happening in Gaza is a war between occupier and occupier

The Jordanian Foreign Minister said that what is happening in Gaza is not a Jewish-Muslim war, but rather a war between an occupation and an occupied people, stressing that killing thousands of Palestinians and seeking to displace them will not guarantee security for Israel.

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi confirmed on Monday evening that what is happening in the Gaza Strip is a war between an occupying force and an occupied people.

Al-Safadi said in an interview with the American network CNN, excerpts of which were published on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ page on the X platform: “What is happening in the Gaza Strip is not a Jewish-Muslim war. It is a war between the occupier and the occupied people.”

He added: "Killing 10,000 Palestinians, displacing 1.4 million, and depriving people of even their basic right to a drop of water or a painkiller pill, this will not guarantee security for Israel."

He pointed out that "there was a systematic Israeli policy to kill any ambition of the Palestinian people to establish a state."

Referring to what the Israeli Minister of Heritage said, Al-Safadi said: Yesterday we saw an Israeli minister calling for the use of nuclear weapons, thus completely destroying Gaza, but over the years Israel has acted on the assumption that it can ignore that there is such a thing as the Palestinian issue.

For 32 days, the Israeli army has been waging a “destructive war” on Gaza, during which 10,022 Palestinians were martyred, including 4,104 children and 2,641 women, and more than 25,000 others were injured, according to the latest official statistics.

"We started our bulldozers, then" : SC rebukes Punjab-Delhi government on pollution in Delhi-NCR

On the matter of increasing air pollution in Delhi-NCR, the Supreme Court said that we do not enter into policy issues, but if people are dying, then we will enter into policy issues. Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, UP and Rajasthan should immediately stop stubble burning. Chief Secretary and DGP should ensure this.

Delhi and Punjab governments told SC, what steps should be taken to reduce air pollution in Delhi-NCR.
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Field fires are disturbing the environmental balance in Delhi.
New Delhi :The Supreme Court has reprimanded Punjab on the issue of air pollution. The court said, "This is not a political battle ground. Stop the political blame game. This is tantamount to murder of people's health. You cannot impose this matter on others. Why can't you stop stubble burning ? Actually. , Punjab government's lawyer had said that there has been a 40 percent reduction in the incidents of stubble burning in Punjab. We are taking steps. Delhi and Punjab government have filed a complaint in the Supreme Court regarding the increasing air pollution in Delhi-NCR. An affidavit has been filed. The Delhi government has said in the affidavit that many big steps have been taken to control pollution. Whereas the Punjab government has said that the state government is serious about stopping stubble burning. The Supreme Court said that we Do not enter into policy issues, but if people are dying, we will enter into policy issues. Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, UP and Rajasthan should immediately stop stubble burning. Chief Secretary and DGP should ensure this. Supreme Court has banned stubble burning. Also directed to call a meeting of states including UP, Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, Delhi and the Center tomorrow to impose a ban. The court said that there should be a meeting with the states on Wednesday under the leadership of the Cabinet Secretary. The next hearing in this case will be held on Friday.
The Supreme Court expressed strong displeasure over the closure of some smog towers in Delhi. Asked when the smog towers will work. Smog tower should start immediately. We don't know how the government will start the smog tower. The Supreme Court has asked the Chairman of Delhi Pollution Control Committee to appear in the next hearing. It has also been said that DPCC should collect real time data on pollution and it should not be made public.

If there is no proper treatment for every stomach related problem like constipation, gas problem, sour belching, acidity, etc. then full money back!!
The Supreme Court also raised questions on the odd-even scheme of the Delhi government. Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul said that you have already brought the odd-even system. Has it been successful? To us it seems just optic.

"We started our bulldozer, then "
The Supreme Court said that there should be an immediate solution to this issue. We have zero patience in this matter. On this, the Punjab government said that there are some local problems of pollution in Delhi, they should be taken care of. Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul said in a lighter tone - It would be better if governments take strict steps on their own to stop pollution. We started our bulldozer, then we will not stop. Justice Kaul said, "If I drive a bulldozer, I will not stop for the next 15 days, We want all the parties to meet together before the Diwali holidays. We want an immediate solution to this problem. Even Delhi The percentage of pollution caused by buses has also increased a lot in India. The Supreme Court said that this problem comes year after year. There is a need to take immediate action on this. There is a need for monitoring of the court in this matter.

Justice Kaul told the Delhi government that if there is some problem, then you will have to pay attention to it. Petitioner's lawyer Vikas Singh said that these fires in the fields disturb the environmental balance in Delhi. Justice Kaul told the Punjab government that you will have to stop this fire. Your administration will have to do this, the local SHO should be given the responsibility for this. They should start working on this from today itself. We cannot just hope that the weather will improve. Paddy crop should be phased out in Punjab. The central government should help in this for alternative crops. Passing the order, the bench of Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul and Justice Sudhanshu Dhulia said that this problem of stubble burning and suffocating smoke is of recent years, ever since the paddy harvest has started in the north-western states like Punjab Haryana. It was not like this earlier. The situation of air and ground water has been affected. The geographical position of Delhi and the weather conditions are also such that the worst effect is seen here. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta said that Delhi CM has said that a solution has been developed, by spraying which the stubble gets converted into manure. Punjab government can use it.

Supreme Court bluntly told Punjab to stop the incidents of stubble burning. The
Supreme Court warned Punjab that whatever it does, it should stop the incidents of stubble burning. The political blame game should stop. Policies cannot depend on which party is ruling which state. There is only one party government in Delhi and Punjab. The Supreme Court bluntly said that the incidents of stubble burning should be stopped, everyone here is an expert, but no one has the solution. The problem is regarding the timing of paddy harvest. Besides, it also affects the ground water level. Something has to be done. People's lives are more important than paddy. When problems arise, we take action. Then next year the same situation occurs.

Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul told the Central Government that you will have to help the farmers in shifting from paddy to alternative crops. You see how many children are suffering from health problems in Delhi. The court also asked questions to the Central Government... 
-What have you done at your level?
The central government said that we have allocated Rs 3,000 crore to the states to deal with this problem.
-On this the court said that instead of statistics, give information about what was done on the ground. Is growing millet i.e. coarse grains being promoted instead of paddy crop?
It is being publicized a lot.
-The court said that either solve this problem now or wait till next year. This problem should not happen from next year, take strict measures from now on.

Punjab government said that MSP should be provided on other crops. At the same time, the Supreme Court said that immediate steps should be taken to deal with pollution. Punjab government said that the Center should make better arrangements on MSP. The Supreme Court said that people are dying, there should be something that can provide a solution.

According to the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), after five consecutive days of severe air quality, the pollution level in Delhi decreased slightly on Tuesday morning and was recorded in the "very poor" category. 

"If I drive a bulldozer, I will not stop for the next 15 days "
The Supreme Court said that there should be an immediate solution to this issue. We have zero patience in this matter. On this, the Punjab government said that there are some local problems of pollution in Delhi, they should be taken care of. Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul said in a lighter tone - It would be better if governments take strict steps on their own to stop pollution. We started our bulldozer, then we will not stop. Justice Kaul said, "If I drive a bulldozer, I will not stop for the next 15 days... We want all the parties to meet together before the Diwali holidays. We want an immediate solution to this problem. Even Delhi The percentage of pollution caused by buses has also increased a lot.

Delhi government said in the affidavit

In the country's capital, 3200 vehicles are checked daily for pollution levels.
To stop pollution, Delhi government has deployed 385 enforcement teams, which check the pollution of vehicles.
27,743 challans have been issued for pollution violations. This year, 1 lakh 93 thousand 585 challans have been issued for pollution violations till 31st October.
In October this year, 32 diesel and petrol vehicles of 10 to 15 years old were seized.
Delhi government said that till October 2023, 14,885 vehicles which are older than 15 years have been confiscated.
To stop road dust pollution in Delhi, 12 teams have been formed with various officials of MCD, PWD, DDA, NHAI.
To clean the dust on the roads, 86 vacuum machines have been deployed on the roads, out of which 83 machines are working continuously on the roads in two shifts, morning and evening.
By September 2023, 2861 km of roads have been cleaned by machines, all the machines are being monitored by GPS 24 hours.
Regular training is also being given to the employees to clean the dust on the roads.
Roads are being inspected regularly by senior engineers and senior officials of Delhi Government.
345 water sprinkling vehicles are being driven on the roads to suppress dust.
By September 2023, work has been done to reduce dust by sprinkling water on a total of 2800 kilometers of roads.
A total of 311 anti-smog guns, government and private, are being operated on the roads of Delhi. At many places in Delhi, anti-smog guns have been installed on buildings up to 100 meters high.
From January 2023 to September 2023, 27 thousand 570 potholes on roads in Delhi have been repaired, due to which the problem of dust arising from roads has been solved.
To prevent pollution in Delhi, 140 mobile anti-smog guns have been deployed on the roads in the month of October, out of which 60 mobile anti-smog guns have been deployed in 13 hot spot areas in Delhi.
Delhi Pollution Control Board has formed 591 teams, which are patrolling day and night to stop pollution due to dumping waste.
To stop construction activities in Delhi, 7813 sites have been visited, in which 1657 construction sites were immediately closed in view of violation of rules and a fine of Rs 435.35 lakh has been imposed for violating the rules.
A total of 233 anti-smog guns have been installed at big construction sites to control pollution.
A total of 611 teams have been deployed to stop open burning of garbage in Delhi.
The Punjab government said in the affidavit...
The state government is serious about stopping stubble burning in Punjab, the incidents of stubble burning have decreased this year as compared to last year.
The Punjab government said in its affidavit under ISRO protocol that there were a total of 29400 incidents of stubble burning in 2022, which have reduced to 17403 in 2023. That means there has been a 40.8% reduction in stubble burning this year compared to last year.
The Agriculture Department provides machines at a subsidy of 50% to the farmers to stop them from burning stubble.
To stop stubble burning, a fund of Rs 7.15 crore was released by the Punjab government in 2022-23 .
273 machines have been purchased, which will help poor farmers to stop burning stubble.

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