In solidarity with Gaza massive demonstrations spread across a number of cities and capitals of the world

In solidarity with Gaza massive demonstrations spread across a number of cities and capitals of the world

Many capitals and cities around the world witnessed demonstrations in support of the Palestinians and denouncing the massacres committed by Israel. Participants carried Palestinian flags and banners condemning what they described as “the genocide of the residents of the Gaza Strip.”

The capitals and cities of a number of countries around the world witnessed massive demonstrations denouncing the war on the Gaza Strip and in support of Palestine, as the city streets were filled with thousands of demonstrators who carried banners condemning the Israeli war on Gaza.

The demonstrators chanted slogans in support of Palestine and rejected the war, and raised banners “Free Palestine,” “Stop genocide,” “Stop shooting,” “Save lives,” and denounced “the bloody practices of the Israeli occupation.”

Turkish states witnessed simultaneous demonstrations on Sunday in solidarity with Gaza against the Israeli attacks, under the slogan “Hand in Hand with the Gaza Strip.”

The demonstrators formed human chains in several Turkish states, including Batman and Istanbul, and the latter witnessed the largest demonstration in which the demonstrators called for an end to the Israeli aggression on Gaza, and expressed their solidarity with the Hamas movement, according to a Turkiye news correspondent.

In the Kingdom of Morocco, demonstrations continued in several cities on Sunday, in solidarity with Palestine and the people of Gaza, who have been subjected to intense and continuous Israeli bombing for more than a month, leaving thousands of civilian casualties.

Protesters in Casablanca, Rabat, and Beni Mellal chanted slogans demanding an end to the war on Gaza, and denouncing the bombing of hospitals and attempts to displace Palestinians.

Dozens of female human rights activists in Morocco participated in a protest in front of the parliament building in the capital, Rabat, to demand “stopping the war on Gaza and protecting women and children in Palestine.”

Jordan is also witnessing almost daily popular events, in various governorates of the Kingdom, as an expression of their solidarity with the Gaza Strip, and to denounce the ongoing Israeli attack since last October 7, as a demonstration in support of the Gaza Strip took place in front of the American embassy, ​​according to a Turkiye news correspondent.

In Australia, tens of thousands of demonstrators gathered on Sunday in Melbourne, Brisbane and the capital, Sydney, to support the Palestinians against the ongoing Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip.

Near the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, a massive demonstration took place on Sunday in the city of Bekasi, in support of Palestine and to demand an end to the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip for the thirty-seventh day in a row.

In Iran, a Turkiye news correspondent said that mass demonstrations continued on Sunday in various parts of Iran, with participants raising Palestinian flags and chanting slogans demanding an end to the Israeli aggression against Gaza and an end to the systematic targeting of schools and hospitals.

British cities, including the capital, London, witnessed massive demonstrations in which participants demanded an end to the aggression against Gaza and a guarantee of the Palestinian people’s right to freedom and self-determination. They raised banners in support of Palestine and called on their government to stop dealing and “collusion” with Israel.

As for Germany, it witnessed demonstrations in support of the Gaza Strip in several cities, including Berlin and Cologne, and the participants demanded a ceasefire, allowing the entry of aid, and stopping the killing of Palestinian children.

The French capital, Paris, and the city of Bordeaux witnessed demonstrations in support of the Gaza Strip, in which participants demanded an immediate and permanent ceasefire to stop the bloodshed that had reached the level of genocide and included hundreds of massacres against Palestinian families.

In Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, thousands came out to support Palestine and demand a ceasefire in Gaza, denouncing the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, and raising Palestinian flags.

Thousands of people went out in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in demonstrations in support of Palestine, calling for an end to the attacks on the Gaza Strip and a ceasefire to be achieved.

Dozens of citizens supporting Palestine organized a demonstration denouncing the war on the Gaza Strip, in front of the home of US President Joe Biden in Delaware, carrying Palestinian flags and banners calling for a ceasefire.

The demonstrators chanted the phrase, "From the sea to the river Palestine will be free," and gathered in front of the US President's house, demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

“The darkest during the past decade.” Satellite images reveal the darkness of Gaza’s nights

An analysis conducted by the British magazine The Economist of satellite images revealed that Gaza’s nights have become “the darkest over the past decade,” as a result of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip and the cutting of electricity and fuel supplies to its population of about 2.3 million people.

Satellite images revealed the extent of the darkness that has fallen on the Gaza Strip as a result of the Israeli war on the Strip since the seventh of last October.

An analysis conducted by the British magazine The Economist of satellite images taken at night showed that Gaza's nights have become "the darkest over the past decade."

According to the magazine, the Gaza Strip has witnessed a significant increase in night lights, more than doubling, since 2012, with the increased need for electricity due to the rise in population.

However, this increase in night lights was interrupted by a series of declines as a result of power stations stopping work on several occasions and as a result of successive wars.

No other event during the past decade has caused as much darkness as the current war, according to the new images, which are part of NASA's Black Marble project.

The pictures indicate that night lights have dimmed by 90% since the start of the war, which means that electricity use has decreased by a similar percentage.

Gaza depends directly on Israeli power lines for two-thirds of its energy sources, and most of the rest is from imported fuel used in the Strip's power plant.

But since the outbreak of war more than a month ago, Israel has cut off electricity and fuel supplies to Gaza's population of about 2.3 million people.

The occupation allowed a limited number of trucks carrying basic supplies to cross into Gaza from Egypt, but it has so far refused to allow fuel to enter the Strip, due to allegations that “Hamas has seized it and used it for military purposes.”

With power outages, hospitals, sewage plants, and flour mills stop working, and search and rescue missions become impossible, according to The Economist.

On Sunday, the Palestine Red Crescent Society announced that Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City had been out of service and had stopped working completely, due to the depletion of fuel and a power outage.

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