Head of the Mountain Jewish Fund: Possibility of provocations against Jews on the anniversary of “Kristallnacht”

Head of the Mountain Jewish Fund: Possibility of provocations against Jews on the anniversary of “Kristallnacht”

The head of the International Fund for Mountain Jews, Gherman Zakharyaev, did not rule out aggressive provocations against Jewish communities on the 85th anniversary of the Kristallnacht events.

Zakharyaev said in an interview with the “Novosti” agency: “Kristallnacht is known to anti-Semites, no less than the Jews - for them it symbolizes what they seek ideologically. Every year, a wave of vandalism takes place in various countries of the world against synagogues, Jewish cemeteries, and community centers, as well as Physical attacks occur and provocations by anti-Jewish extremists can occur everywhere. Today, against the backdrop of escalating conflict in the Middle East, aggression against Jewish communities is, unfortunately, more likely than it has been in recent decades. For example, the Ministry of Defense has warned The German Interior Jewish community publicly raised the risk of anti-Semitic attacks on this day and tightened security measures.

He added that the authorities and society responded quickly and appropriately to the attempt to organize anti-Semitic and foreign-inspired riots in Makhachkala, which once again convincingly demonstrated intolerance for any manifestation of xenophobia. The strict and harsh response of the authorities in most countries of the world to anti-Semitism is one of the most important lessons learned from Kristallnacht.

He continued: "In light of the developments of the last month, the slogan 'Never Again' in the Middle East and around the world takes on an additional meaning, and this must never be repeated. It is our duty and a matter of honor for us not to allow Nazism to be seen as something normal and legitimate." Therefore, year after year we talk about what such things can lead to...”

A representative of the German Interior Ministry previously told the newspaper that the ministry expressed its concerns about the possibility of attacks on Jewish institutions in connection with the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on the upcoming anniversary of Kristallnacht.

"Kristallnacht" (or "Night of Broken Glass"), which occurred on the night of November 10, 1938 in Germany and Austria, was the first mass Nazi act of physical violence against Jews. During which more than 90 people were killed, and 30,000 Jews were captured and sent to concentration camps. The events of this night are considered the beginning of the Holocaust, which claimed the lives of about 6 million people.

Terrifying moments An American lawyer kills two environmental activists in front of the cameras who closed the highway in Panama

Last Tuesday, a retired American lawyer shot two environmental activists who blocked a highway in Panama.
77-year-old Kenneth Darlington, currently a university professor, appeared before a judge in the town of La Espija yesterday afternoon, Wednesday, and after a two-hour hearing, he was remanded in custody.

Elisir Blissett, the lawyer for the two victims, both teachers, said Darlington was charged with murder and illegal possession of a weapon, TVN Noticias reported.

A circulating video clip shows the Panama-born American citizen, who local media said had a previous conviction for illegal possession of a firearm, arguing with demonstrators, then taking a gun out of his pocket and beginning to remove the barricade from the road.

One of the demonstrators can be heard saying: "Why don't you shoot?", which provoked Darlington and made him point his gun at a man, killing him instantly, while another person appears in the video holding his shoulder after he was wounded.

The Times reported that one of the victims, Abdiel Diaz, died at the scene. The other victim, Ivan Rodriguez, 62, was taken to the Juan Vega Mendez Clinic in the nearby town of San Carlos, but died on arrival at the hospital.

Footage circulated on social media showed Darlington handcuffed, as police took him to the station.

Panama's President, Laurentino Cortizo, sent his condolences to the families of the dead protesters, saying that such a crime "has no place" in his country.

Local media reported that Darlington, who was born in the Panamanian province of Colon, was trying to return by car to the interior of the country after carrying out various errands in the city of La Chorrera when he encountered the roadblock.

He went to the checkpoint and asked where the protest leaders were, and was told that there were no leaders. He reportedly said, "I don't want to talk to women. I want to talk to men."

According to the complaint, some men approached Darlington, and he then opened fire on them. TVN reported that he shot three men, and the third is still in the hospital. He was allegedly heard saying: "This ends this problem."

Darlington then begins to remove the roadblock and returns to his car, where two women are waiting for him.

One of the shocked women inside the car asked him: “Do you know what you just did?”, to which Darlington replied: “Yes, I killed one and shot another.” He got into the car and said to the two women: "Let's go."

TVN said Darlington's girlfriend told him, "We're not leaving," and then called the police. Darlington is scheduled to appear in court in Panama City on November 15.

These deaths come at a time when protests organized by thousands of Panamanians in the streets over the past weeks over the new mining contract signed with the Canadian mining company, First Quantum Minerals, have led to broader dissatisfaction with the government.

Roadblocks set up by protesters caused daily losses of up to $80 million to businesses, according to the Panama Association of Business Directors, with schools across the country closed for more than a week and more than 150,000 medical appointments lost.

Officials urged people to end the protests, although construction workers' and teachers' unions pledged to continue taking to the streets until the First Quantum Minerals contract is cancelled.

The new contract, agreed to on October 20, was signed into law by the government of Panama, granting the company the right to mine for 20 years, with an option to extend for another 20 years, in exchange for $375 million in annual revenues for Panama.

The Russian Embassy refutes Washington's allegations about "Russian disinformation in Latin America"

The Russian Embassy in Mexico refuted Washington's allegations about a "disinformation campaign launched by the Kremlin in Latin American countries" and confirmed that they were baseless.
The embassy statement said: “The United States is once again trying to accuse Russia, without any evidence, of committing all deadly sins, while methods of misinformation, manipulation of public opinion, blackmail, political exploitation, and interference in the internal affairs of countries are characteristics that have characterized American foreign policy for a long time, especially in America.” Latin".

She added: “The United States is currently trying to revive the Monroe Doctrine, which it announced a long time ago, and dreams of turning the entire world into its ‘backyard’. But this will not happen, as many oppose these colonial practices and defend their national interests. Our friends in Latin America know our approach, as we do not We put them before a choice of whose side they will be, but rather we support equal and mutually beneficial cooperation on a practical and non-ideological basis We build bridges, not walls.”

The embassy statement pointed out that the United States is once again trying to manipulate public opinion and distract societies from the real problems.

The US State Department issued a statement alleging the existence of a broad disinformation campaign involving Russian parties and that Russia is using its media contacts in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay to weaken support for Ukraine and raise views that oppose the approaches of the United States and NATO towards Ukraine.


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