Gaza: The World Health Organization announces the loss of contact with Al-Shifa Hospital and infants in Al-Quds Hospital are suffering from dehydration

Gaza: The World Health Organization announces the loss of contact with Al-Shifa Hospital and infants in Al-Quds Hospital are suffering from dehydration

Gaza: The World Health Organization said Saturday that it had lost communications with its contacts at Shifa Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip , expressed “deep concern” about the safety of all those trapped there due to the fighting and called for an immediate ceasefire.

The World Health Organization said that it has “deep concerns about the safety of medical workers and hundreds of sick and injured people, including infants on life support and displaced people who are still inside the hospital,” and renewed its call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Ashraf Al-Qudra, spokesman for the Ministry of Health in Gaza, said that operations at Al-Shifa Medical Complex, the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip, stopped on Saturday after fuel ran out.

Al-Qudra announced, on Saturday, that the Shifa Medical Complex was out of service because “the Israeli army targeted everything that moved inside the complex.”

In statements transmitted by the government media office in Gaza via Telegram, Al-Qudra said, “We are surrounded inside the Al-Shifa Medical Complex at the present time, and there are a large number of marches in all directions.”

He added: “We can say that the Al-Shifa Complex stopped working and was out of service because the occupation targeted everything that moved inside the complex.”

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society announced on Saturday/Sunday night that infants in Al-Quds Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip were suffering from dehydration due to the lack of milk.

The association said in a brief post on the “X” platform: “Infants in Al-Quds Hospital are suffering from dehydration due to lack of milk,” without further details.

The association said in another post: “Our colleagues in the emergency operations room in Gaza are working around the clock despite the power outage and the ongoing intense bombing in the vicinity of Al-Quds Hospital.”

On Saturday, the head of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Francesco Rocca, asked how the international community would accept the situation in the Gaza Strip.

Roca wrote, in a blog post on the “X” platform: “Enough. How can the international community accept the situation in Gaza!? The fighting in Gaza must stop immediately.”

He added, “The lives of children in incubators and patients in intensive care at Al-Quds Hospital are at risk.”

Rocca stressed that “humanitarian aid and fuel must be allowed to reach Gaza, especially the north.”

For its part, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) issued, on Saturday/Sunday night, an appeal to the international community in which it demanded an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip for humanitarian reasons.

In a post on the “X” platform, the organization said, “Hospitals must be protected.” Children must be protected. We call for an immediate ceasefire on humanitarian grounds.”

For her part, the Executive Director of the United Nations, Catherine Russell, said on the “X” platform on Saturday/Sunday night: “Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza is suffering from a power outage.”

She added: “We are witnessing deeply disturbing reports of premature babies dying in incubators.”

“Shame on you.” Erdogan criticizes the silence of Western countries regarding the Gaza massacres

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that countries that remain silent regarding the Israeli massacres in Gaza are equal partners in the bloodshed, and he expressed his country’s readiness to make the necessary efforts to achieve peace.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan criticized the silence of Western countries regarding the ongoing massacres in Palestine, stressing that those who remain silent about injustice are partners with the oppressors in shedding blood.

This came in a speech before the extraordinary joint summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Arab League held at the King Abdulaziz International Conference Center in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, today, Saturday.

“Those who remain silent about injustice are at least as much accomplices in the bloodshed (in Gaza) as the oppressors,” Erdogan said.

Erdogan described the silence of Western countries, which always talk about human rights and freedoms, regarding the ongoing massacres in Palestine as “shame.”

He continued: "We are facing barbarism unprecedented in history, in which hospitals, schools, and refugee camps (in Gaza) are being bombed and civilians are being killed."

The Turkish President stressed that normalization efforts in the region will remain futile as long as the Palestinian issue is ignored.

He continued: "Jerusalem is a red line for us. The return of Jerusalem, known as the City of Peace, and the entire Palestinian territories to their previous state is our common wish."

He added: "We are ready to make the necessary efforts, including considering ourselves guarantors, to preserve the peace that will be achieved (between Israel and Palestine)."

He pointed out that delivering fuel to destinations that urgently need it in Gaza, especially hospitals, is very important.

He added: "We believe that a fund should be established within the Organization of Islamic Cooperation for the reconstruction of Gaza."

He said that the Israeli administration, "which behaves like the West's spoiled child, is obligated to compensate for the damage it caused."

He stressed the necessity of "verifying the nuclear weapon, the existence of which Israeli ministers also acknowledged, and revealing if some of it was smuggled beyond international oversight."

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