“Capitol Shaman”: Participants in the 2021 storming of Congress were deceived

“Capitol Shaman”: Participants in the 2021 storming of Congress were deceived

Jacob Chansley, who was dressed as a shaman when storming the Capitol in Washington in 2021, said that the participants in those events were deceived and provoked with the aim of arranging a psychological operation against Donald Trump.

Chansley, known as "Dhul-Qarnayn" or "The Capitol Viking," added in an interview with a "Novosti" reporter: "It is clear to me that this was a setup. It was organized in order to arrange a psychological operation against Trump and his supporters."

He said: “This issue remains in the gray area. Yes, there was violence and chaos that day. But was it a violent rebellion? No, it was not. Most of the demonstrators inside were peaceful. And when we analyze the events of that day and see what led up to them and what followed "That way, we'll get a clearer picture of what's going on."

Chansley stressed that the leadership of both houses of Congress had previously requested the assistance of the National Guard to protect the Capitol building, but the request was rejected under the pretext of insufficient reasons for doing so. He noted that the FBI infiltrated its agents into the main movements that gathered for the march on January 6, and the agents provided information indicating that something was planned, and even the Pentagon spoke about the terrorist threat related to the mass event, but this information was considered insufficient to direct the National Guard. .

Chansley continued: "That is, this is not a failure in intelligence, but rather a disregard for intelligence information. Activists from the BLM and Antifa movements played their suspicious role and pretended to be Trump supporters in the crowd and incited violence."

The activist pointed out the presence of video footage indicating that agents of several federal agencies were inciting violence and chaos in the crowd.

Since those events, the media and government have begun labeling Trump supporters as domestic terrorists, essentially taking away their constitutional rights, Chansley said.

He added: "My image inside the building reinforced the shock, horror, and narrative of violent insurrection. As a result, they targeted Trump himself and his supporters, striking a chord in the minds and hearts of Americans."

Chansley also stated that among the crowd of demonstrators alongside Channel 1+1 was Ukrainian intelligence officer Sergei Dubinin, and claimed that he was sent by Ukrainian businessman Igor Kolomoisky.

Chansley was sentenced in 2021 to 41 months in prison for his participation in the storming of the Capitol building on January 6. He was also sentenced to a $2,000 fine. Chansley was released at the end of May.

Magazine: The Pentagon once again failed to pass inspection and financial audit

Defense News magazine reported that the US Department of Defense failed to pass the financial audit and inspection process for the sixth year in a row.

The magazine said: “For the sixth year in a row, the Pentagon fails to pass the annual audit.”

The Pentagon buys Russian oil and gas by circumventing US sanctions!
According to the article, the ministry passed only six checks out of 29. According to this indicator, the Pentagon repeated last year's result.

The article noted that in the majority of these audits a final opinion was not issued, meaning that auditors were unable to evaluate the financial statements due to a lack of reliable data.

Defense News wrote that one of the main problems auditors face is a lack of data, which is why they cannot evaluate financial statements.

For its part, the Pentagon itself confirmed that it had been able to eliminate 500 violations since last year, but the new audit identified the presence of 2.5 thousand problems.

The total assets of the US Department of Defense are estimated at $3.5 trillion. The facilities of this ministry are located not only within the United States, but all over the world - outside the United States, the Pentagon maintains more than 4.5 thousand facilities at the expense of its balance sheet.

Biden considers his talks with Xi “constructive and fruitful,” but insists on describing China’s president as a “dictator.”

US President Joe Biden said that the summit he held with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping on Wednesday in California was “constructive and fruitful,” reiterating, however, that he still considers Xi a “dictator.”
Biden said during a press conference, “I just finished several hours of meetings with President Xi, and I believe these were the most constructive and productive discussions we have had,” and added: “Our meetings have always been frank. We did not agree on everything. But they were characterized by an atmosphere of frankness.” "Today, we are building on the work that our team has done in recent months at a high diplomatic level. I believe we have made important progress."

The US President referred in particular to an agreement to resume high-level bilateral military talks between Washington and Beijing and measures to combat the drug fentanyl.

He also explained that it was agreed to "keep the lines of communication open, including between me and President Xi," and said: "He and I agreed that any of us can pick up the phone and call directly and will be answered immediately."

Biden stated that he discussed with the Chinese President during their meeting, which took place on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, “a group of regional and global issues,” including the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, and the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

He also pointed out that the meeting also addressed human rights issues, China's detention of Americans, and Chinese actions in the South China Sea. He said: "I gave them the names of those we consider to be illegally detained," stressing, however, that "no agreement has been reached on this matter."

Biden stated that he also discussed with Xi the issue of "peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait," stressing that the United States is committed to the agreements related to the "one China" policy, and that this will "not change," but he added that he warned China against interfering in Taiwan's elections scheduled for Next January.

Biden confirmed that he considers Xi a “dictator,” as he responded at the conclusion of the press conference to a question about whether he still considers Xi a dictator, saying, “Well, he is a dictator in the sense that he is a man who runs a country, a communist country, based on a system of government that is completely different from ours.” , repeating a term that earlier this year angered Beijing.

For its part, Beijing said that Xi demanded from Biden that Washington stop arming Taiwan , stressing the "inevitability" of re-annexing the island to the Chinese mainland. Xi also presented to his American counterpart 5 principles for maintaining and developing US-Chinese relations.

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