American concern about Russia developing its “Hunter” hypersonic drone

American concern about Russia developing its “Hunter” hypersonic drone

The United States has sounded the alarm over Russia's decision to expand production of new drones, including the S-70B (Hunter) operational attack drone.
This was reported by the American magazine The National Interest.

“Moscow’s moves toward expanding domestic drone production capabilities are worrying,” an article published by the magazine said.

It is noteworthy that the Russian hypersonic attack drone "Hunter" was developed in the design office of the "Sukhoi" company, and is 14 meters long, with a wingspan of 19 meters. Its take-off weight does not exceed 20 tons. The "Sayyad" drone can be used with the fifth-generation "Su-57" fighter it carries. While the Hunter can also be used as an independent drone.

National Interest said that the “Hunter” drone is equipped with an AL-41F1 turbojet engine.

Russian military experts took a decision to expand the tasks performed by the “Sayyad” drone, which became the first military drone in the world capable of intercepting enemy warplanes.

The drone can hit enemy aircraft with air-to-air missiles from a distance from which the Su-57 fighter cannot hit it. Experts do not rule out that drones of this type may gain the ability to direct air strikes against enemy air defenses using “air-to-surface” missiles. The "Sayyad" can also operate within a group of drones and not just as an independent drone supported by the Su-57 fighter.

It should be noted that in 2019, the Russian “Hunter” strike mission carried out its first air sortie, which lasted 20 minutes.

The modified Russian Sapphire system is now capable of suppressing small reconnaissance drones

During the Dubai Airshow, Russia unveiled the "Sapphire" electronic warfare system, which can jam various types of drones.
During the exhibition, a representative of the Russian electronics manufacturer KRET said: “The modified Sapphire electronic warfare system can suppress all types of drones, including small reconnaissance drones.”

He added: “We increased the system’s frequency range from 300 MHz to 6 GHz, and thus the updated system is now capable of dealing with all known types of drones, including FPV drones used by the Ukrainian army.”

FPV drones are small drones that can be controlled remotely, via controllers or through virtual reality and augmented reality helmets and glasses. These aircraft are equipped with cameras that transmit images directly to the operator.

Russian military magazine: One of the models of the “Checkmate” fighter may be unmanned
Russian media reported earlier that the new Sapphire system can detect its targets at distances of up to 30 km, and can confuse and paralyze drones at a distance of up to 5,000 metres.

Russia : Discovery of Neolithic artifacts in Kamchatka

Archaeologists in the Elizovsky district of the Kamchatka Territory have found an ancient settlement site dating back to the Neolithic era.

The media office of the regional government indicates that archaeologists discovered a memorial during searches and excavations in the “Haykova-1 settlement” in the Elisovsky region, dating initially to the Neolithic era.”

At this site, archaeologists have found flakes of various types of stone, including obsidian, various scrapers and tools, and a piece of a ceramic vessel, the outer and inner parts of which are covered with green and brown enamel.

According to official documents, the archaeological site was discovered near the Pearl of Kamchatka sanatorium, which is currently closed due to maintenance and restoration work. This site was discovered during the laying of a gas pipeline in the area, where artifacts and household items were found at a depth of 0.5-1 metre. It has become clear that this site is not included in the list of protected sites for archaeological and cultural heritage. But after this discovery, the local government included it in the list.

It should be noted that the first archaeological excavations and excavations in the Kamchatka region began in the nineteenth century, when scientists discovered more than 700 archaeological sites. In the Elisovsky region, they have so far discovered more than 190 archaeological sites dating back to different eras, the oldest of which is 13 thousand years old.

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