A disaster inside hospitals more than 50 martyrs in a new massacre in the central Gaza camp

A disaster inside hospitals more than 50 martyrs in a new massacre in the central Gaza camp

The Palestinian Press Agency reported that 51 people were martyred and dozens injured, in a new massacre committed by occupation aircraft against homes in the Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian News Agency announced that 51 citizens were martyred and dozens injured in the occupation aircraft’s bombing of a house in the Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip.

Our correspondent reported that the occupation aircraft targeted the home of the Semaan family in Al-Maghazi camp, killing 51 of them and wounding others, the majority of whom were women and children.

Dr. Ashraf Al-Qudra, spokesman for the Ministry of Health, said in a brief statement on the X platform: “A large number of martyrs and wounded as a result of the Maghazi massacre. Large numbers of serious injuries piled up on the floor in the emergency department.”

The statement added: "The majority of the martyrs and wounded of the Maghazi massacre were children and women."

Commenting on the massacre, the Hamas movement said in a statement that this massacre “comes to join the series of massacres committed by the Nazi occupation, such as the Osama Bin Zaid School massacre and the Al-Fakhoura School massacre while US Secretary of State Blinken was in Tel Aviv and the region, which confirms the American administration’s responsibility for this massacre.” "The genocide committed by the occupation with American weapons and a green light from President Biden."

In a related context, occupation aircraft raided intensively the neighborhoods of western and northern Gaza, and dropped internationally banned white phosphorus bombs on those neighborhoods, especially on the Beach Camp, west of Gaza.

The occupation aircraft also launched at least 15 raids on the vicinity of the Indonesian Hospital in the Beit Lahia area in the northern Gaza Strip.

Wounded people breathe their last

On Saturday evening, the Palestinian Ministry of Health revealed the death of a number of wounded people in Gaza hospitals due to the lack of medical capabilities and the depletion of fuel.
Health Minister Mai Al-Kaila said in a press statement on the Facebook platform: “A disaster inside hospitals in the Gaza Strip, where many wounded people are breathing their last, as a result of the lack of medical capabilities and the lack of fuel.”
Al-Kaila added, "Israeli violations against the health sector in Gaza have, as of this afternoon, caused the martyrdom of more than 150 health personnel and the destruction of 27 ambulances, in addition to 16 hospitals and 32 primary health care centers being out of service."
She pointed out that "the occupation's continued bombing of the surroundings and gates of hospitals in Gaza and its north aims to force medical personnel to abandon their patients and leave the hospitals, in a complex massacre carried out against the wounded and sick, as Israel refuses to treat them inside hospitals, and also refuses to transfer them to Egypt for treatment by targeting convoys of the wounded." ".
The Minister of Health appealed to "the international community to bring fuel into the Gaza Strip's hospitals so that we do not reach a moment in which we record dozens of martyrs inside them due to the complete cessation of service."

Last October, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant decided to impose a “comprehensive siege” on Gaza, saying: “No electricity, food, water, or fuel (will reach the Strip),” according to what the Hebrew Channel 13 reported.
For about 30 days, the Israeli army has been waging an aggression and war against the Gaza Strip, which resulted in the death and injury of thousands of Palestinians, most of them civilians, and caused a catastrophic humanitarian situation, according to warnings issued by international institutions.

Israeli military rabbi to soldiers: The Promised Land is all ours, including Gaza and Lebanon

An Israeli military rabbi appeared in a video telling soldiers that “the entire Promised Land is ours, including Gaza and Lebanon.”

The military rabbi of the Nahal unit in the Israeli army said, "The entire land is ours. This includes Gaza, Lebanon, and the entire Promised Land. We will return."

The Hebrew newspaper " Haaretz " reported that these statements by Rabbi Amichai Friedman came during a sermon he delivered to a number of soldiers.

The rabbi appears in a video clip saying: “The people know that this land is ours, all of the land. This includes Gaza, Lebanon, and all of the Promised Land. We will return, the Gush Katif settlements are small, in exchange for what we want to achieve, God willing.”

The rabbi said, "Apart from our deaths who fell in the Hamas attack, as well as our prisoners, this month has been one of the most joyful months in my life."

He added, "I like to imagine myself as prime minister. This will not happen. But if I were prime minister and imagined that we had no dead, no wounded, and no kidnapped people. If I took all of this away from the screen, I would still have the happiest month of my life."

He said, "We have reached a pivotal point in which the Israeli people have risen to another level. We have now been able to define who we are. We have been able to prove to the world what justice, honesty, morals and values ​​are. Therefore, we will destroy evil, and we will eradicate Hamas and the enemies. We will destroy them all soon, God willing."

The Arab Parliament condemns the statements of an Israeli minister about bombing Gaza with a nuclear bomb

The Arab Parliament said in a statement on Sunday that “the Israeli minister’s statements about throwing a nuclear bomb on Gaza confirm the criminal nature of the occupying authority and reflect its persistence in blatant defiance of international law.”
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The Palestinian Foreign Ministry condemns an Israeli minister's calls to use a nuclear bomb in Gaza
The Arab Parliament condemned the statements of Israeli Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu regarding dropping an atomic bomb on the Gaza Strip , stressing that “they are barbaric statements that confirm the criminal and racist nature of the occupying authority, and its continued blatant defiance of all international laws and norms.”

The Arab Parliament stressed that "the brutal occupying force could not have continued with this crime and threatened to use this type of weapon of mass destruction had it not been for the shameful silence that continues to dominate the international community despite the genocidal and racist war waged by the occupying force against the Palestinian people."

The Arab Parliament was surprised by "the haste of some officials in the occupying authority to try to disavow these statements, despite the fact that the effects of the brutal aggression carried out against the Gaza Strip are no less devastating than the effects of the use of an atomic bomb, in addition to the use of internationally prohibited weapons by the occupation forces in front of the entire world." .

The Arab Parliament added in its statement: “The occupation authority’s attempt to disavow these statements is not motivated by any legal or humanitarian considerations that are essentially not in its dictionary. Rather, it is an escape from its official recognition of possessing these nuclear weapons, despite the entire world’s awareness and acknowledgment of its possession of them.”

The Arab Parliament called on the International Atomic Energy Agency to carry out its international responsibilities and condemn these statements and consider them an official recognition by Tel Aviv of its possession of nuclear weapons and to record this officially.

Israeli Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu described dropping a nuclear bomb on the Gaza Strip as "one of the options" to achieve the goal of eliminating the Hamas movement.

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