World Health Organization: The emergence of a new pandemic is a matter of time

World Health Organization: The emergence of a new pandemic is a matter of time

According to the grim forecasts of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization, the world will face the emergence of new pandemics in the future.

The director of the global organization calls on people to prepare to confront the upcoming dangerous disease without panic or neglect.

According to him, what currently worries scientists is one question. "When will this happen?"

He says: "We cannot allow the mistakes of the past to be repeated. That is why WHO member states are currently negotiating. A new agreement on epidemic prevention, preparedness and response, and amendments to health regulations, is being prepared."

By the way, the next pandemic may be worse than “Covid-19,” as the new pathogen will be able to actively contribute to reducing the world’s population.

For his part, Dr. Vladislav Jimchugov, a specialist in immunology and infectious diseases, warns: “The evolution of microbes has not ended yet. Rather, it is continuing and will not stop. Entire microbial communities (bacteria and viruses) are heading where all living organisms are heading - to accumulating numbers and taking over new areas.”

A diet that reduces the risk of more than 30 diseases

Scientists at Guangzhou University in China have discovered that the Mediterranean diet, which includes eating plant foods, cheese, seafood, nuts and legumes, protects against 32 serious diseases.

The journal Nature notes that researchers sought to track the impact of the Mediterranean diet on health. For this purpose, they conducted a study that included 121,513 people, aged from 30 to 75 years. The researchers collected comprehensive information about the participants' eating habits and studied and analyzed data recorded in their medical records to evaluate their health condition.

It became clear to the researchers that people who ate the foods described in the Mediterranean diet had a reduced risk of developing 32 chronic diseases. Researchers also noted that this diet reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, many types of cancer, and diabetes.
It should be noted that this type of diet includes eating vegetables, fruits, seafood, fish, olive oil, and cheese.

In addition, when increasing the proportion of foods containing antioxidants - fruits, broccoli, green tea, coffee, dried fruits and dark chocolate - this diet protects against dementia, including Alzheimer's.

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