Who is Tunisian-born Monji al-Baoundi, who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry?

Who is Tunisian-born Monji al-Baoundi, who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry?

Tunisia : The researcher of Tunisian origin, Monji Al-Baoundi, was able to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, marking the second coronation for Tunisia of the prestigious international award. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the year 2023 was awarded , on Wednesday, in Stockholm to the three researchers, Monji Al-Baoundi, Louis Bruce, and Alexei Ekimov, who are scientists working in the United States in the field of nanoparticles. The committee rewarded work on “the discovery and development of quantum dots, which are nanoparticles so small that their size determines their properties,” according to the body responsible for the award.

Munji Bawandi is a chemist and researcher of Tunisian origin who resides in the United States. He was born in 1961 in France. He is the son of the Tunisian mathematician Muhammad Saleh Bawandi, and a French mother.Al-Baoundi (62 years old), a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was quoted as saying that he was “shocked” and “honored” to win the award, noting that he had not seen the leaks about his selection before the official announcement.Al-Bawandi is considered one of the most important researchers in chemistry in the world due to his excellence in the field of research. He graduated from Harvard University in 2008 and taught thermodynamics and kinetics alongside Keith Nelson at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.He is also a member of the American Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.In 2006, Al-Baoundi received the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award for his outstanding contributions in areas related to the energy sector.It is noteworthy that Al-Baoundi immigrated to the United States, after spending his early childhood years in France and then in Tunisia, where he obtained a master’s degree in chemistry from Harvard University in 1983, and a doctorate in chemistry from the University of Chicago in 1988. Al-Baoundi was able to establish a chemistry laboratory and beganconducting Various research aims to further explore the science and development of nanocrystalline technology and other chemically manufactured nanostructures.

The “ Nobel Peace Prize” was awarded in 2015 to the quartet sponsoring the dialogue in Tunisia (the Labor Union, the Customs Organization, the Bar Association, and the League for the Defense of Human Rights), which mediated the national dialogue in Tunisia, in recognition of “their decisive contribution to building a pluralistic democracy after the Jasmine Revolution in 2011.”

After dispelling rumors of normalization, a complete political agreement was reached between Algeria and Tunisia and new areas of cooperation were identified

Algeria and Tunisia confirmed their political and diplomatic consensus regarding dealing with regional issues in the region, with the desire to give a new impetus to relations at the economic level, after identifying new areas of cooperation aimed at increasing bilateral exchange between the two countries.

Intensive rounds of dialogue and meetings between officials at the highest level and actors in the economic field took place in Algiers on the occasion of the 22nd session of the Grand Algerian-Tunisian Joint Committee for Bilateral Cooperation, which takes place in the presence of Tunisian Prime Minister Ahmed El Hachani, Foreign Minister Nabil Ammar, and a number of ministers of economic sectors in Tunisia. And businessmen.

In an expanded meeting chaired by the Algerian Foreign Minister, Ahmed Attaf, and the Tunisian, Nabil Ammar, the two parties stressed that the political relations between the two countries are “excellent,” and require more cooperation, especially at the economic level, to confront the challenges posed by the increasing hotbeds of tensions, crises, and conflicts in the immediate neighborhood.

Attaf explained that the special nature of the relations between the two countries “is clearly represented by the unprecedented activity witnessed in the bonds of interaction and exchange between our two countries over the past three years, during which Presidents Abdelmadjid Tebboune and Kais Saied added a strategic dimension to the content of the comprehensive Algerian-Tunisian relations . ”

Attaf praised the two countries’ move towards “identifying new fields of bilateral cooperation and beginning to benefit from their abundant potential, especially with regard to the development of border areas, exploration and production of fuels, and the promotion of desert tourism, as well as the exploitation of shared groundwater resources,” which are areas in addition to the traditional fields of cooperation that include most aspects. economic, social and humanitarian.”

In the political field, Etaf highlighted the compatibility of the positions of the two countries and the wisdom and wisdom they reflect in the face of the rapid developments taking place in our regional environment, which emphasize the importance of continuing and strengthening inter-coordination, and the necessity of intensifying and unifying efforts in the face of the challenges imposed by the increase, expansion, and exacerbation of hotbeds of tensions, crises, and conflicts in the region. Our immediate neighbourhood.

For his part, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil Ammar, confirmed that the relations between Algeria and Tunisia at the political level are “excellent,” calling for the need to strengthen them at the present time at the economic level, through “achieving partnership between the two countries and creating wealth that must serve the interests of the two countries.” The two countries and peoples, especially since they have the necessary capabilities to identify strengths and create the appropriate climate for cooperation.”

The Minister stressed the need to work to highlight to the world that this Algerian-Tunisian relationship is “strong, constructive and permanent,” expressing his thanks to Algeria for standing by Tunisia in this “difficult period” that the Tunisian economy is going through, a position that “has great meaning.” What he said.

In another meeting on the occasion of the opening of the Algerian-Tunisian Economic Forum, which was supervised by Algerian Prime Minister Ayman Ben Abdel Rahman, accompanied by Tunisian Prime Minister Ahmed El Hachani, it was emphasized that the current session will mark a new beginning for the partnership between the two countries in several areas.

Ben Abdel Rahman expressed his firm and shared conviction with his Tunisian counterpart that “this forum will be the beginning of a new era in trade and economic relations between the two countries and between Algerian dealers and investors and their Tunisian brothers.”

He pointed out that Algeria is considered, on the commercial level, Tunisia’s most important trading partners in Africa and the Arab world, highlighting the increase in trade exchanges between the two countries during the first seven months of the current year by 54% in sectors outside hydrocarbons, “a number that is likely to rise in the coming months and years due to the efforts that we are looking forward to.” Together, we will make efforts to coordinate policies, overcome obstacles, and remove difficulties, whatever their nature.”

Nabil Ammar: Relations between Algeria and Tunisia at the political level are “excellent,” and it is necessary to strengthen them at the present time at the economic level.

This goal will not be achieved, according to the Prime Minister, except by linking profitable partnerships for both parties, in sectors that serve the interests of both countries, such as energy, renewable energies, industry with its various sectors, agriculture, building materials, pharmaceutical products, medical equipment, environment and recycling. Waste, handling and other fields.

On the investment level, the Algerian Prime Minister spoke about 42 Tunisian direct and partnership investment projects, 38 of which were implemented in the agricultural, construction, industry and services sectors, with a value of approximately 14 billion dinars, equivalent to 100 million dollars.

For his part, the Tunisian Prime Minister, Ahmed El Hachani, described the Algerian-Tunisian relations as “exemplary” and “historic,” reiterating, on the occasion, the call for the necessity of accelerating the formation of the joint working group charged with looking into updating the differential trade agreement so that it can hold its first meetings before the end of the current year. . He also expressed his aspiration to hold the technical meeting of the Algerian-Tunisian working group to study the establishment of a free zone on the border strip between the two countries.

Al-Hashani considered that “international changes have shown that we have no choice but to unify our efforts and strengthen our joint work in order to reach the stage of effective strategic partnership,” highlighting in the context that the major economic reforms adopted to improve the investment climate “would open broad horizons for businessmen from both countries.” To establish effective partnerships in all fields.”

This new momentum in relations comes after a short period of apprehension in recent months, after politicians in Algeria, most notably Abdelkader Ben Qurayna, head of the National Construction Movement, issued warnings about the possibility of Tunisia joining the normalization process under pressure from the Emirates, which was also discussed in several articles . A journalist in Algeria focused on this trend.

Given the sensitivity of this issue for Algeria, which considers the Zionist presence in the region a threat to its national security, Tunisia took the initiative to deny the veracity of this news, as Foreign Minister Nabil Ammar, in his capacity as a personal envoy of Tunisian President Kais Saied, traveled in mid-August and met with Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, delivering a message to him. From his Tunisian counterpart on this subject.

In the press conference held by the Algerian Foreign Minister on the occasion of presenting the Algerian initiative in Niger at the end of August, Attaf highlighted that the message that his Tunisian counterpart, Nabil Ammar, carried to President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, in which President Kais Saied categorically refuted any step by Tunisia towards normalization. The Foreign Minister added that his Tunisian counterpart informed him that his country was preparing a law that would make normalization a level of high treason in the country.


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