What is the relationship between plastic materials and liver diseases?!

What is the relationship between plastic materials and liver diseases?!

Researchers from Nanchang University in China have linked substances found in plastic containers used in food packaging to an increased risk of liver disease.

Science Direct magazine indicates that per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of synthetic organic fluorochemical compounds that contain multiple fluorine atoms linked to an alkyl chain. They have oil- and water-resistant properties, making them widely used in food packaging, paint, and pesticides. Insecticides and even cosmetics.

In their study, the researchers focused on evaluating the effect of PFAS in the human body, especially in the liver. It became clear to them that PFAS could transfer from packaging materials and nonstick cookware into food. Eating such substances with food can lead to serious liver disease.

The results of the study showed that PFAS lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which can progress to cirrhosis, a chronic disease characterized by the replacement of healthy liver cells and tissues with fibrous structures, as the organ gradually weakens and is unable to carry out its functions. In addition, scientists have discovered a link between PFAS and liver cancer.

The researchers hope that the results of their study will help raise public awareness about food contamination with PFAS and its negative impact on liver health.

Can antibiotics be combined with alcohol?

Many patients take antibiotics as prescribed by their doctor. So they want to know the risks caused by combining these medications and alcoholic drinks.

Dr. Alexander Myasnikov points out that the strict ban on combining antibiotics and alcoholic beverages is a bit exaggerated. But we must know that there are two categories of antibiotics that everyone should never take with alcohol. These are cephalosporins - ceftriaxone, ceftazidime, etc. (It may be known by other, more common names), in addition to metronidazole, which treats sexually transmitted diseases and is used in dentistry - a widely used drug. The latter drug is structurally similar to Disulfiram, a drug used to treat alcohol addiction. Because taking disulfiram and alcohol together leads to uncontrollable vomiting.

"If the patient takes metronidazole and alcohol, he will spend a night on the toilet. The same interaction occurs with cephalosporins," he warns.

According to him, other antibiotics do not cause such side effects. But everyone must realize that prescribing antibiotics to the patient indicates his poor condition. In this case, should he drink alcoholic beverages?! In my opinion, this will lead to further deterioration of the health condition.

In general, we must follow the general rule - if a person is taking antibiotics, he must exclude all types of alcoholic beverages, to prevent his health condition from worsening further.

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