United Nations: The complete siege of Gaza is prohibited under international law United Nations: The complete siege of Gaza is prohibited under international law

United Nations: The complete siege of Gaza is prohibited under international law

United Nations: The complete siege of Gaza is prohibited under international law

The United Nations confirmed on Tuesday that the complete siege of the Gaza Strip is “prohibited” under international humanitarian law.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, said that people's dignity and lives must be respected, referring to the serious deterioration in field conditions, due to the continuous and comprehensive aggression against the Gaza Strip four days ago.

It is noteworthy that the occupation authorities imposed an “absolute siege” on the Gaza Strip and cut off food, water and electricity supplies, which raised fears of aggravation of the deteriorating humanitarian situation.

The UN High Commissioner added in a press statement, “The blockade threatens to seriously exacerbate the deteriorating human rights and humanitarian situation in Gaza, including the ability of medical facilities to operate, especially in light of the increasing numbers of wounded.”

He stressed that "imposing a siege that endangers the lives of civilians, by depriving them of basic goods for survival, is prohibited under international humanitarian law.

687 martyrs and more than 3,726 wounded as a result of the ongoing aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The number of Palestinian martyrs in the Gaza Strip rose to 687 martyrs, while 3,726 people were injured as a result of Israeli bombing, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health. While the bombing continues on various sites in Gaza on the third day of the escalation.

The Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip confirmed on Monday that the number of Palestinian martyrs had risen to 687, including about 140 children, and more than 3,726 injuries as a result of the ongoing Israeli raids for the third day in a row.

The Ministry stated in a statement that the death toll from the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip for the third day amounted to about 687 Palestinians and 3,726 injuries.

The Ministry had reported that more than 140 children and 105 women were martyred, while more than 400 women and children were injured in those attacks.

Massacres against 15 families
The head of the government media office in Gaza, Salama Marouf, said on Monday that the Israeli army had committed massacres against 15 families during the last hours, directly bombing their homes without warning, “resulting in martyrs and wounded, the majority of whom were children.”

The head of the office added in a statement: “Contrary to the occupation’s claims that it targeted the capabilities of the resistance, in the last hours the occupation army committed massacres against 15 families, directly bombing their homes without warning, leaving dozens of martyrs and injuries, the majority of whom were women and children.”

He explained that the most prominent of these massacres was against the Al-Zaanin family, whose home (north) was bombed directly, causing "the martyrdom of about 20 of its members and the occurrence of injuries."

Marouf held the Israeli side “responsible for the repercussions of these massacres against civilians,” saying: “In addition to the crime of siege and collective punishment that the occupier has intensified during its current aggression, which exacerbates the difficult humanitarian reality in the Gaza Strip.”

The official called on the international community to "intervene urgently to curb the occupation, which is following a scorched earth policy in densely populated areas, in light of the difficult humanitarian reality in the Strip."

Hamas and other Palestinian factions in Gaza launched Operation “Al-Aqsa Flood” in response to “the continuing attacks by Israeli forces and settlers against the Palestinian people, their property, and their sanctities, especially Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem.”

The Israeli army launched Operation Iron Swords and is still launching intensive raids on many areas in the Gaza Strip, which is inhabited by more than two million Palestinians who suffer deteriorating living conditions as a result of an ongoing Israeli siege since 2006.

Hebrew media said at dawn on Monday that the number of Israeli injured had risen to 2,315, including 365 in serious to critical condition.

While the occupation authorities confirmed the killing of at least 900 Israelis, Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper revealed that estimates indicate that the number of deaths reached 1,000 and more than 150 prisoners.

Their number rose to 7. The occupation kills 3 journalists in Gaza even though they were wearing a press jacket
Israeli fighters launched violent raids on the Al-Rimal neighborhood in Gaza, which led to the death of three journalists, bringing the number of journalists killed by the Israeli occupation to 7, and two missing, since October 7, in addition to wounding 10 others.

Three Palestinian journalists were martyred at dawn today, Tuesday, while covering the bombing by Israeli aircraft, as Israeli fighters launched violent and unprecedented raids on the Al-Rimal neighborhood, west of Gaza City, which led to their martyrdom, which brings the number of journalists killed by the Israeli occupation to 7, and two have been missing since October 7. October, in addition to injuring 10 others.

According to Palestinian media, Israeli aircraft bombed “Burj Hajji” on “Institutions” Street in Gaza and completely destroyed it, leading to the martyrdom of journalist Saeed Al-Taweel, a resident of Rafah in the south, who works as editor-in-chief of a news website, and journalist Muhammad Sobh, a resident of Gaza, who works as a photographer for a media agency. .

Journalist Hisham Al-Nawajah was later martyred, succumbing to serious injuries, after which he was admitted to the intensive care unit at Al-Shifa Medical Complex.

Eyewitnesses told Anadolu Agency that a number of other journalists were injured during the bombing, without details about their health condition.

Salama Marouf, head of the government media office in Gaza, said that the martyrdom of the journalists came “as a result of being targeted by occupation aircraft while they were covering the evacuation of one of the buildings threatened by bombing in western Gaza.”

Marouf added in a press statement that targeting the three journalists was “a crime of the occupation and a premeditated assassination, because they were wearing safety equipment and the markings that distinguished them as journalists, and the occupation planes could see that.”

7 martyrs and 10 injured
On Tuesday, the government media office in Gaza said in a statement that the number of journalists who were martyred as a result of the ongoing Israeli “attacks” since Saturday had reached 7, while 10 others were injured. Contact was lost with two colleagues, Nidal Al-Wahidi and Haitham Abdel-Wahed.

The statement indicated that the martyred journalists are “Ibrahim Lafi, Muhammad Jarghoun, Muhammad al-Salhi, Asaad Shamlikh, Saeed al-Taweel, Muhammad Subh Abu Rizq, and Hisham al-Nawajaha.”

The office stated that the Israeli army “completely destroyed the homes of two journalists,” in addition to partial damage to the homes of dozens of journalists. He pointed out that "more than 40 media institutions were completely or partially damaged as a result of the Israeli bombing of residential buildings, including the Palestine and Watan Towers." The office condemned these "Israeli crimes" and called for the formation of an "international investigation committee into these crimes."

During the past hours, Israeli aircraft launched violent and unprecedented raids on the Al-Rimal neighborhood, west of Gaza City, which led to martyrs, injuries, and the destruction of large numbers of buildings, residential towers, and government institutions, without specific statistics being available.

At dawn on Saturday, Hamas and other Palestinian factions in Gaza launched Operation “Al-Aqsa Flood,” in response to “the continuing attacks by Israeli forces and settlers against the Palestinian people, their property, and their sanctities, especially Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem.”

On the other hand, the Israeli army launched Operation Iron Swords and continues to launch intensive raids on many areas in the Gaza Strip, which is inhabited by more than two million Palestinians who suffer deteriorating living conditions as a result of an ongoing Israeli siege since 2006.

Haniyeh: The prisoners’ file will not be opened before the end of the battle. Palestinian planning and implementation

Ismail Haniyeh, head of the Hamas political bureau, said on Tuesday that his movement informed all parties it contacted regarding the occupation’s prisoners held by the resistance that this file will not be opened before the end of the battle, and it will only be at a price that the resistance will accept.

In a press statement, Haniyeh addressed the media reports that the attack was carried out with the orders and knowledge of Iran. The head of the Hamas movement said: The battle of the Al-Aqsa flood is a Palestinian battle of decision and implementation, and this does not diminish our conviction of the necessity of participating and entering into this battle from all sides. The people of our nation, first and foremost the resistance forces. like he said.

He added: Our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip prove once again that they are at the level of the Al-Aqsa flood battle, which inaugurated the stage of liberation, and demonstrated their ability to withstand and challenge and their willingness to sacrifice what is precious and precious for the sake of their freedom and dignity, and here they are thwarting the enemy’s plans to separate the people from their valiant resistance. According to him.

He continued: The destruction and brutality practiced by the fascist entity’s government against our heroic people in Gaza reflects the resounding results caused by the strikes of Al-Qassam and the resistance factions since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Flood Battle, and that everything the enemy does will not erase the shame of the defeat that befell it, and the enemy will pay a heavy price for this. His crimes and terrorism. According to him.

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