"Tongue cancer" causes and symptoms

"Tongue cancer" causes and symptoms

According to Professor Alexander Cyriakov, an oncologist, tongue cancer cases account for 0.45 percent of all cases of malignant tumors.

The professor points out in an interview with the newspaper "Izvestia" that cancer of the tongue and neck is more common among the malignant tumors that develop in the head area. Tongue cancer usually affects men over the age of 60, but the disease can also affect women and young people.

He says: "The exact reason behind the transformation of epithelial cells in the tongue into a malignant tumor has not been determined yet. But under the influence of some pathological stimuli, healthy cells change, the body loses control over them, and they develop into malignant."

Among the main factors that increase the risk of developing tongue cancer are smoking, sucking and chewing various forms of tobacco products, alcohol abuse, infection with human papillomavirus (especially types 16 and 18), chemical and thermal damage to the mucous membrane of the tongue, caries with the destruction of teeth, contact with dentures. Teeth and more. It is also attributed to genetic predisposition and diseases such as psoriasis, erythroderma, chronic ulcers, cracks, etc.

He says: “Outwardly, the tumor looks like ulcers and nodes, and the papilloma plaques do not heal for a long time, and gradually increase in size and bleed, and when they disintegrate and become infected, the mouth emits a foul odor. As the tumor grows, pain appears and saliva secretion increases.”

According to him, to diagnose tongue cancer, examination of the oral cavity, cytological and/or histological examination of the tumor biopsy and suspicious lymph nodes in the neck, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography of the soft tissues of the head and neck should be performed to evaluate the local tumor. Local spread of the tumor and, if necessary, computed tomography of the chest and abdominal cavity or computed tomography of the whole body to rule out the spread of the disease to another location.”

According to him, based on the stage of development of the disease used in treatment: surgical operations, radiotherapy and chemotherapy and in cases of distant metastases - systemic chemotherapy, targeted and immunotherapy.

To prevent the disease, the impact of the mentioned risk factors must be reduced. The most important thing is to visit the dentist periodically.

What is the effect of stress on the digestion process?!

According to Dr. Natalia Zubareva, a Russian nutrition expert, heartburn and flatulence often indicate the effect of stress in the digestive system.
In an interview with Gazeta.Ru, the doctor points out that stress is a factor that helps the development of many imbalances and diseases, and the functioning of the digestive system is not an exception. According to physiology: During moments of stress, the brain sends a “order to survive” signal and focus on vital processes for which digestion is not a priority.

She says: “As a result of the effect of this signal and the natural decrease in serotonin during a period of stress, blood flow to the digestive system decreases, the contraction of the muscles of the intestine and stomach, as well as the production of enzymes by the digestive system. The main symptoms of stress that we “feel in our intestines” are heartburn, bloating, or disturbance of bowel movement.” .

According to her, stress can be combated with the help of nutrients.

She says: “First of all, food items that negatively affect the functioning of the nervous system must be excluded from the diet. These foodstuffs are simple carbohydrates (cakes, sweets, biscuits, rolls, etc.), in addition to other foods that contain sugar: because sweets give a deceptive effect: "The mood improves because the blood sugar level rises sharply, but when it drops, the person returns to a state of apathy."

She adds: “You should also exclude crispy fried foods and a glass of wine, no matter how tempting this dinner may be after a hard day. Because alcohol in general is not an antidepressant, but rather a real inhibitor of depression; consuming it stimulates the release of the “stress” hormones dopamine, adrenaline and norepinephrine, which increases "From exacerbating the unstable condition. Drinks containing caffeine, which have a similar effect, should also be excluded."

According to her, stress can be combated with the help of foods containing vitamin B group and omega-3 fatty acids. These substances help improve and stabilize the functioning of the nervous system, and improve blood flow to the brain, which positively affects cognitive functions. You should also eat foods containing a high percentage of magnesium (almonds and bananas), because a deficiency of this element negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system and causes muscle spasms and sleep disturbance. In addition, these materials contain tryptophan, which is a precursor to the happiness hormone serotonin. Foods rich in tryptophan are turkey and rabbit meat. Nuts, natural unsweetened dairy products, vegetables, and dark bitter chocolate, of which 75 percent cocoa is a component, also help combat stress.

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