Tobacco : Six foods that contain nicotine can help you quit smoking

Tobacco : Six foods that contain nicotine can help you quit smoking

Nicotine is a chemical found in tobacco that makes quitting smoking difficult, as it affects the brain and brain functions.

Nicotine reaches the brain within seconds of inhalation. There, nicotine increases the secretion of chemicals called neurotransmitters, which help regulate mood and behavior.

Dopamine, one of these neurotransmitters, is released in the reward center of the brain and causes feelings of happiness and improved mood. The more you smoke, the more nicotine you need to feel comfortable.

The action of nicotine on the brain can affect brain function in the short term, constrict blood vessels, and raise blood pressure and heart rate.

Whether it's tobacco or e-cigarettes, there are a number of tools that can be used to get rid of the effects of nicotine, such as patches and gum, but diet can also help.

Nicotine is an alkaloid and stimulant substance that is produced naturally and is found in a genus of plants belonging to the Solanaceae family, from the Solanaceae family. This means that there are small doses of nicotine in the common fruits and vegetables we eat every day.

A study published in the journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research of 1,000 smokers found that those who ate the most fruits and vegetables were three times more likely to stop smoking for at least 30 days than those who ate the least.

Markus Lindblad, of e-cigarette website Haypp, says: “While nicotine is naturally present in fruits, vegetables and other foods we eat daily, its levels are very small, so there is no way you can become addicted to it. When you consume these foods, Small concentrations of nicotine travel through your intestines and are easily digested by your body.”

He added: “Nicotine in nightshades and other foods is measured in micrograms. One million micrograms equals one gram, so the levels are minimal. However, it is good for people to understand what nicotine is and where to find it.”

1. Eggplant

“One of the everyday foods that contains nicotine is eggplant,” says Marcus. “Eggplant is actually a large plant from the nightshade family, and you will find that every gram of this plant contains 100 micrograms of nicotine.”

However, you would need to eat 10 kg of eggplant to consume the same amount of nicotine as a cigarette.

2. Potatoes

“On average, a potato can contain around 15 µg/g of nicotine,” explains Markus. “Ripe, green potatoes have a higher concentration of nicotine (about 42 µg/g), but fortunately they are less likely to consume potatoes like this.” .

He continued: "However, if you decide to mash potatoes, the nicotine concentration may increase to 52 micrograms/gram."

3. Cauliflower

Marcus pointed out that one of the most surprising everyday foods that contains nicotine is cauliflower, explaining: “Although cauliflower does not actually belong to the nightshade family, it contains about 16.8 mcg/g of nicotine.”

4. Green pepper

“It may only be a small amount, but a daily green pepper can contain between 7.7 to 9.2 mcg/g of nicotine,” says Marcus.

5. Tomatoes

“While unripe tomatoes tend to have a higher concentration of nicotine, as they mature the concentration tends to decrease. An average tomato is likely to contain about 7.1 µg/g of nicotine,” Marcus explained.

6. Tea

Tea is also part of the nightshade family. According to Marcus: “Some types of brewed and instant tea (black and green) can contain nicotine. Typically, the concentration of nicotine in tea ranges from 100 to 285 mcg/g, so again, you would need to drink a lot of these drinks to feel any kind of the influence".

Moscow begins production of a drug that treats cancer with light

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced in his Telegram blog the start of production of drugs to treat cancer using light.

Oncologists told the newspaper "Vedomosti" which patients can be helped in this way.

Sobyanin said: "In the early stages of the disease, this treatment method can replace classical surgery where the drug is given to the patient, to accumulate in the cancer cells, and then activated by laser or LED radiation, and then the malignant tumor is almost completely destroyed."

The mayor of the capital added that one of the Moscow companies plans to produce up to 40,000 bottles annually. “We will cover the needs of photodynamic therapy in Russia,” he continued.

“The photodynamic method is very popular, including among breast cancer patients, because it allows tissue preservation,” said Irina Bobrova, head of the Social Organization for Helping Patients with Cancer. She added that the treatment is currently showing its effectiveness by eliminating the process of tumor formation. Borovova commented on the start of production of anti-cancer drugs in the Moscow company, saying, "Operation of our own capabilities in this field is a wonderful thing." At the same time, the specialist explained that the lion’s share of medicines in the field of combating cancer are foreign-made.”

Cancer physician Dr. Andrei Belyaev “The method of photodynamic therapy has long been in the possession of doctors.” It is used to treat skin tumors, gynecological diseases, for example in the presence of cervical dysplasia, and in the early stages of stomach cancer.” He added that the method is used exclusively in the early stages and to treat only certain types of malignant tumors. He explained, saying: “This is not a medicine.” "Magically."

The competent oncology surgeon Andrei Korzikov emphasized, “Photodynamic surgery is one of the common methods of combating malignant tumors.” “These are primarily skin diseases, and this method is often used in the treatment of basal cell carcinoma,” he explained in an interview with the newspaper “Vedomosti.” It is also used in common operations when the patient has a large number of lesions. And in the case of treating the elderly, when Other methods are less convenient, but this surgery is very easy to afford, but of course it is an expensive procedure. The doctor also added that the Moscow drug for photodynamic therapy has foreign counterparts.


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