There are calls to protect Burmese women

There are calls to protect Burmese women

Myanmar : U Kyaw Moe Tun, Myanmar's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, urged on October 4 that the United Nations and its member states respect the wishes of the people of Myanmar and effectively support the people of Myanmar, especially women and girls.

The UN's Independent Investigation Mechanism for Myanmar (IIMM) has concluded that the military's violence and human rights violations amount to crimes against humanity and war crimes, especially for women and girls.

In the 31 months since the military coup, AAPP has announced that 4,141 people were killed by the military council, including 613 women.

Ma Choo Suhan, who is leading the anti-military strike in Sagaing, said that violent acts of violence perpetrated by the military are more common in conflict areas.

"This is being committed by the current military group that has promised to protect the people of Myanmar. There is no township that has not been committed. On the Kani side, there were a lot of rapes by injecting women with needles. On the Sallingyi side, there is also abuse. In the end, even in front of the father, it is absolutely inhumane to show his daughter abusing him. I don't feel safe at all. The netizens can clearly see how much sexual violence the military is doing. I am of the opinion that the lives of our women will not be safe until the military regime is destroyed because of this brutal army.”

In addition to the war zones, women are facing sexual violence in the military council's interrogation centers, and those working to help women's issues believe that the military council is committing these acts on purpose.

"During the current military conflict, including during the period of military rule in Myanmar, gender-based violence against women and girls continues to be perpetrated by the military, using sexual violence as a weapon of war. This is a war crime. There are too many urgent needs. Our country is failing from all sides, and needs are coming from all sides. There is a need for humanitarian assistance and security assistance for women fleeing war and refugee camps.

Norkhin Sanhtwe, general secretary of the Myanmar Women's Union, said.

Last June, the National Unity Government (NUG) announced that there were 108 cases of sexual violence committed by troops under the military council in more than two years after the coup.

RFA contacted General Zaw Min Tun, the spokesman for the Military Council, by phone regarding the criticism of the Military Council, but he did not answer the phone.

The leader of the Mandalay strike, Dr. Teja San, urged that the role of women in the anti-military revolution is important and they need to be protected.

"Without these women, our country's People's Spring Revolution would not have been successful. The power and role of women is very important. It's like the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. In our Myanmar Spring Revolution, the role and contribution of a large number of women is very important. All are equal. I would like to say that women are shouldering their respective responsibilities in the front line, in the middle, and in the rear of this revolution.

In order to protect Myanmar women's security, only international organizations including the United Nations can decide to take action and have ways to take action, according to Naw Se-se, campaigning director of the Karen Women's Association.

"We always urge the effective support necessary to ensure that protective mechanisms are put in place as soon as possible. As for the sexual violence and crimes committed by this army, there is currently no mechanism to bring about justice in our domestic system. The only thing that can help is this international justice and accountability mechanism. We need to discuss politics carefully and decide. When there are scenes that can only be implemented if they decide to punish the perpetrators, there are limits. But if the international community does it, I think there will be ways."

Women's activists are hoping to collect evidence and bring cases to international courts to bring justice to victims of military violence.

Jokowi: Indonesia needs leaders with big courage to face global dynamics

Jakarta - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that Indonesia needs a national leader who has great courage in facing the dynamics of global conditions.

"Regarding the leaders we choose,

be careful in choosing leaders. The challenges ahead are not getting lighter, but getting harder," said President Jokowi when delivering directions at the National Consolidation of Jokowi's Alap-Alap Volunteer Network at the Sentul International Convention Center (SICC), Bogor , West Java, Saturday.

He said that global dynamics were not in a good condition due to the influence of war, climate change and the food crisis.

This situation, he said, requires a leader who has courage and has great courage.

"Don't let us be sued, for example by the European Union, the World Trade Organization (WTO), we will become nervous. A country as big as Indonesia should not elect a leader who can be intimidated by any big country," he said.

In front of around 16 thousand Alap-Alap Volunteers, Jokowi said that the ideal Indonesian leader is one who dares to take risks for his people, not one who seeks safety.

"Leaders should not only look for congratulations, look for comfort, enjoy the pleasure of sitting in the Palace, sleeping in the Palace," he said.

On that occasion, Jokowi directed that the national leadership be someone who is willing to work hard and not shy away from every problem facing the Indonesian nation.

"We want to find leaders who are willing to work hard for their people. If there is a problem, don't run away, if there is a problem, dare to approach and solve it," he said.

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