The German Defense Minister calls for preparations for war in Europe

The German Defense Minister calls for preparations for war in Europe

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius called for adopting a new logic in society to confront crises such as those in the Middle East, and warned of the danger of war in Europe.
This came in an interview with the minister on the Berlin Direkt program on the German ZDF channel , where Pistorius expressed his belief that the conflict in the Middle East and the Russian military operation in Ukraine will have repercussions on German society, and called for “getting used to the idea of ​​the possibility of a threat of war in Europe.”

The minister said: “ Germany must be able to defend itself, which applies to the German army and society,” and stressed the need for Germany to become “fit for war.” At the same time, the minister said that the state will do its utmost to ensure that there is no further escalation in the conflict in the Middle East.

Pistorius rejected allegations that the federal government was too slow at the so-called turning point, and, according to him, not only was a special fund worth 100 billion euros created, but the structures were also changed.

But Pistorius said that the German army "has been neglected for a long time, and everything that has been corrupted in 30 years, unfortunately, cannot be made up for in 19 months." However, he stressed that Germany will be in a completely different position by the end of this decade. 

The President of Dagestani: What happened at Makhachkala Airport occurred at Ukrainian instigation

Dagestani President Sergei Melikov said that the riots that took place at Makhachkala Airport on Sunday were instigated by external forces managed from Ukraine.
Melikov explained that Dagestan's opponents abroad tried to destabilize the situation in the country, by encouraging residents of the republic to participate in the riots through the "Sabah Dagestan" channel via "Telegram", which is run from Ukraine.

He stressed that "the Dagestani people sympathize with the victims of oppressors and politicians and call for peace in Palestine," but what happened at the airport is a blatant violation of the law, stressing that the situation will be evaluated by the relevant authorities and appropriate measures will be taken in this regard.

He stressed that the participants in the Makhachkala Airport incident “stuck a knife in the backs of those who sacrificed their lives in 1999 defending the republic from terrorists, as well as those who are present today in the squares of the Northern Military District to preserve the safety of the motherland.”

Melikov talked about the state of the airport’s infrastructure after the riots. According to him, the equipment and facilities in Terminal B (the international departure hall) were not damaged, nor was the same in Terminal A (the domestic airline terminal).

Melikov pointed out that the airport will be restarted within two to three days, including international flights, “to compensate for Sunday’s events as quickly as possible,” noting that a criminal case has been filed in this regard, in which the facts of the accident documented by surveillance cameras were based.

He concluded that the situation in Dagestan is stable and calm following the riots, and all those involved will be punished without exception.

The Russian Air Transport Authority announced today that Makhachkala Airport in the Republic of Dagestan will resume receiving incoming flights starting tomorrow morning, after the events it witnessed “in protest against the arrival of a plane from Israel.”

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