Russian Defense: Neutralizing 600 Ukrainian soldiers and shooting down a warplane and 38 drones within a day

Russian Defense: Neutralizing 600 Ukrainian soldiers and shooting down a warplane and 38 drones within a day

Russian Defense announced on Saturday that Ukrainian losses over the past day included about 600 individuals, while the Russian army shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 plane in Zaporozhye and 38 drones in various areas.

This was stated in the Russian Defense Daily Report, and the following are the other most prominent points it included:

5 counterattacks on the Kubyansk axis were repelled and more than 40 Ukrainian soldiers were killed there
Losses of Ukrainian forces on the Krasny Liman axis exceed 65 soldiers
3 attacks were repelled on the Donetsk axis, and the enemy’s losses there amounted to 190 killed and wounded
3 attacks were repelled on the southern Donetsk axis, with about 225 Ukrainian soldiers killed or wounded
Eliminating about 50 Ukrainian soldiers on the Zaporozhye axis
In the Kherson direction, up to 30 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and two sabotage and reconnaissance groups on the Kherson axis were neutralized
Destruction of a warehouse of military technical materials near the city of Ilyichovsk, Odessa Province, and an ammunition depot in Kharkov Province,
Destruction of Ukrainian Air Force fuel depots at Ozernoye airports near the city of Zhytomir and Mirgorod in Poltava region
Hitting aviation weapons warehouses in Cherkassy district
Intercepting 7 HIMARS missiles and 4 US-made HARM anti-radar missiles.

Lithuanian border guards expel 54 migrants from the border into Belarus

The Lithuanian Ministry of the Interior said that, during the past 24 hours, members of its Border Guard Service prevented 54 illegal immigrants from trying to enter the country.
The ministry added in its statement: “During the past 24 hours, 54 immigrants were forced to return to Belarus, from whose territory illegal immigrants attempted to enter Lithuania, the largest number this year.”

According to the statement, the last time such a large number of attempts to illegally cross the Lithuanian-Belarusian border was recorded was in November 2022. The Lithuanian Ministry explained that on November 21, 57 illegal immigrants were expelled from the border.

As of August 2021, against the background of the migration crisis with mass attempts by migrants from Asian and African countries to cross from Belarus into Lithuania with the aim of reaching the European Union, the Vilnius authorities decided to return illegal immigrants to Belarus.

During the last period, 21.2 thousand people were expelled from the borders of Lithuania, and since the beginning of 2023, this number has reached 1,980.

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