Russia : A 30,000-year-old leather tanning workshop was found in Khakassia

Russia : A 30,000-year-old leather tanning workshop was found in Khakassia

Institute of Archeology and Ethnography

At the site of the Upper Stone Age settlement of Sabanikha in Khakassia, Russian archaeologists have discovered an ancient “workshop” for leather tanning and bone carving, about 30,000 years old.

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The statement of the information office of the Russian Science Foundation indicates that archaeologists from Novosibirsk, headed by archaeologist Anton Anoykin from the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Siberia, found in Sabanikha in the Republic of Khakassia, a site that was used to slaughter and dissect the animals that they hunted. The presence of a large number of scrapers, most of them broken, among the tools, and the presence of needles indicate that this place was a “workshop” for tanning leather and carving bones.

It is noteworthy that this site was discovered by Soviet archaeologists in 1989, 15 km from the town of Pervomaisk in the Republic of Khakassia, after which work on the site stopped until two years ago when archaeologists returned to the site again. Their return was crowned with numerous discoveries, such as a large stove with a diameter of one meter and a large number of stone and bone artifacts, including the oldest needle made of bone. and items made from antler and bone, as well as scrapers for processing hides and chisel-shaped tools that were supposedly used to process bones.

Discover the shortest "fast radio bursts" ever!

Since 2007, astronomers have been monitoring the skies for fast bursts of radio waves known as fast radio bursts (FRB).
Scientists' best guess so far about where these explosions come from is a type of super-magnetic dead star, called a magnetar.

Usually, fast radio bursts last for a fraction of a thousandth of a second, and release an amount of energy in this short time equivalent to what our sun releases in an entire day, but an international team of scientists reported evidence of the existence of fast radio bursts, each of which lasts for a period of “one part of a million.” of a second (microsecond). These are the shortest fast radio bursts observed to date.

Scientists observed these very short bursts coming from FRB 20121102A, a known source of fast radio bursts about three billion light-years away from us.

Previous searches missed these explosions because the observations were not fast enough. It was like trying to sift through sand to find rocks using a strainer, but the openings of the strainer were too large to capture the specific size of rocks that scientists were interested in.

The team needed data that could track changes down to millisecond timescales.

“By chance, I discovered that there was a public data set that we could use for this purpose,” study lead author Mark Snelders, an astronomer at the University of Amsterdam, said in a press release. The research team used data collected from the Green Bank Telescope to search for radio signals from intelligent aliens, part of a project known as “Breakthrough Listening.”

An international team of researchers have discovered radio pulses from the distant universe that last only millionths of a second. They found these microsecond bursts after a meticulous examination of archival data from the @nsf 's Green Bank Telescope.

El paper , in Nature Astronomy, which means that the repetidor rate of radiofrequency FRB 20121102A produces rfagas of microsegundos of duración with inferior duraciones a una decima part of the current FRB conocidot frequency.

When fast radio bursts travel through space, they acquire a characteristic curve, meaning some frequencies arrive first, while others are slowed by gas and dust on the way toward Earth. This information could help map out all the hard-to-see objects among stars and galaxies, leading astronomers to better understand how galaxies collect gas from the universe.

Microsecond-lasting fast radio bursts may be a more accurate tool for interstellar mapping than longer fast radio bursts.

These new results were published on October 19 in the journal Nature Astronomy.

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