Property of illegal immigrants to be confiscated after deadline: Balochistan Govt

Property of illegal immigrants to be confiscated after deadline: Balochistan Govt

Balochistan's caretaker provincial information minister John Achakzai further said that the property of these illegal foreigners will be confiscated after the deadline.

Jan Achakzai, the caretaker information minister of Balochistan, has said that no decision has been taken to extend the period given to foreigners living in Pakistan illegally to leave Pakistan . will be ported.

All foreign nationals residing illegally in Pakistan have been ordered to leave the country by October 31, 2023, and from November 1, the properties of those who do not comply will be confiscated. According to the government, this decision has been taken in the background of increasing terrorism in Pakistan.

While giving a press conference in Quetta on Saturday, John Achakzai said that 'all the arrangements in the special holding centers for illegal foreigners are in the final stages. Provision of basic facilities is being ensured in special holding centers. Drinking water, food items and other necessary arrangements are being ensured.

He reiterated that 'the state's decision to deport illegally staying foreigners will be ensured.'

He also said that after the completion of the final deadline, all relevant institutions will play their role in expelling illegal immigrants . Illegal persons from different countries will have to leave Pakistan in any case.'

Balochistan's caretaker provincial information minister John Achakzai further said that the property of these illegal foreigners will be confiscated after the deadline. The people renting them have also been ordered to vacate their place as soon as possible, otherwise action will be taken against them too.

Earlier, caretaker interior minister Sarfraz Bugti has also said that 'after November 1, no compromise will be made in the matter of the evacuation of foreigners residing illegally in the country.'

John Achakzai said in his recent press conference that 'action is also being taken against those who make illegal and fake identity cards. In this regard, the relevant institutions have collected data. Those who take illegal steps will be dealt with iron hands.'

During another press conference at Quetta Press Club on Friday, he said that some people are demanding immunity for Chaman and Spinboldak, no illegal demand of anyone will be accepted, no such relief will be given which will benefit them. To the 'terrorists'.

John Achakzai had further said that 'NADRA has currently blocked 70 thousand identity cards and 16 thousand people have returned from Balochistan so far.'

According to Pakistan's official TV, 310 more families consisting of 5,046 people have returned to Afghanistan . The total number of people returning to Afghanistan has reached 81 thousand 974.

Crackdown on protests: Has Indian policy on Palestine changed?

Many years before the establishment of Israel, Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the Indian independence movement, opposed the Jewish nation-state in Palestine and called it inhumane.

Rallies have been held in India for the past two weeks to express solidarity with Palestine . Despite being dispersed by the authorities, protesters believe they should still take to the streets in response to Israeli attacks on Gaza.

According to a report by Arab News the police stopped three rallies in the last week in the Indian capital alone, while the representative of the news agency saw dozens of protesters arrested during the rally held on Friday.

N Sai Balaji, former president of Jawaharlal Nehru University Students' Union, who organized the protest in front of the Israeli embassy on October 23, told Arab News, 'The protest is necessary. If you talk about 200 years before India's independence, we were fighting our own battles.

"Indian people fought against British colonialism and we got freedom. We see the Palestinians in the same way.'

 Even before independence from British colonial rule in 1947, support for Palestine was an important part of India's foreign policy. Palestine was under British rule from 1920 to 1948.

Israel , Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the Indian independence movement, opposed the Jewish nation-state in Palestine and called it inhumane.

AK Ramakrishnan, a professor at the Center for West Asian Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, told Arab News, "Mahatma Gandhi had expressed his views on this question at various times, especially during the early 20th century." Half of it was a massive Jewish migration from Europe to Palestine, which later resulted in the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.'

He quoted an interview Gandhi gave to the 'Harijan' magazine in 1938 and said: 'He (Gandhi) said that Palestine belonged to the Arabs just as England belonged to the British and France to the French. And this support was very important, even though he was under great pressure from the Jewish community and the World Zionist Organization to issue a statement in support of Jewish immigration to Palestine and their agenda.'

The stand of other independence leaders of India was not different from him. India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru was a supporter of the Non-Aligned Movement, but his administration eventually recognized Israel.

Ramakrishnan said, 'After independence, the Indian government under his leadership recognized the state of Israel, but there was no full relationship.

In this October 16, 2023 photo, a Palestinian man looks at the rubble of a building that was hit by an Israeli attack (AFP/Mohammed Abid).

Nehru's daughter Indira Gandhi, who became India's third prime minister in 1966, had a close relationship with Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat, often referring to her as his 'big sister'.

Dr Aamir Ali, assistant professor at JNU's Center for Political Studies, said, 'This is a clear example of how cordial relations were at that time.'

"Thousands of Palestinians studied in Indian universities in the 1970s and 1980s and were welcomed by Indian society," he added.

"Our relations with the Arab world have always been very good," Ali added, despite a marked shift in India's official policy since Prime Minister Narendra Modi took office in 2014.

However, according to Ali, this change was underway long before Modi came to power.

Gaza Protest
"I think the biggest change happened in the 1990s with the liberalization," Ali said. In 1992, we established diplomatic relations with Israel. Since then, India has tried to balance its policy between Israel and Palestine.

Sujata Aishwarya, a professor at the Center for West Asian Studies at Jamia Millia Islamia in New Delhi, said, "There has been a clear change in India's position since 2014, yet India has not gone as far as the United States, which in 2017 annexed occupied Jerusalem to Israel. recognized as the capital of Palestine, it no longer demands recognition of occupied East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.

Modi courted controversy by initially supporting Israel when Israel began daily bombardment of Gaza on October 7 following an attack by the Gaza-based group Hamas.

He said on social media that he was shocked by the 'terrorist' attack and that India stood 'in solidarity with Israel'.

Two days later, the Indian Ministry of External Affairs issued a statement saying that 'India has always advocated negotiations for the establishment of a sovereign, independent and viable state of Palestine'.

But Modi's post clearly encouraged Israel. Ambassador Noor Galvin told reporters in New Delhi last week that he wanted India to recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization, a matter he had raised with the government.

Ashuria said that he was not surprised by the ambassador's attempt to put pressure on the Indian government, given Israel's behavior at the international level.

He said, 'When the Secretary General of the United Nations said that there is context behind all the violence in the region, Israel demanded his resignation.

"Israel's morale is rising because the entire Western world with military and economic power is standing behind Israel. Israel has the courage because it has the support of everyone in the Western world.'

According to Ashuria, what the Israeli ambassador missed was that the word 'terrorist' in Modi's post referred to the attack rather than Hamas.

He said, 'He did not mean Hamas, Hamas is still not considered a terrorist organization in India's policy. As far as I understand foreign policy, India will not take any steps in this regard. Not in the near future.'

Ashutosh Singh, an assistant professor at Amity University in Noida, said any such move would be problematic for India.

Referring to a hero of India's independence movement in the early 20th century, he said, 'Calling Hamas a terrorist organization will raise many questions for Indians: Would you call Bhagat Singh a terrorist?' He was a staunch critic of British rule in India and was involved in two high-profile attacks on British officials, while being labeled a terrorist by Britain.

He added, 'Even those who do not believe in the ideology of Hamas do not call them terrorists. They call them militants, they are freedom soldiers. Although we do not support them, we will never condemn them because they are freedom fighters.'

Li Keqiang's body arrives in Beijing, China bans public events

Communist Party obituaries described Li Keqiang as a time-tested and loyal communist fighter, among other things, the same as former Prime Minister Li Peng.

The body of former Chinese Premier Li Keqiang arrived in Beijing on the evening of October 27, and a farewell ceremony is expected to be held at Babaoshan Cemetery within a week . Social media messages show that from now until November 3 , public events are prohibited in China, and all university club activities have been cancelled.

According to news from the Central News Agency on the 28th, online social media videos and pictures showed that the hearse carrying Li Keqiang’s body was transported from the Shanghai hospital to the airport on the 27th , and then airlifted by a special plane to the Xijiao Airport in Beijing, and then moved to the People’s Liberation Army General Hospital ( 301 Hospital) .

The official obituary of the Chinese Communist Party released on the evening of the 27th described Li Keqiang as an outstanding member of the Chinese Communist Party and a proven and loyal communist fighter, the same as former Prime Minister Li Peng. Hong Kong media Sing Tao Network reported that Li Keqiang’s funeral specifications will also be similar to those of Li Peng.

After Li Keqiang's death, the Chinese Communist Party authorities launched strong efforts to maintain stability and strictly prevent protests. Searching for Li Keqiang on the Internet can only see officially certified content; many universities have received orders to prohibit gatherings to mourn.

According to social media messages, public events in China are prohibited from October 28 to November 3. The authorities obviously want to prevent crowds from gathering to mourn Li Keqiang for fear of another June Fourth incident .

The Chinese Communist Party authorities currently only allow people to go to Li Keqiang's former residence in Hefei City, Anhui Province to lay flowers and mourn. There are music, business performances and other public events scheduled to be held throughout China during this period, and even the square dances that aunts dance every day and children's activities. Netizens reported that it was canceled from now until November 3 .

Internet screenshots show that the WeChat official account of the Peking University Film Association announced on the 27th that according to a notice from the school’s Youth League Committee, all screenings and other activities of the society will be canceled for some reasons from October 28 to November 3 . However, this notification has now been deleted.

Many college students said on Weibo that the school has informed that all club activities will be canceled for some reasons from now on, and the news is not allowed to be spread in the group. Some students said that this is not like the "ban on entertainment" after the death of leaders in the past, but more like the fear of gathering.

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