Palestinian Health: The death toll in the West Bank has risen to 51 people since last Saturday

SaturdaPalestinian Health: The death toll in the West Bank has risen to 51 people since last Saturday

Head of the Russian Council of Muftis to RT: Washington has a monopoly on resolving the Palestinian issue, and Israel does not want to solve it

Head of the Russian Council of Muftis to RT: Washington has a monopoly on resolving the Palestinian issue, and Israel does not want to solve it

The head of the Russian Council of Muftis, Sheikh Rawi Ain al-Din, confirmed that President Putin said, like all Muslims, “Al-Aqsa is in our hearts,” and thanked him for saying what Russian Muslims say on “Ramadan,” the day of solidarity with the Palestinian people.
Sheikh Ain al-Din said in statements to RT that what is happening in the land of Palestine reflects pain in the heart of every Muslim believer, indicating that this problem cannot be solved by bombing and killing people (Palestinians) until the independent state of Palestine is established.

Mufti Ain al-Din touched on what Russian President Vladimir Putin said about the Palestinian issue and said: “We thank our President Putin who spoke the words that Russian Muslims pronounce in the month of Ramadan when they celebrate the Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.”

Israel does not want to resolve the issue

He added: "Until now, unfortunately, the United Nations resolution has not been implemented by Israel. The Western world and the United States have monopolized the solution to the Palestinian issue , and Israel does not want to resolve the issue."

He assured RT that peace in the Middle East will not be achieved “until the international community realizes the necessity of establishing the State of Palestine.”

The Mufti stated that 25 million Muslims in Russia fear that this conflict may not remain regional but extend to the world, considering that Israel is on the path to genocide and the liquidation of the population of Gaza , “and this is unacceptable.”

He continued: "Even the Western world will condemn Israel after seeing its true face, and political differences stop, but when the conflict becomes between religions, it continues for decades and centuries."

Russia defends the establishment of the State of Palestine

Ain al-Din said that Russia defends justice with regard to the establishment of the State of Palestine, explaining that wiping cities off the face of the earth is "a crime and it is not permissible to kill civilians."

In his speech, he pointed out that the countries of the Islamic world trust and respect Russia, and I see support for President Putin’s policy on the part of the Islamic world.

He revealed the establishment of a special fund in Russia to help the Palestinians, indicating that through it medicines and foodstuffs are collected for them. He stressed the need for there to be a humanitarian corridor and for the supply of medicines, food and fuel not to stop in order for the electricity generators to work.

Approaching aircraft carrier shows weakness
Regarding the policy of Washington and Tel Aviv in this aspect, Ain al-Din stressed that the policy of the United States and Israel is irresponsible, considering that the approach of the American aircraft carrier to Gaza means that the United States is showing its weakness.

He said: "People who believed that the United States and Europe had democracy were disappointed. The world is changing and is no longer unipolar, and this is inevitable today."

Regarding peace, he stressed that there will be no peace unless Israel fulfills the promises it made. He said that in Israeli schools they teach children that they will kill Arabs, and from here I call for an end to the bloodshed and we need peace.

Putin: The worsening situation in the Middle East is a widespread tragedy resulting from failed American policies

UN resolutions must be implemented
Accordingly, all United Nations resolutions must be implemented, and there will be no peace without that, as a peaceful dialogue must begin, and this conflict will return after a period of time if the issue is not resolved and a Palestinian state is established on the condition that the rights of the Palestinians are respected, so that peace and security can be achieved for Israel.

In another context related to the Ukrainian crisis , the head of the Council of Muftis in Russia confirmed that the West saw that Russia was strong and moving towards victory, “so they decided to find a way out of Ukraine.”

He added: "We see how the West's support for Ukraine and Zelensky is gradually declining."

The former Polish president warns of civil war in his country and other countries

Former Polish President Lech Walesa said that Poland faces the risk of civil war due to the results of the planned parliamentary elections.

Polish opposition leader: Either we expel the ruling party or it expels us from the European Union
In an interview with the French magazine Point, Walesa warned of the seriousness of the situation in Poland ahead of the parliamentary elections, pointing out that such a development of events could cause civil wars not only in Poland, but also in other countries.

 He said: "The situation is dangerous, and I do not rule out the risk of a civil war in Poland. In the end, people will take to the streets in much larger numbers, and what I fear most is that they will take up arms."

He pointed out that "such a rebellion" would not affect Poland alone, but would affect a number of other countries.

Parliamentary elections are scheduled to be held in Poland on October 15, with intense competition between the Law and Justice Party, which has been ruling since 2015, and the Civic Coalition led by former President of the European Council, Donald Tusk.

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