On charges of "electronic incitement" Israel arrests Palestinian doctors, lawyers, and activists

On charges of "electronic incitement" Israel arrests Palestinian doctors, lawyers, and activists

The Prisoners' Club revealed that Israel has arrested Palestinians in the West Bank, the city of Jerusalem, and the 1948 territories, under the pretext of electronic incitement, explaining that among the detainees are doctors, lawyers, and activists.

The Palestinian Prisoners' Club confirmed on Thursday that the Israeli authorities are arresting Palestinians in the West Bank, the city of Jerusalem, and the 1948 territories. Under the pretext of “electronic incitement”, based on their posts on social media sites.
Amani Sarhana, media officer at the Palestinian Prisoner Club, stated that this campaign of arrests is generally escalating in the West Bank, including Jerusalem and the interior.
She explained that "there is no specific number regarding arrests against the backdrop of so-called incitement through posts on social media sites, coinciding with the war on Gaza."
Sahrna revealed that among the detainees are doctors, lawyers, and activists, and that the majority of detainees are being transferred to administrative detention (without being charged), while indictments are being filed against detainees in Jerusalem and inside.

Abu Ubaida calls on the masses to mobilize and march to the borders of Palestine

The spokesman for the Martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Ubaida, called on the Arab and Islamic masses to rally in front of the American and Israeli embassies in support of Al-Aqsa Mosque and Palestine, and to march and mobilize to the borders of Palestine.

The spokesman for the Martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Ubaida, called on the Arab and Islamic masses to rally in front of the American and Israeli embassies in support of Al-Aqsa Mosque and Palestine.

This came in an audio recording issued by Al-Qassam, in which the military spokesman confirmed the resistance’s readiness for a “long-term battle with the enemy.”

Abu Ubaida stressed that "the enemy will pay the price for its crimes in Gaza and Al-Aqsa Mosque."

Abu Ubaida attacked the United States and its support for the Israeli occupation army in its war on the Gaza Strip.

The military spokesman called on the masses of the Islamic and Arab nation to defend “the utmost part and the primary cause of the Arabs and Muslims, the issue of Palestine,” by gathering “in front of the embassies of the Zionist enemy and the United States, expelling their ambassadors, and closing the embassies.”

The Iranian ambassador to Lebanon considers stopping the fighting in Gaza the “first task” and comments on the American entry into the battle

The Iranian ambassador to Lebanon, Mojtaba Amani, said that the first task now is the need to stop the fighting in the Gaza Strip, stressing that the “resistance factions” will not remain silent in the face of the ongoing targeting of the Gaza Strip.

The Iranian ambassador added in an interview with the Lebanese Al-Manar TV channel that the Americans cannot enter the battle, indicating that their only goal is the survival of Netanyahu and Israel.

Amani considered that "the resistance factions will not remain silent in the face of the targeting of the Gaza Strip," explaining that "killing will not achieve any goal for the Zionist entity. and the Palestinian people will not remain silent about this killing."

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian warned last Monday that time was running out to “find political solutions” before the “expanding” scope of the war between Israel and Hamas became “inevitable.”

In turn, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the risk of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict escalating into a regional conflict is very high. He rejected attempts to blame Iran for everything, and stressed that Russia considers these attempts provocative.

On October 7, Hamas launched Operation “ Al-Aqsa Flood ,” during which thousands of rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip, and specific operations were carried out, including storming several settlements on the Gaza Strip, and street war clashes took place between Palestinian fighters and Israeli forces, which responded by launching Operation “Iron Swords.” Violent air strikes were launched on the Gaza Strip.

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