Kuala Lumpur chooses Sultan Ibrahim to be its next king

Kuala Lumpur chooses Sultan Ibrahim to be its next king

On Friday, the Malaysian royal family chose the Sultan of the southern state of Johor to be the country's next king.
The position is largely ceremonial, but he oversees major appointments such as prime minister, serves as the head of Islam for the Muslim-majority country and is commander-in-chief of its armed forces.

The system of government in Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy, but with a unique arrangement, as the rulers of the nine states of Malaysia, which have been headed for centuries by sultans from the Muslim royal family, rotate on the throne.

Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar was appointed the seventeenth king of the country after a conference of rulers in the capital, Kuala Lumpur.

The new king, who is 64 years old, will take the constitutional oath after the end of the current king’s term on January 31, and months later the coronation ceremony will take place.

This system has been in place since independence from Britain in 1957. The outgoing king, Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah, assumed the throne in 2019.

Ibrahim comes from a wealthy Johor family. He is a trained officer in the army, navy and air force. He also has a close relationship with Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and often comments on Malaysian politics. The king also has the power to pardon convicts. In 2018, Sultan Muhammad V, one of his predecessors, pardoned Anwar Ibrahim, who was serving a prison sentence for homosexuality.

The king enjoys great prestige in Malaysia, especially among the Muslim majority in the country. Any criticism seen as incitement to contempt of the king could lead to imprisonment.

The last time the Sultan of Johor assumed the throne was 39 years ago, when Sultan Iskandar's father, Ibrahim's father, was declared the eighth king of Malaysia in 1984.

Monkeypox sufferers in stable condition do not need antivirals

only a small group of patients are indicated to receive antivirals, namely the group that does have a risk of progression to severe disease
Jakarta - Internal medicine specialist, consultant for tropical and infectious diseases from RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) dr. Robert Sinto SpPD, K-PTI said that monkeypox sufferers do not need antivirals if their condition is stable.

"So, only a small group of patients are indicated to receive antivirals, namely groups who have a risk of progression to serious disease or patients who are already in serious condition," said Robert when confirmed in Jakarta, Friday.

He said that monkey pox sufferers can only be considered in serious condition and can be given antivirals if they have more than 100 lesions on their body or experience other symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting or high fever.

Other sufferers who can also be given antivirals are those whose lesions are located in vulnerable places, such as around the eyes which can cause blindness and in the throat which can block the airway.

Meanwhile, of the 14 active cases of monkey pox that were confirmed in Indonesia as of Thursday (26/10) and have received medical treatment, all are in stable condition and do not require antivirals.

Apart from that, he said that vaccination is very effective in preventing monkey pox, although not 100 percent, because there is no vaccine whose effectiveness level reaches that figure.

"Even though you can still get monkeypox , the size of the lesions is significantly smaller thanks to vaccination," he said.

Vaccination is also still effective as a post-exposure prevention for individuals who come into contact with confirmed patients.

However, on a separate occasion, Robert said that the government has not yet fully opened access to the monkeypox vaccine, because vaccine administration is currently prioritized for high-risk groups.

Moreover, there are still many ways that people can do to prevent contracting monkey pox apart from giving vaccines.

"We can also prevent infection without being given a vaccine, there are many steps that can be taken," said Robert in an online discussion with the DKI Jakarta Health Service some time ago.

One of the preventative steps that can be taken is to get used to living a clean and healthy life and avoiding close contact and sexual relations with monkey pox sufferers.

The military council of the three northern parties announced the operation and started fighting

Taang National Liberation Army TNLA While seeing some troops of Rakhine Army AA and Kokang Army MNDAA.

 Arakan Army
The three northern allies, the Taeng National Liberation Army (TNLA); The Kokan Army (MNDAA) and the Rakhine Army (AA) announced Operation No. (1027) and began attacking military council camps in northeastern Shan State today, October 27.

Kumlong, including the city of Lashio, where the Military Council's Northeast Military Headquarters is located. Shinni, Chin Shwe Ha, hold Namkham, The military council camps in important cities such as Kuk Khaing were attacked simultaneously by the three northern groups from 4 o'clock in the morning today.

In the statement released today by the three groups, to protect the lives and property of the public, to protect oneself In order to have more control over private areas, Air of the War Council To prevent continuous attacks day and night with heavy weapons, It is stated that this operation was carried out to eradicate the military dictatorship, which the entire people want, and to suppress the growing online gambling and money laundering gangs in the country, including the China-Myanmar border.

At the same time, the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNTJP/MNDAA) announced that the Lashio-Chin Shwe Haw and Lashio-Muse highways have been closed since 6:00 a.m. today in order to crack down on online fraud companies in Kokang region and to prevent the Military Council from adding more military forces. The MNDAA statement stated that no vehicle of any kind will be allowed to travel during the road closure.

Today, the situation is complicated and important bridges are broken due to the fighting. Ko Po Wa, who lives in Hopan town near Chin Shwe Hao town in Kokang region, told RFA that there were many casualties among civil servants.

"Along with Chin Shwe Hao Bridge, it is also known as Ho Pan Bridge (Fang Pier Bridge). We can also enter Hopan, Chin Shwe Ha is three and a half miles away. only four miles away; Chin Shwe Hao bridge is broken, The bridge at the entrance to Ho Pan was also broken. Since all the gates in Phong Phai were raided, the customs staff on duty at the gate Police personnel Many military personnel were killed. The residents of Chin Shwe Hao have fled to the (area) belonging to the "Wa" force called Nam Ti. Some are trapped in Chin Shwe Hao city.”

He said that the cargo route to Ho Pan has been cut off due to the broken Ho Pan Phong Wharf Bridge.

Residents said that the MNDAA forces raided the interior of Chin Shwe Hao this afternoon. In addition to Chin Rueh, Lauk Kai town in Kokang region was also reported to be raided by MNDAA forces, residents are worried and are preparing to relocate urgently, he said.

In Kut Khaing Township, Taang (TNLA) forces raided the Panse Militia Camp on the old Namphatka - Muse Road at 4 o'clock this morning and had a fierce battle with the Military Council.

The Namphatka village of Namphatka fell into the battle zone as the Military Council's Namphatka base camp fired back with heavy weapons, and two people died today. A local woman told RFA that five people were injured.

“The battle is all around. Di Nam Phat Ka - 12 miles on the road to Nam Kham. There is fighting on both sides of the 13th mile. I think there were more than thirty large weapons fired all morning. When the TNLA attacked those camps, there were battles. It's about five places above. Because of this, they threw large weapons from Namphatka, Throwing it like that, it's like falling back into Namphatka. Death is two deaths. An old man A child died laughing. Five were injured. Two houses and a family are affected like this."

Kuk Khaing: A 40-year-old man from Nakhon Khun village was killed by heavy weapons near Nung Swe and Nam Kuk villages near Nung Swe and Nam Kuk villages, a Kuk Khaing resident said.

According to further reports received until 4:00 p.m. Myanmar time, during the battle near Namkham town, heavy weapons, As it was reported that two children were killed by small arms fire, the death toll in Kut Khaing and Namkham townships from last night and today has reached a total of five, including three children.

In Mong Ko Township, the fighting between the Military Council and the MNDAA has been fierce since this morning, and until mid-afternoon, the Military Council came to shoot with two attack helicopters, local residents said.

The headquarters of the Military Council's Northeast Regional Military Headquarters is located in Lashio Township. ear Some military council camps near villages such as Mechinu were attacked this morning, and a road tax collection station in Ho Bin village was also attacked, he said. Residents of Lashio said that they heard the sound of heavy weapons until 7 o'clock this morning.

Due to the complicated situation in the villages around Lashio, many people died. The exact condition of the injured is not yet known, and a rescue worker said that the two injured have been sent to the hospital.

"Currently, two have been sent to the hospital. That's the rest, I still don't know. Only two can be taken out, I still can't call out the rest. All (the fugitives) are being sent to Mansu Shan School. We still can't estimate (deaths and injuries)"

He said that the military situation in those areas was still tense until noon today.

RFA reached out to TNLA spokesperson Lt. Col. Tai Kyaw about the operation that started today, but he has not been able to get in touch. We are still trying to contact Kokang MNDAA and Rakhine Army AA.

As of this afternoon, the military council has yet to release any information about these battles. RFA called General Zaw Min Tun, the spokesman for the military council, today, but he did not pick up the phone. This morning, Chin Shwe Hao, hold Shinni, Major General Zaw Min Tun told some local media that the battle took place in Kumlong and Lashio townships, and some police and military personnel from the Chin Shwe Haw Pier and Tap Bridge outpost were injured.

Locals said that the Military Council has closed the bridges on Lashio-Muse and Lashio-Lokkai highways.

The operation launched by the three northern groups today is retaliation for the military council's pressure on their ally Kachin National Liberation Army (KIA) headquarters in Laiza. U Than Soe Naing, a military analyst, analyzed.

"I consider this to be a regional strategic movement of the entire northern region centered on Shan State. The goal of this strategy is, as they say, to attack online games in their region, What did you say? But I see that the goal of this regional strategy is to attack from the three brothers in order to counter-offensive the military council's attempt to seize Laiza."

A political analyst based in Shan State said that the current operation is being led by the Kokang forces and that they are attacking the towns of Lauk Kai and Chin Shwe Hao in the Kokang region.

MDY-PDF spokesperson Osmon told RFA that the Mandalay Region People's Defense Force will participate in the current operation, along with the three Northern Sisters. Similarly, the Burman People's Liberation Army (BPLA) announced that it will participate.

In August 2019, the three Northern Twins, including Pyin Oo Lwin University of Technology and Nung Cho Gokdung Bridge, Nung Cho, in northern Shan State, Kut Khaing In Muse and Lashio Township, there have been serious operations like this.

National Unity Government The Ministry of Defense announced this evening on October 27 that it welcomed the "Operation 1027" of the three northern allies that started today.

According to the latest news, the Taang National Liberation Army (TNLA) fired at Lashio Airport continuously at around 2:00 p.m. today, so the Lashio Airport has been closed and all flights have been suspended since this evening, Lashio residents told RFA.

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