“Chad has no lessons to learn from the United States” ministry of justice

“Chad has no lessons to learn from the United States” ministry of justice

N'Djamena reacted Tuesday to the statements of the spokesperson for the American State Department on the deadly repression of October 20, refusing to have lessons dictated to it by the United States.

The Ministry of Justice and Human Rights takes offense at this statement from the United States published on October 20 in which, among other things, the transitional authorities are asked to open an investigation to identify the perpetrators of this repression, but also those responsible for the death of four demonstrators killed in front of the United States embassy in N'Djamena on October 20, 2022.

"Biased decisions in the form of injunctions" the Chadian Ministry of Justice described these remarks, he reaffirmed the sovereignty of his country before adding that the Chadian government has already taken measures to shed light on these events. .

Investigations were launched in the regions where demonstrations took place, and the competent courts issued decisions independently. Some of the people convicted were then pardoned by the Transitional President as part of his policy of national reconciliation, details the ministry.

In its October 20 statement, the American department was outraged that no investigation had been opened against the police who used force against peaceful demonstrators. The repression of the peaceful march of October 20, 2022 against the extension of the military transition in Chad left around sixty dead according to the government and more than 300, according to the organizers. The National Human Rights Commission, for its part, speaks of 128 cases of death. 

We also do not know whether the government has taken any steps to investigate the subsequent detention and deaths of protesters in custody. For Chad to successfully transition to democratic elections, the government must create the conditions for the unarmed opposition and civil society groups to fully participate in the political process, the statement added .

For N'Djamena, it is out of the question to be dictated to by the United States for the handling of legal cases and respect for human rights. The ministry also underlined that several investigation files linked to the events of October 20, 2022 were in progress, currently in the hands of the investigating offices and the judicial police.

South Africa: employees blocked in a mine by trade unionists

It is a union conflict using unprecedented methods which is currently taking place in South Africa. For two days now, workers have reportedly been blocked inside a mine by members of a rival union.

According to Jon Hericourt, who is the director of the gold mine, on Monday, around fifteen men were injured during a fight. Very few details are available regarding the origin of this incident. The statements of people on site are also contradictory.

But according to Jon Hericourt, it all started when union miners allegedly prevented others from leaving the mine after the end of their night's work. One of their demands would be to be the only ones to represent the workers of this mine located east of Johannesburg.

Union violence, which often resembles a turf war, is not new in South Africa. In 2012, a conflict between two powerful unions led to the deaths of four people in the largest platinum mine in the world, located in the north of the country. Two police officers who tried to restore calm were also beaten to death by workers.

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