Biden and climbing the stairs repeated stumbles

Biden and climbing the stairs repeated stumbles

US President Joe Biden tripped on a ladder again, this time while trying to get on stage at an event in Philadelphia.
As was clear from the broadcast of the event, the 80-year-old American leader, who intends to be re-elected for a new term in 2024, only had to go through about five steps to get onto the stage.

Biden was unable to cover this distance without problems and stumbled twice, but he remained standing on his feet after grabbing the iron sides of the ladder.

At the end of September, there were reports that the president's team was taking additional measures to prevent him from stumbling and falling in public, at a time when he was preparing to run in the upcoming presidential elections.

Last June, Biden fell at the US Air Force Academy graduation ceremony in Colorado, tripping over a box at his feet.

Biden had previously stumbled on more than one occasion while climbing the plane stairs, which raised questions about his health and ability to carry out his duties.

Republicans nominate a Trump ally for the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives

The US Republican Party nominated Representative Jim Jordan, who is considered an ally of former President Donald Trump, to head the House of Representatives.
Jordan chairs the Judicial Affairs Committee in the House of Representatives, and is affiliated with the extreme right-wing movement within the Republican Party.

Jordan is known for his support of former US President Donald Trump, especially during his efforts to cancel the results of the 2020 presidential elections.

Jordan also plays a tangible role in the investigations into President Joe Biden, which are being conducted by the House of Representatives.

Republican Scalise withdraws his candidacy for Speaker of the US House of Representatives
Former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy said: "I think Jordan will do the job wonderfully. We have to get things back on track."

Currently, Jordan is the only candidate for the Presidency of the House of Representatives. He will have to obtain a majority of votes when the House of Representatives votes on his appointment, but it is noteworthy that not all Republicans want to see him as Speaker of the House.

This comes against the backdrop of deep differences between Republicans in the House of Representatives, which led to the failure of the election of former candidate Steve Scalise as the new Speaker of the House on Thursday.

The position of Speaker of the US House of Representatives has been vacant for 10 days, after Kevin McCarthy was removed from the presidency.

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