The Azerbaijani army removes symbols of Armenian armed groups in Karabakh

The Azerbaijani army removes symbols of Armenian armed groups in Karabakh

The Azerbaijani army is working to remove symbols of armed groups that were supported by Armenia in the Karabakh region. Among the symbols removed by the Azerbaijani army is the so-called “Victory Monument” to the Armenians in the First Karabakh War.

The Azerbaijani army is working to remove symbols of the entity that was supported by Armenia, in Karabakh after its liberation, on the one hand, and on the other hand, it provides humanitarian support to Armenian civilians in the region.

These steps come after the Azerbaijani army launched an anti-terrorism operation "with the aim of establishing constitutional order in the Karabakh region."

Among the symbols removed by the Azerbaijani army was the so-called “Victory Monument” of the Armenians in the First Karabakh War.

The army also removed a tank on the road between the cities of Shusha and Khankendi. It was destroyed by the Azerbaijani national hero, Albert Agaronov, before the First Karabakh War, and after the war, the Armenians considered it a symbol of “victory.”

Pictures of the army raising the Azerbaijani flag in the region spread on social media.

Activists shared scenes of the Azerbaijani army treating wounded Armenians in the region.

On September 19, 2023, the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense announced, in a statement, the launch of an anti-terrorism operation “with the aim of establishing constitutional order in the Karabakh region.”

On Wednesday, the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense announced that an agreement had been reached for Baku to stop its operation against terrorism in the Nagorno-Karabakh region, for the illegal Armenian armed groups and the Armenian armed forces present in Nagorno-Karabakh to disarm, and to evacuate their military sites.

Erdogan: Recognizing the Turkish state of Northern Cyprus is the only way to resolve the island

Turkish President Erdogan stressed not to recognize any other options for resolving the Cyprus issue other than recognizing the Turkish state of Northern Cyprus.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that recognizing the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as an independent state is the only and most effective step that will contribute to resolving the Cyprus issue.

Erdogan added: "Recognition by one country after another of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as an independent state will serve peace and stability in the Eastern Mediterranean."

This came during a statement he made to reporters on Thursday, at the conclusion of his visit to New York, USA, to participate in the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

He added: "Recognizing the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as an independent state is the only and most effective step that will contribute to resolving the Cyprus issue, and we do not recognize other options."

He continued: "Our approach to the Cyprus issue has been clear for a long time, and it has now become clearly understood that the union formulas are unrealistic and will not succeed, and rejecting this fact is nothing but imposing a dead end on the island."

He continued: "We have striven to find a just and lasting two-state solution in Cyprus, and we have called on our interlocutors to achieve this."

He stressed by saying: “We are determined to preserve the rights of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus until the end, within the framework of the guarantor right granted to us by international law.”

Erdogan expressed his expectation that the path opened by the accession of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to the Organization of Turkish States as an observer member would continue.

He continued: "Our next road map includes effective steps that must be taken towards the full protection of the rights of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and its integration into the international system."

In response to a question about the statements of Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis regarding the start of a new dialogue at the Thessaloniki Forum, and his meeting with him in New York, Erdogan replied: “Our Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan will meet with the Greek Foreign Minister on this issue, and likewise my chief foreign and security policy advisor, Ambassador Akif Cagatay, will work.” "Kilig, with his Greek interlocutor. Our goal is to dispel the turbulent atmosphere in the Aegean Sea."

He continued: “But the most important step for us now is the Thessaloniki summit, God willing, and it will represent an important leap forward between Turkey and Greece. Our foreign ministers will carry out the initial preparations, and we will hold this summit in Thessaloniki on December 7, and through this summit, we hope that We see that many things have changed."

He continued: “Recently, both countries have been exposed to the challenges of natural disasters. These negative situations have brought our two countries closer in terms of cooperation, and the increase in high-level contacts in the recent period has supported the current positive atmosphere, and I hope that our consultative contacts after the Thessaloniki summit in the coming period will make the path more positive.” ".

He added: "Turkey and Greece need to stay away from steps and statements that would damage the atmosphere of trust, and we must take steps together in this area so that the next path can proceed safely."


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