Sunday Times : The Ministry of Homeland Security exposes "patriotic overseas Chinese leaders" as American spies.

 Insider scholar: This is China's method of instigating foreigners to rebel.

After the British "Sunday Times" reported on Sunday ( 10th ) that it uncovered a case of British parliamentary researchers collecting intelligence for China, China's Ministry of National Security suddenly announced a day later that Liang Chengyun, who had been sentenced to life imprisonment for espionage as early as mid-May, was arrested by the United States. The process of "personalization" over the past 30 years. Some scholars have analyzed that what China "announces" is actually their usual tactic; the United States, the United Kingdom and other countries have recently announced in turn that they have cracked Chinese espionage cases, indicating that democratic countries are alert to the omnipresence of Chinese infiltration. 

Liang Chengyun, a "patriotic overseas Chinese leader" born in Hong Kong, was accused of spying for the United States. The Chinese court sentenced him to life imprisonment as early as mid-May this year. However, on Monday ( 11th ), the WeChat official account of China’s Ministry of National Security suddenly published a post titled “American Meritorious Spy Caught in China” to reveal more details. 

The Ministry of National Security stated that 78 -year- old Liang Chengyun went to the United States to run a restaurant in 1983. Three years later, he was interviewed many times by U.S. intelligence agents for cooperation. The two parties formally signed a "cooperation agreement" in 1989 , recruiting Liang as an informant, and promised He was paid US$ 1,000 per month and received bonuses based on performance; in the same year, Liang Chengyun was naturalized in the United States. 

The CCP admitted in disguise that some Chinese personnel had fallen into a "sex trap"

The Ministry of Homeland Security described that the United States "worked hard" to create a "persona" for Liang Chengyun, "disguising" himself as an influential American entrepreneur and a "patriotic philanthropist" in order to carry out espionage and intelligence activities; through meals, visits, Organize overseas Chinese group activities and other methods to infiltrate Chinese institutions and personnel in the United States to spy on intelligence and monitor overseas Chinese in the United States. When he learns that Chinese personnel are going to the United States, Liang Chengyun will report to the U.S. intelligence agencies through a special contact method and cooperate with the These people who went to the United States were brought to restaurants or hotels equipped with surveillance equipment to obtain intelligence and even set up pornographic traps in an attempt to coerce and incite Chinese people to rebel. It is worth noting that this statement from the Ministry of National Security is a disguised admission that some Chinese personnel have fallen into a "pornography trap." 

The article mentioned that after the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in 2020 caused the suspension of international flights, the United States, eager to obtain Chinese intelligence, "directed" Liang Chengyun to use multiple identity documents at the end of the same year to "sneak" into mainland China via Hong Kong and frequently participate in various social activities , extensively contacted people from all walks of life in China to spy and collect intelligence. 

Lai Rongwei, an assistant professor at Longhua University of Science and Technology, said in an interview with this station that China's announcement of the details of Liang Chengyun's case is more or less retaliatory. 

Lai Rongwei said: The current way of overturning old cases may be that there have been no recent cases. Of course, this is possible, but it does not mean that he has not been arrested. He is also worried that the whole world will deal with him in this way. 

He believes that the "description" of Liang Chengyun by the Ministry of National Security is actually China's own usual infiltration and intelligence methods. 

Lai Rongwei said: China's way of attracting spies is nothing more than money and women. He can use money, materials, emotional relationships, and friendship. For example, if he is targeting a certain key infrastructure in Taiwan, it may be a government department or an important technology manufacturer. He may be targeting this person because he cannot be reused, and someone in his unit is indebted to him and treats him badly, and he wants to take advantage of his revenge. psychology. 

Since August , the United States, Canada and even the latest UK have successively disclosed cases of cracking down on Chinese spyware. Lai Rongwei believes that this is the result of democratic countries becoming aware that China is using various means to infiltrate and strengthening their vigilance. 

According to information, Liang Chengyun was sentenced to life imprisonment for espionage in the Suzhou Intermediate People's Court of Jiangsu Province in May this year, deprived of political rights for life, and had 500,000 yuan of personal property confiscated . 

Western tourists are losing interest in China

China reopened its doors after the epidemic, but it can no longer attract foreign tourists. This year, it officially implemented the anti-espionage law, resulting in a significant decrease in inbound tourists.

Chinese officials announced the number of inbound tourists last month. The number of foreigners entering China fell sharply in the first half of 2023, reaching about half of the number before the epidemic. According to Chinese official data, there were 8.438 million foreigners entering and exiting China in the first half of 2023. Although it is still a large number, if compared with the figure of 48.838 million in the first half of the epidemic, it can be said that there is a huge gap. It fell by nearly 83%.

Seoul : “Kim Jong-un visits Russia at invitation of Putin to hold summit meeting”

North Korea and Russia announced that North Korean Workers' Party General Secretary Kim Jong-un will visit Russia and hold a summit meeting at the invitation of President Vladimir Putin . Reporter Hong Seung-wook reports from Seoul .

North Korean state media announced on the 11th that North Korean Workers' Party General Secretary Kim Jong-un will visit Russia at the invitation of President Vladimir Putin .

According to this, Secretary General Kim will meet Russian President Putin and hold a summit meeting during his visit .

The Russian Kremlin also officially confirmed the North Korean leader's visit to Russia at a press briefing that day, saying, " Secretary General Kim will receive an invitation from President Putin and come to Russia within a few days . "

The news that South Korean intelligence authorities had determined that a train believed to be carrying Secretary General Kim Jong-un was moving to Vladivostok, Russia was delivered late this afternoon .

South Korea's Yonhap News reported this, quoting multiple government officials who said, " Kim Jong-un appears to be moving away from Pyongyang . "

Japan's Kyodo News also cited a Russian government source and predicted that a North Korea-Russia summit would likely be held on the evening of the 12th along with the news of Secretary General Kim's move .

Previously, the South Korean government raised the possibility that the leaders of North Korea and Russia could meet on this day, raising concerns that the two sides could discuss military cooperation plans . These are the words of Jeon Ha-gyu, spokesperson for the South Korean Ministry of National Defense and Koo Byeong-sam, spokesperson for the South Korean Ministry of Unification .

Jeon Ha-gyu, Spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Korea : The Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Korea assesses that Kim Jong-un is likely to visit Russia . If he visits, he is believed to be pursuing a plan to hold a meeting with Russian President Putin .

Koo Byeong-sam, Spokesperson for the Ministry of Unification of the Republic of Korea : The South Korean government is concerned about the possibility of military cooperation between North Korea and Russia, which has recently been raised , and we make it clear once again that cooperation between the two countries should not undermine international norms and peace on the Korean Peninsula .

South Korean Foreign Minister Park Jin said in a broadcast that day that “ the government is very concerned ” about the attempted arms trade between North Korea and Russia and that Korea is reviewing possible response measures .

Minister Park said at the meeting, “ Tensions on the Korean Peninsula are still heightened due to North Korea’s threat of provocations , and if North Korea and Russia attempt to engage in arms trade, the situation will worsen, ” adding, “ It could pose a threat to peace and security in Northeast Asia and around the world.” “Therefore, no transaction should take place, ” he warned .

He went on to emphasize that “ arms transactions involving North Korea are a violation of UN Security Council resolutions, ” and that “ it is right for Russia, as a responsible permanent member of the Security Council, to refrain from such actions , and if they are carried out, we will strongly urge them to stop . ”

At a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on the sidelines of the G20, or 20 major countries' summit the day before, Minister Park said, “ North Korea-Russia relations will be developed in a direction that contributes to peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia while complying with UN Security Council resolutions.” “ It must proceed, ” he said .

Experts in South Korea also predicted that if the North Korea-Russia summit is held, discussions on military cooperation centered on arms trade will take place between the two sides . These are the words of Cho Han-beom, senior research fellow at the Korea Institute for National Unification .

Cho Han-beom, Senior Research Fellow, Korea Institute for National Unification : There is a high possibility that cooperation will be discussed in which North Korea provides ammunition and military supplies and receives food , fertilizer , energy sources , military technology , and advanced weapons from Russia . So, military cooperation , North Korea's supply of military supplies and Russia's payment for it seem to be the key agenda .

Cho Han-beom, a senior researcher at the Korea Institute for National Unification, predicted that there is a high possibility that the war between Russia and Ukraine will continue for some time , and that discussions on cooperation in preparation for this will take place between North Korea and Russia .

Yang Moo-jin, president of the University of North Korean Studies, also predicted that there is a high possibility of military cooperation being discussed between the two sides, and that the dispatch of North Korean workers to Russia and food issues will also be addressed at the summit .

The U.S. government previously announced that arms trade negotiations were progressing, with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu visiting North Korea in July and the two leaders exchanging letters .

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