Moscow responds to Pashinyan's accusations: We saved him from a crushing defeat in 2020 ok

Moscow responds to Pashinyan's accusations: We saved him from a crushing defeat in 2020 ok

The Russian Foreign Ministry launched a scathing attack against Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan after he accused Moscow of failing its forces in their mission, noting that the efforts of the Russian president prevented a crushing defeat for Armenia against Azerbaijan in the fall of 2020.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is evading responsibility for the failures of his country's internal and foreign policies by making accusations against Russia.

The Russian Foreign Ministry's statement on Monday described the accusations made by Pashinyan against Russia in his "Independence Day" message as unacceptable and damaging to the relations of the two countries.

Pashinyan accused Russia, which has deployed a battalion in the Nagorno-Karabakh region since 2020, of “failing in its mission to preserve the peace of the Nagorno-Karabakh region.”

Pashinyan said in a televised speech on the occasion of “Independence Day” on Thursday, September 21: “I do not think we should ignore the failure of the peacekeeping battalion in Karabakh.”

In its statement, Moscow accused Pashinyan of putting Russian-Armenian relations “into a process of destruction provoked by the West,” and that he had been preparing Armenia for a long time in order to distance it from Russia.

The statement indicated that Russia has provided and will continue to provide security, economic and cultural assistance to Armenia, and that the efforts of President Vladimir Putin have prevented a crushing defeat for Armenia against Azerbaijan in the fall of 2020.

The statement said: “If Pashinyan had accepted the ceasefire weeks ago, the losses would have been less.”

On September 19, the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense announced in a statement the launch of an anti-terrorism operation “with the aim of establishing constitutional order in the Karabakh region.”

One day later, the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense announced that representatives of the Armenian population in Karabakh submitted a request through the Russian peacekeeping forces stationed in the region, according to which an agreement was reached for Baku to stop its operation against terrorism in the region, and to evacuate the illegal Armenian armed groups and the Armenian armed forces from Karabakh. He lost his weapons and evacuated his military positions.

On September 27, 2020, the Azerbaijani army launched an operation to liberate its occupied territories in Karabakh, and after fierce battles that lasted 44 days, Azerbaijan and Armenia reached a Russian-brokered ceasefire agreement, stipulating that Baku would regain control over its occupied territories.

Study: The high cost of living crisis in Britain is causing the average lifespan of the population to shrink

A new study has confirmed the shrinking lifespan of the population in the United Kingdom, and the increasing gap between the poor and the rich, as a result of the high cost of living and inflation crisis in the country, calling for the necessity of government intervention.

A scientific study, published by BMJ Public Health magazine on Monday, expected that the high cost of living crisis in the United Kingdom would cause the population to “shorten the lifespan” and “widen the gap” between the rich and the poor in terms of health services.

The study recorded an increase in the percentage of people who “die prematurely” (under the age of 75) by about 6.5% due to the continued rise in prices for long periods.

It is likely that the poorest families will witness a number of deaths four times higher than what would be recorded among the richest families, with poor families spending a greater percentage of their income on energy bills, which have witnessed a significant increase.

The study examined the impact of inflation on death rates in Scotland in 2022-2023, with and without mitigating measures such as government support that contributes to reducing household bills.

She explained that if no similar measure is implemented, inflation may cause the death rate to increase by 5% in the least poor areas, and 23% in the poorest areas.

The study confirmed that these two percentages would decrease to 2% and 8% if the state intervened, with a total rate of about 6.5%.

“Our study contributes to providing evidence of the importance of the economy to population health,” the researchers stated.

They noted that “the implementation of government policies is not sufficient to protect health and prevent worsening inequalities.”

The UK inflation rate unexpectedly slowed in August to 6.7% from 11.1%, but remains the highest among G7 countries.


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