Gaza : Palestinian institutions call for marching towards Al-Aqsa and protecting it from settlers, and demand that the resistance be alert and prepared

Jerusalem : Israel intensifies its security preparedness on the eve of the Jewish holidays The first public visit A Houthi delegation visits Riyadh to discuss peace in Yemen Gaza : Palestinian institutions call for marching towards Al-Aqsa and protecting it from settlers, and demand that the resistance be alert and prepared Many Palestinian institutions called on residents of the West Bank, occupied Jerusalem, and the 48 territories to march, young and old, men, women and children, to Al-Aqsa Mosque and the permanent ribat in it, to protect it from the plans of settlers . It also called on the Palestinian resistance to be alert and prepared for any emergency.  The Jerusalem Department, in the Association of Scholars, called on the Arab and Islamic peoples to “raise a single wave in the face of tyranny, and to put pressure on their governments to stand up to this tyranny, curb the occupation, and restore freedom to Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is subject to repeated and escalating violations by extremist Zionist groups.”  She said that these coming days are full of surprises, anticipating that the current Jewish holiday season will be “the heaviest season in the history of Al-Aqsa since its occupation.”  The department also directed its call to the world at all levels to stand up to its responsibilities to “repel the brutal aggression against our sanctities and to make the enemy understand that our channel will not relent, and that our blood is cheap in order to defend Al-Aqsa Mosque,” ​​and called on the resistance to “be alert and prepared for every emergency,” and said, “ Our mosque is without souls, so it is unfortunate that a weapon cannot protect Al-Aqsa Mosque.”  Extremist settlement groups are preparing to carry out massive incursions into Al-Aqsa Mosque and hold “Talmudic rituals” during the upcoming Jewish holidays, the first of which is on Sunday, after they carried out a storming in which tens of thousands of settlers participated in the Buraq Wall area at dawn on Friday.  The Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs has warned of the danger of Jewish holidays and the accompanying provocations by settlers and their desecration of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.  She said in a statement she issued that the settlement groups, the alleged extremist “Temple” groups, and the herds of Jewish settlers “desecrate the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, in light of what is falsely called Jewish holidays,” noting that these Jewish holidays coincide with the increasing pace of Judaization of Jerusalem and the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and the obliteration of the Arab-Islamic character of the city. Holy places, the fight against Palestinian education there, and the high numbers of intruders.  She strongly rejected the attacks on the stationed in Al-Aqsa, and the provocation of the feelings of Muslims, and she warned, “We place everyone at their religious, historical, and civilizational responsibilities in the face of these Jewish holidays, which are intended to violate the sanctity of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and attack Jerusalemites.”  It stressed the need for all concerned parties to intervene to “stop this brutal aggression against the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and the people of Jerusalem.” It also called on the Palestinian resistance to stand by the people in their defense of their sanctities and the people of Jerusalem in these dangerous times.  The Ministry stressed its call on all Palestinians from the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the 48 regions, and everyone who can reach the mosque, to travel and bond in it, and to maintain congregational prayers and seclusion in it, and to maintain knowledge circles in it, in order to thwart the occupation’s plans behind these dangerous Jewish holidays.  In this context, the Human Center for Democracy and Rights warned of the occupation’s racist practices in Al-Aqsa Mosque and its surroundings, through deportations, arrests, and attacks on Jerusalemites and those stationed in Al-Aqsa Mosque, in preparation for settlers’ incursions on Jewish holidays during the current month until the beginning of October.  He pointed out that the occupation seeks to establish a new stage in Al-Aqsa Mosque, by imposing a temporal and spatial division, and imposing a geographical and demographic reality, in line with the plans and projects of the settlers, and facilitating their incursions into Al-Aqsa and the performance of their Talmudic rituals, in a way that violates the religious sanctity of the place.  He said that according to the center’s monitoring, the repeated assault and storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque has become a daily occurrence in the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque. On the other hand, worshipers are prevented from entering it and force is used to remove them, which threatens a real danger to Al-Aqsa Mosque as the occupation seeks to impose its control over it and implement their racist plans.  The Center stressed that the silence of the international and Arab community “is what encouraged the occupation to commit violations and racist practices against the Palestinians, and to attempt to impose control over Al-Aqsa Mosque in a manner that violates international humanitarian law, the principles of international legitimacy, and international resolutions regarding the holy city.”  The Center for Human Rights condemned the occupation’s attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque, and stressed that they are considered “characteristics of the Israeli settler-colonial system based on apartheid.”  He called for the government of Jordan, the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the League of Arab States to do their part to preserve Islamic holy sites. He also called on the international community to intervene to stop the Judaizing practices of the occupation in the Holy City, hold the occupation accountable, and pressure it to stop its racist practices, stop the policy of double standards and double standards, and work hard to Providing protection for Palestinians and holy sites under attack.   The first public visit A Houthi delegation visits Riyadh to discuss peace in Yemen The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced that it had sent an invitation to the Houthi group in Sanaa for a delegation to visit Riyadh, in the first public visit since the outbreak of the war, with the aim of completing meetings and discussions on the peace process, and the final formula for a permanent and comprehensive ceasefire.  Saudi Arabia is hosting a Houthi delegation to discuss the peace process in Yemen, nine years after the outbreak of war in the impoverished country, in the first public visit of the Houthis to the kingdom.  The Saudi News Agency (SPA) said that Riyadh “sent an invitation to a delegation from Sanaa to visit the Kingdom to complete meetings and discussions.”  A Houthi official confirmed earlier that an Omani plane transported “a Houthi delegation including ten people in addition to five Omanis” from Sanaa to Riyadh, while a Houthi official stated that “the duration of the visit is five days.”  This is the first public visit by a Houthi delegation to the Kingdom since it launched a military campaign at the head of a coalition to stop the advance of the Iran-allied group in 2015.  The visit comes about five months after a Saudi delegation visited Sanaa to discuss the peace process.  Political sources in Sanaa reported that the Houthis are expected to discuss with Saudi officials the "final formula" for a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire.  Yemen has been mired in a war for power between the Houthis and the government since mid-2014, which has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries, and the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, according to United Nations estimates.  The intensity of fighting in Yemen declined significantly after a UN-brokered ceasefire that entered into force in April 2022.    Jerusalem : Israel intensifies its security preparedness on the eve of the Jewish holidays The Israeli police announced on Thursday that they had completed preparations before the start of the Jewish holidays tomorrow, Friday. She said that thousands of members were deployed in the city of Jerusalem, while a closure would be imposed on the West Bank and Gaza.  The Israeli authorities are intensifying their preparations, in the city of Jerusalem, on the eve of the Jewish holidays, which begin tomorrow evening, Friday.  The Israeli police said in a statement on Thursday that it had “completed its preparations for the events of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, which will be celebrated this month.”  She added: “Meanwhile, police preparations for holiday events continue , as thousands of police officers, security forces and volunteers will be deployed throughout the city, with a focus on crowded places, holy places and entertainment venues.”  The police explained that they would work to increase “the security system and police activity along traffic routes and worshipers’ routes,” according to the statement.  The Israeli police chief in Jerusalem, Doron Turgeman, announced in a meeting with reporters on Wednesday evening: “During the holiday season in Jerusalem, every Jewish synagogue in the city will have armed guards.”  On Thursday, the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation (official) said that the army “will impose a closure on the West Bank and Gaza Strip, starting from Friday afternoon, until Sunday evening, on the occasion of Rosh Hashanah.”  During the closure, Palestinians are prevented, except in emergency cases, from crossing the checkpoints into Israel, and the movement of people and goods to and from the Gaza Strip is prohibited.  On Friday evening, Israel celebrates the beginning of the Hebrew New Year holiday, which lasts until Sunday, and celebrates September 24th, “Yom Kippur,” while Sukkot begins on the 29th of this month and continues until October 1st. The Feast of the Joy of the Torah will fall from October 6-8.  Hundreds of thousands of "religious Jews" flock to the synagogues to perform prayers during the holidays.   Geneva : The United Nations expresses its concern about the “fragmentation” of the conflict in Syria United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, on Thursday expressed his concern about increasing indicators warning of further fragmentation in the years-long war in Syria, calling for dialogue to avoid a “new catastrophic dimension” to the conflict.  A statement by Turk said that the clashes that broke out in Deir ez -Zor Governorate in late August resulted in the killing of at least 23 civilians.  The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said, “The indicators that warn of the fragmentation of the conflict in Syria are very worrying.”  He continued: “We can never be satisfied with watching the country slide further and further into an endless conflict, a conflict that has already left indelible scars on the lives of many civilians.”  The clashes broke out on August 27, after the “Syrian Democratic Forces” arrested Ahmed Al-Khubail, known as “Abu Khawla,” the leader of its Deir ez-Zor Military Council. It later announced his dismissal, accusing him of involvement in “criminal crimes, drug trafficking, and mismanagement of the security situation,” and of communicating with the regime.  This prompted fighters loyal to Al-Khubail to carry out attacks that quickly developed into clashes in a number of villages and towns, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.  Last week, the Observatory reported that 90 people were killed in violence, most of them fighters.  Turk said that in addition to the 23 civilian deaths, the “Syrian Democratic Forces” arrested dozens of people “for their alleged involvement in the hostilities,” and pointed out that “as a result, thousands of civilians fled their homes.”  He stressed that “the attacks affected populated areas, including camps for the displaced, markets, water treatment facilities, and health centers,” adding: “The curfew and roadblocks also undermined freedom of movement and raised the prices of food and fuel.”  He pointed out that the conflict was initially confined to Deir ez-Zor, but it soon spread to Al-Hasakah and the eastern countryside of Aleppo, and other armed groups became involved.  The UN High Commissioner continued: “I express my deep concern about other parties exploiting the tensions and hostilities in Deir ez-Zor and the vicinity, in an attempt to extend their authority over the region.”  He added: “All parties concerned with this latest escalation must immediately end the clashes and work to resolve differences through dialogue, with the aim of avoiding launching a new catastrophic dimension to the conflict in Syria.”  The war in Syria claimed the lives of about 500,000 people, left millions displaced and refugees, and destroyed the country's infrastructure and industries.  The conflict began with popular protests that were suppressed by the regime, and branched out with the involvement of external parties, armed men, and jihadist organizations.  In recent years, there has been calm on the front lines, but vast parts of the north of the country are still outside the regime’s control.  Mossad : Iran has crossed all Israeli red lines and nothing has happened yet! In a new criticism of official policies, the former head of Israeli military intelligence and head of the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University, Tamir Hayman, said, “Iran crossed all red lines and nothing happened.”  In a short analysis published on the Hebrew Channel 12 website, Hayman said that the statements of Mossad chief David Barnea last Sunday lead to a conclusion that must be clarified, and their content is that Iran today is in a better position than any it was previously at the security level during the past years.  Hayman explains his estimates by saying: “In practice, the talk is about a nuclear threshold state that broadcasts nuclear deterrence without paying all the prices that it must pay as a state that has a bomb in closed rooms. During his speech , the Mossad chief focused on Iran's conventional capabilities. The regime in Tehran has a large army and the capabilities to threaten Israel in the non-nuclear field as well. The increasingly close relationship with Russia threatens to introduce new tools into our arena, such as MiG-35 aircraft, or advanced hypersonic missiles, changing the size and type of threat to the Israeli home front. Its international standing is also strengthened, allowing it to attempt to carry out operations against Israelis abroad.”  He pointed out that, despite this, what is really worrying is what is happening in the unconventional dimension in Iran: last week, a new report by the International Atomic Energy Agency was published, indicating that Iran has a sufficient amount of enriched nuclear material for six nuclear reactors. This is considered a crossing of all the red lines that Israel had previously set, primarily from the United Nations platform. Iran actually crossed all the red lines, and nothing happened. This disturbing and dangerous report has not even reached awareness.”  Hayman continued in his veiled criticisms and in his direct warnings: “We have become accustomed to it, and if we continue to become accustomed to this increasingly dangerous situation, we will see a nuclear Iran. “In the current situation, there is nothing to restrain Iran.”  what should we do?  In response to this question, Tamir Hayman believes that, first, the weakening of Israeli deterrence must be stopped by immediately stopping the internal crisis. He explains his call by saying: “The fact that we plant hope in the hearts of our enemies who wish us to collapse from within is an unnecessary gift, which it is forbidden to give them.” The thought that the most powerful systems within the military exist in a state of internal conflict and weakness should prompt us to think about our course again. Second, we must work more to strengthen relations with the United States. I returned from Washington in the past few days, and I know that if there is anyone who scares the Iranians, it is the Americans and the Israelis together. Only the United States and Israel together can pose a real threat to Tehran.”  Hayman also believes that in the end, it is better for Israel, with all its movements and camps, to “stop the internal damage that we are committing against ourselves.” He concluded by saying: “All these accusations of ‘who started’ and ‘who escalated the situation’ are not important. "Let's deal with dangerous threats, instead of pointless internal debates."

Many Palestinian institutions called on residents of the West Bank, occupied Jerusalem, and the 48 territories to march, young and old, men, women and children, to Al-Aqsa Mosque and the permanent ribat in it, to protect it from the plans of settlers . It also called on the Palestinian resistance to be alert and prepared for any emergency.

The Jerusalem Department, in the Association of Scholars, called on the Arab and Islamic peoples to “raise a single wave in the face of tyranny, and to put pressure on their governments to stand up to this tyranny, curb the occupation, and restore freedom to Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is subject to repeated and escalating violations by extremist Zionist groups.”

She said that these coming days are full of surprises, anticipating that the current Jewish holiday season will be “the heaviest season in the history of Al-Aqsa since its occupation.”

The department also directed its call to the world at all levels to stand up to its responsibilities to “repel the brutal aggression against our sanctities and to make the enemy understand that our channel will not relent, and that our blood is cheap in order to defend Al-Aqsa Mosque,” ​​and called on the resistance to “be alert and prepared for every emergency,” and said, “ Our mosque is without souls, so it is unfortunate that a weapon cannot protect Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

Extremist settlement groups are preparing to carry out massive incursions into Al-Aqsa Mosque and hold “Talmudic rituals” during the upcoming Jewish holidays, the first of which is on Sunday, after they carried out a storming in which tens of thousands of settlers participated in the Buraq Wall area at dawn on Friday.

The Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs has warned of the danger of Jewish holidays and the accompanying provocations by settlers and their desecration of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

She said in a statement she issued that the settlement groups, the alleged extremist “Temple” groups, and the herds of Jewish settlers “desecrate the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, in light of what is falsely called Jewish holidays,” noting that these Jewish holidays coincide with the increasing pace of Judaization of Jerusalem and the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and the obliteration of the Arab-Islamic character of the city. Holy places, the fight against Palestinian education there, and the high numbers of intruders.

She strongly rejected the attacks on the stationed in Al-Aqsa, and the provocation of the feelings of Muslims, and she warned, “We place everyone at their religious, historical, and civilizational responsibilities in the face of these Jewish holidays, which are intended to violate the sanctity of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and attack Jerusalemites.”

It stressed the need for all concerned parties to intervene to “stop this brutal aggression against the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and the people of Jerusalem.” It also called on the Palestinian resistance to stand by the people in their defense of their sanctities and the people of Jerusalem in these dangerous times.

The Ministry stressed its call on all Palestinians from the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the 48 regions, and everyone who can reach the mosque, to travel and bond in it, and to maintain congregational prayers and seclusion in it, and to maintain knowledge circles in it, in order to thwart the occupation’s plans behind these dangerous Jewish holidays.

In this context, the Human Center for Democracy and Rights warned of the occupation’s racist practices in Al-Aqsa Mosque and its surroundings, through deportations, arrests, and attacks on Jerusalemites and those stationed in Al-Aqsa Mosque, in preparation for settlers’ incursions on Jewish holidays during the current month until the beginning of October.

He pointed out that the occupation seeks to establish a new stage in Al-Aqsa Mosque, by imposing a temporal and spatial division, and imposing a geographical and demographic reality, in line with the plans and projects of the settlers, and facilitating their incursions into Al-Aqsa and the performance of their Talmudic rituals, in a way that violates the religious sanctity of the place.

He said that according to the center’s monitoring, the repeated assault and storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque has become a daily occurrence in the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque. On the other hand, worshipers are prevented from entering it and force is used to remove them, which threatens a real danger to Al-Aqsa Mosque as the occupation seeks to impose its control over it and implement their racist plans.

The Center stressed that the silence of the international and Arab community “is what encouraged the occupation to commit violations and racist practices against the Palestinians, and to attempt to impose control over Al-Aqsa Mosque in a manner that violates international humanitarian law, the principles of international legitimacy, and international resolutions regarding the holy city.”

The Center for Human Rights condemned the occupation’s attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque, and stressed that they are considered “characteristics of the Israeli settler-colonial system based on apartheid.”

He called for the government of Jordan, the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the League of Arab States to do their part to preserve Islamic holy sites. He also called on the international community to intervene to stop the Judaizing practices of the occupation in the Holy City, hold the occupation accountable, and pressure it to stop its racist practices, stop the policy of double standards and double standards, and work hard to Providing protection for Palestinians and holy sites under attack.

The first public visit A Houthi delegation visits Riyadh to discuss peace in Yemen

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced that it had sent an invitation to the Houthi group in Sanaa for a delegation to visit Riyadh, in the first public visit since the outbreak of the war, with the aim of completing meetings and discussions on the peace process, and the final formula for a permanent and comprehensive ceasefire.

Saudi Arabia is hosting a Houthi delegation to discuss the peace process in Yemen, nine years after the outbreak of war in the impoverished country, in the first public visit of the Houthis to the kingdom.

The Saudi News Agency (SPA) said that Riyadh “sent an invitation to a delegation from Sanaa to visit the Kingdom to complete meetings and discussions.”

A Houthi official confirmed earlier that an Omani plane transported “a Houthi delegation including ten people in addition to five Omanis” from Sanaa to Riyadh, while a Houthi official stated that “the duration of the visit is five days.”

This is the first public visit by a Houthi delegation to the Kingdom since it launched a military campaign at the head of a coalition to stop the advance of the Iran-allied group in 2015.

The visit comes about five months after a Saudi delegation visited Sanaa to discuss the peace process.

Political sources in Sanaa reported that the Houthis are expected to discuss with Saudi officials the "final formula" for a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire.

Yemen has been mired in a war for power between the Houthis and the government since mid-2014, which has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries, and the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, according to United Nations estimates.

The intensity of fighting in Yemen declined significantly after a UN-brokered ceasefire that entered into force in April 2022.

Jerusalem : Israel intensifies its security preparedness on the eve of the Jewish holidays

The Israeli police announced on Thursday that they had completed preparations before the start of the Jewish holidays tomorrow, Friday. She said that thousands of members were deployed in the city of Jerusalem, while a closure would be imposed on the West Bank and Gaza.

The Israeli authorities are intensifying their preparations, in the city of Jerusalem, on the eve of the Jewish holidays, which begin tomorrow evening, Friday.

The Israeli police said in a statement on Thursday that it had “completed its preparations for the events of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, which will be celebrated this month.”

She added: “Meanwhile, police preparations for holiday events continue , as thousands of police officers, security forces and volunteers will be deployed throughout the city, with a focus on crowded places, holy places and entertainment venues.”

The police explained that they would work to increase “the security system and police activity along traffic routes and worshipers’ routes,” according to the statement.

The Israeli police chief in Jerusalem, Doron Turgeman, announced in a meeting with reporters on Wednesday evening: “During the holiday season in Jerusalem, every Jewish synagogue in the city will have armed guards.”

On Thursday, the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation (official) said that the army “will impose a closure on the West Bank and Gaza Strip, starting from Friday afternoon, until Sunday evening, on the occasion of Rosh Hashanah.”

During the closure, Palestinians are prevented, except in emergency cases, from crossing the checkpoints into Israel, and the movement of people and goods to and from the Gaza Strip is prohibited.

On Friday evening, Israel celebrates the beginning of the Hebrew New Year holiday, which lasts until Sunday, and celebrates September 24th, “Yom Kippur,” while Sukkot begins on the 29th of this month and continues until October 1st. The Feast of the Joy of the Torah will fall from October 6-8.

Hundreds of thousands of "religious Jews" flock to the synagogues to perform prayers during the holidays.

Geneva : The United Nations expresses its concern about the “fragmentation” of the conflict in Syria

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, on Thursday expressed his concern about increasing indicators warning of further fragmentation in the years-long war in Syria, calling for dialogue to avoid a “new catastrophic dimension” to the conflict.

A statement by Turk said that the clashes that broke out in Deir ez -Zor Governorate in late August resulted in the killing of at least 23 civilians.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said, “The indicators that warn of the fragmentation of the conflict in Syria are very worrying.”

He continued: “We can never be satisfied with watching the country slide further and further into an endless conflict, a conflict that has already left indelible scars on the lives of many civilians.”

The clashes broke out on August 27, after the “Syrian Democratic Forces” arrested Ahmed Al-Khubail, known as “Abu Khawla,” the leader of its Deir ez-Zor Military Council. It later announced his dismissal, accusing him of involvement in “criminal crimes, drug trafficking, and mismanagement of the security situation,” and of communicating with the regime.

This prompted fighters loyal to Al-Khubail to carry out attacks that quickly developed into clashes in a number of villages and towns, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Last week, the Observatory reported that 90 people were killed in violence, most of them fighters.

Turk said that in addition to the 23 civilian deaths, the “Syrian Democratic Forces” arrested dozens of people “for their alleged involvement in the hostilities,” and pointed out that “as a result, thousands of civilians fled their homes.”

He stressed that “the attacks affected populated areas, including camps for the displaced, markets, water treatment facilities, and health centers,” adding: “The curfew and roadblocks also undermined freedom of movement and raised the prices of food and fuel.”

He pointed out that the conflict was initially confined to Deir ez-Zor, but it soon spread to Al-Hasakah and the eastern countryside of Aleppo, and other armed groups became involved.

The UN High Commissioner continued: “I express my deep concern about other parties exploiting the tensions and hostilities in Deir ez-Zor and the vicinity, in an attempt to extend their authority over the region.”

He added: “All parties concerned with this latest escalation must immediately end the clashes and work to resolve differences through dialogue, with the aim of avoiding launching a new catastrophic dimension to the conflict in Syria.”

The war in Syria claimed the lives of about 500,000 people, left millions displaced and refugees, and destroyed the country's infrastructure and industries.

The conflict began with popular protests that were suppressed by the regime, and branched out with the involvement of external parties, armed men, and jihadist organizations.

In recent years, there has been calm on the front lines, but vast parts of the north of the country are still outside the regime’s control.

Mossad : Iran has crossed all Israeli red lines and nothing has happened yet!

In a new criticism of official policies, the former head of Israeli military intelligence and head of the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University, Tamir Hayman, said, “Iran crossed all red lines and nothing happened.”

In a short analysis published on the Hebrew Channel 12 website, Hayman said that the statements of Mossad chief David Barnea last Sunday lead to a conclusion that must be clarified, and their content is that Iran today is in a better position than any it was previously at the security level during the past years.

Hayman explains his estimates by saying: “In practice, the talk is about a nuclear threshold state that broadcasts nuclear deterrence without paying all the prices that it must pay as a state that has a bomb in closed rooms. During his speech , the Mossad chief focused on Iran's conventional capabilities. The regime in Tehran has a large army and the capabilities to threaten Israel in the non-nuclear field as well. The increasingly close relationship with Russia threatens to introduce new tools into our arena, such as MiG-35 aircraft, or advanced hypersonic missiles, changing the size and type of threat to the Israeli home front. Its international standing is also strengthened, allowing it to attempt to carry out operations against Israelis abroad.”

He pointed out that, despite this, what is really worrying is what is happening in the unconventional dimension in Iran: last week, a new report by the International Atomic Energy Agency was published, indicating that Iran has a sufficient amount of enriched nuclear material for six nuclear reactors. This is considered a crossing of all the red lines that Israel had previously set, primarily from the United Nations platform. Iran actually crossed all the red lines, and nothing happened. This disturbing and dangerous report has not even reached awareness.”

Hayman continued in his veiled criticisms and in his direct warnings: “We have become accustomed to it, and if we continue to become accustomed to this increasingly dangerous situation, we will see a nuclear Iran. “In the current situation, there is nothing to restrain Iran.”

what should we do?

In response to this question, Tamir Hayman believes that, first, the weakening of Israeli deterrence must be stopped by immediately stopping the internal crisis. He explains his call by saying: “The fact that we plant hope in the hearts of our enemies who wish us to collapse from within is an unnecessary gift, which it is forbidden to give them.” The thought that the most powerful systems within the military exist in a state of internal conflict and weakness should prompt us to think about our course again. Second, we must work more to strengthen relations with the United States. I returned from Washington in the past few days, and I know that if there is anyone who scares the Iranians, it is the Americans and the Israelis together. Only the United States and Israel together can pose a real threat to Tehran.”

Hayman also believes that in the end, it is better for Israel, with all its movements and camps, to “stop the internal damage that we are committing against ourselves.” He concluded by saying: “All these accusations of ‘who started’ and ‘who escalated the situation’ are not important. "Let's deal with dangerous threats, instead of pointless internal debates."

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