Eye pain and redness : Common eye symptoms that may indicate infection with sexually transmitted diseases

Pasta dish : “A plate of pasta kills a young man.” A report warns against reheated spoiled food!Brush our teeth : A doctor reveals the secret of the importance of cleaning your nose before bed, just like brushing your teeth! Eye pain and redness : Common eye symptoms that may indicate infection with sexually transmitted diseases Sexually transmitted diseases do not always cause symptoms, and many patients may not know that they are infected.  Symptoms such as burning when urinating or itching around the genitals tend to be more common in these patients. However, there are changes in the eyes that may also indicate that the person is carrying an infection.  Renowned pharmacist Abbas Kanani, of Chemist Click Online Pharmacy, points out: “Eye pain and redness are usually the first signs of an STD. However, since this is common and can be due to a number of different reasons, it can be overlooked.” Easily".  Chlamydia  Chlamydia or chlamydia: It is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a type of chlamydia called Chlamydia trachomatis that resembles a virus.  Most people with this disease do not experience any symptoms, which puts them at risk of developing serious long-term health problems, including infertility.  Kanani said the infection can sometimes be detected by looking for changes in the eyes.  He added: “Irritation, pain, swelling and discharge, which usually affect only one eye, can be signs of chlamydia infection in the eye. This occurs when Chlamydia trachomatis - the bacteria causing the infection - comes into direct contact with the mucous membrane - the moist part of the eye.” It is also known as chlamydial conjunctivitis, or ocular chlamydia. Symptoms of early-stage chlamydia infection can be slow to develop.  Chlamydia can be diagnosed by testing urine or taking a swab from the affected area, and is easily treated with antibiotics.  Kanani pointed out the necessity of obtaining an accurate diagnosis, “because using eye drops to treat standard eye infections, which are not caused by chlamydia, will not help and could delay the recovery time frame.”  He continued: "It is important to finish any prescribed dose of antibiotics to ensure that the infection is completely treated. Most cases resolve within a few weeks."  Gonorrhea  Gonorrhea: This is another common infection that can cause eye symptoms. Sometimes referred to as "knockout", the disease is a common sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae.   “Both men and women can get the infection, not only in the eyes, but also in the rectum or throat. Adults can transmit it if their eyes come into contact with contaminated fluids,” Kanani said.  The infection may also cause sensitivity to light, as well as pus-like discharge from one or both eyes.  It can also cause swelling of the inner linings of the eyelids, sensitivity to touch, or fluid buildup around the eyelids.  Swollen lymph nodes near the eyes are another sign.  Syphilis  Although rare, when syphilis infects the eye, it can cause severe redness and inflammation, optic nerve disease and even blindness if left untreated.  According to Kanani: “If you notice floating spots in your field of vision, sensitivity to light and changes in vision such as blurry vision, this may be an indication that you have ocular syphilis.     Brush our teeth : A doctor reveals the secret of the importance of cleaning your nose before bed, just like brushing your teeth! Dentists have always told us that we should brush our teeth before bed. But another vital step that should not be skipped in your nighttime routine is blowing your nose.  Making sure your sinuses are clear can help you get a good night's sleep and stop snoring, according to Dr. Sebastian Lomas, a dentist based in Yorkshire.  The doctor said: “I think that cleaning your nose before bed is no less important than brushing your teeth. If you cannot breathe through your nose, you will breathe through your mouth and you will snore.”  Lomas demonstrated a simple technique for clearing clogged sinuses in a TikTok video, which has been viewed about 250,000 times.  The technique includes: standing up straight, inhaling and exhaling through the nose and keeping the mouth closed. Then press on the tip of the nose while shaking the head from side to side. Then you can release the nose and take a deep breath and exhale.  In the video's description, Lomas wrote: "It's time to add nose cleaning to your nightly routine. I believe that blowing your nose before bed is just as important as brushing your teeth."   Pasta dish : “A plate of pasta kills a young man.” A report warns against reheated spoiled food! A disturbing report says a "reheated" pasta dish caused the death of a 20-year-old man just hours after eating it.  It was revealed that the young man, AJ, was trying to save money like any student. The least expensive meal to prepare was pasta with ready-made sauce. AJ ate his meal of leftover pasta and tomato sauce, which had been prepared five days earlier and left in the kitchen at room temperature.  After eating his meal, he went out to exercise with his friends, not knowing the symptoms that would follow. He returned home half an hour later suffering from a headache, stomach pain and nausea.  Shortly after, he suffered bouts of vomiting and diarrhea. Instead of going to the doctor, he drank water and went to bed to sleep.  Tragically, AJ was found dead the next day by his parents, who went to check on him when he did not show up for class.  An autopsy revealed that the young Belgian died of liver necrosis and acute pancreatitis.  Stool swabs revealed the presence of Bacillus cereus bacteria, which causes food poisoning and produces toxins.  The meal remains were tested at the National Reference Laboratory for Foodborne Outbreaks (NRLFO), which revealed the presence of B. cereus.  The report, published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology, on AJ's case, explained that these bacteria are "the most likely cause of this fatal outcome." Worryingly, reports increasingly indicate that this organism is a cause of serious, non-contagious gastrointestinal infections, according to the US National Library of Medicine.  One of the doctors on YouTube, known as Dr. Bernard, said that the condition suffered by AJ is not "typical", but it is still necessary to practice proper food storage techniques.  It is recommended that perishable food items be refrigerated within two hours of preparation, while fresh poultry, fish and ground meat should be eaten or frozen within two days of cooking, and beef, veal or lamb within three to five days.

Sexually transmitted diseases do not always cause symptoms, and many patients may not know that they are infected.

Symptoms such as burning when urinating or itching around the genitals tend to be more common in these patients. However, there are changes in the eyes that may also indicate that the person is carrying an infection.

Renowned pharmacist Abbas Kanani, of Chemist Click Online Pharmacy, points out: “Eye pain and redness are usually the first signs of an STD. However, since this is common and can be due to a number of different reasons, it can be overlooked.” Easily".


Chlamydia or chlamydia: It is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a type of chlamydia called Chlamydia trachomatis that resembles a virus.

Most people with this disease do not experience any symptoms, which puts them at risk of developing serious long-term health problems, including infertility.

Kanani said the infection can sometimes be detected by looking for changes in the eyes.

He added: “Irritation, pain, swelling and discharge, which usually affect only one eye, can be signs of chlamydia infection in the eye. This occurs when Chlamydia trachomatis - the bacteria causing the infection - comes into direct contact with the mucous membrane - the moist part of the eye.” It is also known as chlamydial conjunctivitis, or ocular chlamydia. Symptoms of early-stage chlamydia infection can be slow to develop.

Chlamydia can be diagnosed by testing urine or taking a swab from the affected area, and is easily treated with antibiotics.

Kanani pointed out the necessity of obtaining an accurate diagnosis, “because using eye drops to treat standard eye infections, which are not caused by chlamydia, will not help and could delay the recovery time frame.”

He continued: "It is important to finish any prescribed dose of antibiotics to ensure that the infection is completely treated. Most cases resolve within a few weeks."


Gonorrhea: This is another common infection that can cause eye symptoms. Sometimes referred to as "knockout", the disease is a common sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae. 

“Both men and women can get the infection, not only in the eyes, but also in the rectum or throat. Adults can transmit it if their eyes come into contact with contaminated fluids,” Kanani said.

The infection may also cause sensitivity to light, as well as pus-like discharge from one or both eyes.

It can also cause swelling of the inner linings of the eyelids, sensitivity to touch, or fluid buildup around the eyelids.

Swollen lymph nodes near the eyes are another sign.


Although rare, when syphilis infects the eye, it can cause severe redness and inflammation, optic nerve disease and even blindness if left untreated.

According to Kanani: “If you notice floating spots in your field of vision, sensitivity to light and changes in vision such as blurry vision, this may be an indication that you have ocular syphilis. 

Brush our teeth : A doctor reveals the secret of the importance of cleaning your nose before bed, just like brushing your teeth!

Dentists have always told us that we should brush our teeth before bed. But another vital step that should not be skipped in your nighttime routine is blowing your nose.

Making sure your sinuses are clear can help you get a good night's sleep and stop snoring, according to Dr. Sebastian Lomas, a dentist based in Yorkshire.

The doctor said: “I think that cleaning your nose before bed is no less important than brushing your teeth. If you cannot breathe through your nose, you will breathe through your mouth and you will snore.”

Lomas demonstrated a simple technique for clearing clogged sinuses in a TikTok video, which has been viewed about 250,000 times.

The technique includes: standing up straight, inhaling and exhaling through the nose and keeping the mouth closed. Then press on the tip of the nose while shaking the head from side to side. Then you can release the nose and take a deep breath and exhale.

In the video's description, Lomas wrote: "It's time to add nose cleaning to your nightly routine. I believe that blowing your nose before bed is just as important as brushing your teeth."

Pasta dish : “A plate of pasta kills a young man.” A report warns against reheated spoiled food!

A disturbing report says a "reheated" pasta dish caused the death of a 20-year-old man just hours after eating it.

It was revealed that the young man, AJ, was trying to save money like any student. The least expensive meal to prepare was pasta with ready-made sauce. AJ ate his meal of leftover pasta and tomato sauce, which had been prepared five days earlier and left in the kitchen at room temperature.

After eating his meal, he went out to exercise with his friends, not knowing the symptoms that would follow. He returned home half an hour later suffering from a headache, stomach pain and nausea.

Shortly after, he suffered bouts of vomiting and diarrhea. Instead of going to the doctor, he drank water and went to bed to sleep.

Tragically, AJ was found dead the next day by his parents, who went to check on him when he did not show up for class.

An autopsy revealed that the young Belgian died of liver necrosis and acute pancreatitis.

Stool swabs revealed the presence of Bacillus cereus bacteria, which causes food poisoning and produces toxins.

The meal remains were tested at the National Reference Laboratory for Foodborne Outbreaks (NRLFO), which revealed the presence of B. cereus.

The report, published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology, on AJ's case, explained that these bacteria are "the most likely cause of this fatal outcome." Worryingly, reports increasingly indicate that this organism is a cause of serious, non-contagious gastrointestinal infections, according to the US National Library of Medicine.

One of the doctors on YouTube, known as Dr. Bernard, said that the condition suffered by AJ is not "typical", but it is still necessary to practice proper food storage techniques.

It is recommended that perishable food items be refrigerated within two hours of preparation, while fresh poultry, fish and ground meat should be eaten or frozen within two days of cooking, and beef, veal or lamb within three to five days.

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