Delhi : PM Modi announces closure of G20, now hands over chairmanship to Brazil

PM Modi said that I have continuously drawn your attention to human centric vision instead of GDP centric approach. Today many countries like India have so much that we are sharing with the whole world.

The two-day long G-20 conference ended in Delhi. During this, PM Modi suggested the G20 virtual summit in November and handed over the presidency to Brazil. During the closing, PM Modi said that yesterday we held One Earth and One Family session. Discussed extensively. He said that I am satisfied that today G-20 has become a platform for optimistic efforts regarding One Earth, One Family and One Future. Here we are talking about such a future in which we move beyond the global village and see the global family becoming a reality. A future in which not only the interests of countries are linked, but also the hearts.

"India was in a very good position", G20 Coordinator Harsh Vardhan Shringla said on the hurdle in the way of New Delhi declaration.

yesterday we had a wide-ranging discussion in the One Earth and One Family sessions. I am satisfied that today the G-20 has become a platform for optimistic efforts regarding the vision of One Earth, One Family, One Future.

Here we are talking about such a future, in which we move beyond the Global Village and see the Global Family becoming a reality. A future in which not only the interests of the countries are connected, but also the hearts are connected.

Friends, I have continuously drawn your attention to Human Centric Vision instead of GDP Centric Approach. Today many countries like India have so much, which we are sharing with the whole world. India has converted the data of Chandrayaan Mission into Human Centric Approach. We have talked about sharing it with everyone in our interest. This is also a proof of our commitment towards Human Centric Growth.

India has used technology for inclusive development and last mile delivery. In our smallest villages, even the smallest merchants are making digital payments. I am pleased that under India's chairmanship, a strong framework for Digital Public Infrastructure has been agreed upon. Similarly, the “G20 Principles on Harnessing Data for Development” have also been accepted. “Data for Development Capacity” for the development of the Global

South Building Initiative”. Formation of Startup 20 engagement group in the Presidency of India is also a big step.

Friends, today we are witnessing unimaginable scale and speed in new generation technology. The example of Artificial Intelligence is in front of us. In 2019, the G20 had adopted “Principles on AI”. Today we need to go one step further. I suggest that we now prepare a framework for Responsible Human-centric AI governance. India can also give its suggestions in this regard. It will be our endeavor that all countries get the benefits of AI in areas like Socio-Economic Development, Global Workforce and R&D.

Friends, today some other burning problems are also facing our world, which are affecting both the present and future of all our countries. We are familiar with the challenges of cyber security and crypto-currency. The field of crypto-currency, social order, monetary and financial stability has emerged as a new topic for everyone. Therefore, we have to develop global standards to regulate crypto-currencies. We have the Basel standards on bank regulation in front of us as a model.

There is a need to take concrete steps in this direction as soon as possible. Similarly, global cooperation and framework is also needed for cyber security. Terrorism is getting new mediums and new methods of funding from the cyber world. This is a very important subject for the security and prosperity of every country. Only when we take care of the security of every country and the sensitivity of every country, the feeling of One Future will be strengthened.

Friends, to take the world towards a better future, it is necessary that the global systems should be according to the present realities. Today the "United Nations Security Council" is also an example of this. When the UN was established, at that time The world was completely different from today. At that time there were 51 founding members in the UN. Today the number of countries included in the UN has reached around 200.

Despite this, the number of permanent members in the UNSC is still the same. Since then, the world has changed a lot in every aspect. Be it transport, communication, health, education, every sector has been transformed. These new realities are part of our new global This should be reflected in the structure.

It is a law of nature that the person and organization which does not change itself with time, loses its relevance. We have to think with an open mind as to what is the reason that many regional forums have come into existence in the past years, and they are also proving to be effective.

Friends, today it is necessary to reform every global organization to increase its relevance. With this in mind, yesterday we have taken the historic initiative of making the African Union a permanent member of the G-20. Similarly, we have to change the mandate of Multilateral Development Banks. We will also have to expand. Our decisions in this direction should be immediate and also effective.

Friends, in a rapidly changing world, we need sustainability and stability equally along with transformation. Come! Let us pledge that we will take our resolutions of Green Development Pact, Action Plan on SDGs, High level Principles on Anti-corruption, Digital Public Infrastructure, and MDB Reforms to fruition.

G20 india : Decision to increase mutual cooperation in the field of Digital Infrastructure, India becomes global leader

Under this agreement, a "G20 Framework for Systems of Digital Public Infrastructure" for the development, deployment and governance of digital public infrastructure has also been agreed upon during the G20 summit.

New Delhi:G20 countries have decided to increase mutual cooperation in the field of Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI). The G20 New Delhi Leaders' Declaration, agreed by consensus at the G20 summit on Saturday, said, "We believe that a secure, reliable, accountable and inclusive digital public infrastructure that respects human rights, personal data, privacy and intellectual property rights "If you do this, it can improve service delivery and innovation."

Plan to set up GDPIR
G20 countries have welcomed India's plan to set up a Global Digital Public Infrastructure Repository (GDPIR). This will be a virtual repository of DPI, which G20 member countries will voluntarily share. G20 has also taken cognizance of the proposal of One Future Alliance (OFA) put forward by the Indian Presidency. OFA is a voluntary initiative aimed at providing technical assistance and financial support for the development of digital public infrastructure in low- and middle-income countries.

Will share Good Practices
Also, under this agreement, a "G20 Framework for Systems of Digital Public Infrastructure" has also been agreed upon during the G20 Summit for the development, deployment and governance of Digital Public Infrastructure. Furthermore, the G20 New Delhi Leaders' Declaration states that the digital economy has become extremely important for every country, that is why the G20 countries are working together to create an efficient, inclusive, open, fair, non-discriminatory and secure digital economy. Will share your good practices with others.

India becomes a global leader.
G20 countries believe that digital public infrastructure is an emerging system sector, with the help of which government facilities can be delivered to the common people in a better way. India is considered a global leader in the field of digital public infrastructure. More than 10 billion transactions of UPI were recorded in the month of August, which shows the potential of India.

25 to 30 countries want an agreement.
In fact, the global spotlight has been on India's capability in public digital infrastructure. Many countries have sought help from India to setup the UPI system. According to the Ministry of Electronics and IT, till now India has signed MOUs with 8 countries to setup digital infrastructure, while there are 25 to 30 more countries. Who want to make this agreement.

China : The Chinese Embassy in France used NASA photos to praise its own astronauts and was ridiculed by netizens

The Chinese Embassy in France recently tweeted on A photo taken by an astronaut in outer space with the Earth as the background.

However, this feedback only received 72 likes for the article, but it unexpectedly caused a storm and a large number of replies. Many sharp-eyed netizens discovered that the astronaut in the photo was not a Chinese astronaut, but an American astronaut wearing an American flag armband. They enlarged the American flag below and left comments to ridicule that China's foreign propaganda failed again and was self-defeating. .

According to the Central News Agency, netizen @Jojo99275148 found the source of the photo, which came from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ). The person in the picture is astronaut Bruce McCandless . The photo is the first time in human history that he was unconnected in 1984 . The spacewalk with the safety belt on is a classic.

"This is really bad publicity," wrote scholar and former journalist Charles R. Smith , who received more likes than the embassy's post in France.

Many netizens also quoted the post, in which the Chinese-Australian dissident artist Badiucao retweeted it and paired it with an enlarged picture of an American armband, asking: "Is this the Chinese flag?" Founder and founder of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China Policy (IPAC )

More people ridiculed China's propaganda for its counterproductive effects, and even the external propaganda staff did not want to work hard.

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