Daily Mail : Google trick to create your own emoji!

Daily Mail : Google trick to create your own emoji!

Emojis are an essential part of many of our daily messages via mobile messaging apps.
But, even though there are over 3,600 emojis available to choose from, you often can't find the character emoji you need.

In this regard, Google has launched a new tool that allows you to create your own emoji sets.

To create hybrid emojis, simply open Google Search on your computer, then type “emoji Kitchen” in the search bar.

A group of emojis will appear at the top of the search results, with a blue button inviting you to “Get Started,” and the emoji merge tool appears.

Google has also included a “random” option if you're having trouble getting inspired.

To show your creativity, click on the emoji to copy it to your device's clipboard. You can then paste it as a sticker in a message to impress your friends.

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