Burma : In eight months, 462 people were killed by air and heavy weapons

China : New national map has sparked a wave of protests North Korea : Half of Kim Jong-un's public activities are in the 'military' sector Burma : In eight months, 462 people were killed by air and heavy weapons In response to armed resistance in 2023, the Military Council Army targeted civilians, Innocent civilians are being killed every day due to the use of heavy weapons and air strikes, regardless of military targets.  According to the lists compiled by RFA, from January to the end of August this year, 462 civilians were killed by air and heavy weapons in 12 districts and provinces including Yangon. 812 were injured.  On August 24, around 1:00 p.m., Bago Division, Kyaukgyi Township, A 28-year-old resident of Bodhigyi Village was killed when a jet fighter dropped six bombs on the bridge over the Bok Kha River between Bodhigyi Village and Si Thomu Si Tho Khoo Village.  Ko Saw Alexander, a local close to the family, told RFA that his pregnant wife was hit and killed by an airstrike on the way back to the hospital.  "His wife is about to give birth. He took his wife to the hospital because he was about to give birth. He went to take her to the hospital and then she came back. Wait for her because the plane was flying, and he told me to go. He said that he couldn't go and pick up her phone because the military council was on the bridge. The plane bombed her. When it was dropped like that, it hit her. Only half of her head was left, only a small face was left. After all, her stomach had burst out and there was nothing left, and her intestines also came out. "  It is said that the deceased Saw Babsel Po is survived by a wife who is eight months pregnant and three children.  On the evening of August 27th, Magwe During the battle between the Military Council Army and the local People's Defense Forces near the village of Ganggo Township, a shell fired by the 50th Infantry Division exploded inside the village of Saidu, near the village of Ganggo Township.  As a result, one villager of Saidu was killed and two were injured, a villager of Saidu told RFA.  "We were forming a column on the side of West Ganggo, so we came into contact with the local defense forces. After that, they started shooting with heavy weapons from the 50th Khlara. The 60th and 120th rounds of the village were searched. When three large weapons were fired at Saidu village, one fell on the front of the house. Three people were injured and one died."  Sagaing Division Kachin State and northern Shan State are also fighting between the Military Council Army and the Kachin Liberation Army (KIA).  Colonel Nobu, who is in charge of KIA news and information, said that the military council army has started to rely on heavy weapons and air support due to the increasing number of casualties in ground battles.  "Number one is that the army has the perception that the strategies of offensive columns from the ground are more dangerous for it. Number two is that heavy weapons and air force are also very damaging to the morale. The main thing is to affect the enemy's morale in order to reduce casualties, and we consider that it is possible to use such heavy weapons and air force."  Colonel Nobu said that during these attacks, the military council forces also targeted civilians.  Regarding the attack on civilian targets, RFA contacted General Zaw Min Tun, spokesperson of the Military Council, by telephone, but could not be contacted.  Therefore, when contacting U Thein Tun Oo, the executive director of the Military Strategy Study Group formed by former military generals, he responded that the military cannot be complacent about civilian casualties for its military objectives, nor can the military be blamed.  "Whenever there is a battle in areas close to civilians, civilian deaths cannot be avoided. That is why we cannot go around and say that the other person used heavy weapons. When there is a battle, the Rules of Engagement (ROE) must be avoided, that person must be avoided, and because it is a battle, when there is a rumbling here and there, there is no way to avoid or not avoid civilians. Because an army has a purpose and a goal. You can't be meek."  Human rights activists are calling on international governments to prevent and take action as this is a war crime.  "There is a need for a process that can effectively and pressure the countries and governments involved in the export and sale of jet fuel to cut off the routes as soon as possible. "  National Unity Government (NUG) Human Rights Minister U Aung Myo Min said that if the army's crimes are delayed, there will be more civilian casualties.  "If we continue to take action on this crime, there will be more deaths. The military group will continue to crush and kill people as long as they can until their last breath. So we need things that can be done quickly rather than discussions and presentations. Especially the countries and governments that are involved in the export and sale of jet fuel, we need a process that can effectively and pressure on those countries to cut off the routes as soon as possible."  The NUG said that it is trying to obtain economic sanctions on all imports of jet fuel for the military council and to obtain technical assistance from the air traffic control system.  According to the Association for the Assistance of Political Prisoners (AAPP) as of September 4, 4,035 people have been killed by the military council since the coup.  North Korea : Half of Kim Jong-un's public activities are in the 'military' sector The Korean Central News Agency reported on the 3rd that North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-un inspected the North-China Machinery Joint Enterprise in North Pyongan Province, which produces marine engines, and an important military factory.  If you analyze North Korean Secretary General Kim Jong-un's public activities in the second half of this year, you can see that the ' military ' sector has increased significantly . As of the 6th , out of a total of 33 public activities, 17 were in the military field, accounting for half . This is a significant increase compared to the same period last year when there was no public military-related activity .  Experts on the Korean Peninsula predicted that there would be no immediate economic results to show, and that Secretary General Kim's public activities in the future would be more focused on the military sector at a time when security cooperation between Korea, the United States , and Japan is strengthening .  A congratulatory visit to the Naval Command in celebration of Navy Day on August 27th .  August 29 Visit to the training command center of the General Staff of the Korean People 's Army .  Map of important military factories on September 3rd .  As North Korea's General Secretary Kim Jong-un continues to engage in public activities related to the military, Radio Free Asia (RFA) reports on Kim Jong-un's public activities by referring to the South Korean Ministry of Unification's " Trends in Kim Jong-un's Public Activities " and North Korea's Korean Central News Agency and Rodong Sinmun ( state-run media ). Based on publication standards ) , we analyzed it .   According to the Ministry of Unification, Secretary General Kim's public activities in the first half of this year totaled 32, which was half of the past average of 62 . Of these , there were 16 military-related activities confirmed by Radio Free Asia .  In the second half of the year , Secretary General Kim's public activities increased noticeably. In just over two months from July 1 to September 6 , his public activities totaled 33 times , of which 17 were military-related.   In particular, given that the second half of this year is not even halfway over and the September 9th anniversary of the establishment of the North Korean regime is approaching, Secretary General Kim's military-related actions are expected to increase further .  Additionally, during the same period last year (July 1, 2022 - September 6, 2022), Secretary General Kim's public activities were limited to 15 times, which confirms that public activities have more than doubled this year .  The difference is more evident in military activities. From July 1 to September 6 of last year , Secretary General Kim's public activities related to the military could not be found , and his activities mainly consisted of taking commemorative photos, attending events , political meetings , and visiting shrines. It turns out that .    “ Kim Jong - un ‘ emphasizes the Navy ’ in response to Korea-US-Japan summit and ROK-US joint exercises ”  In relation to this, Park Won-gon, a professor at Korea's Ewha Womans University, commented on Radio Free Asia on the 4th, " If you look at Secretary General Kim's recent actions, it seems clear that he is focused on the military .   "  It is pointed out that Secretary General Kim must lead both the military and the economy, but as the economy deteriorates due to the border blockade and sanctions against North Korea that lasted for 3 years and 7 months due to the coronavirus pandemic, he is focusing on the military .       In particular, on the economic side, the recent visit to the flood site while criticizing Prime Minister Kim Deok-hoon can be seen as having quite representative symbolism . In the end , it is Kim Jong-un's responsibility , but the fact that he deliberately created the appearance of passing responsibility is judged to be proof that North Korea is facing significant economic difficulties . That's why they continue to focus more on the military .  In addition, considering the fact that there are three military parades a year and the fact that most of Secretary General Kim's recent local guidance focuses on military-related areas, some say that North Korea is showing off its military achievements despite the difficult internal situation .  In particular, Secretary General Kim's military actions became more prominent after the Korea-US-Japan summit and the ROK-US joint exercise ' Ulji Shield of Freedom ' held in August .  Since the 18th of last month, when the Korea-U.S.-Japan summit was held , there have been five public military-related activities .  Regarding this, Professor Park said that the Korea-U.S.-Japan summit seems to have shocked North Korea, and interpreted Secretary General Kim's recent frequent military moves toward the Navy as a reaction to the strengthening of security cooperation between Korea, the U.S. and Japan .    The main object of security cooperation between Korea, the United States and Japan is focused on strengthening North Korea's nuclear missile deterrent capabilities at sea , but since North Korea's naval power is so weak, this poses a very big security challenge to them ( North Korea ) . How can this be resolved? There is no . Kim Jong-un is claiming ( allegedly ) to have launched a cruise missile from a naval ship , and I believe he is deliberately trying to offset his poor naval power by doing so . But that seems quite limited .  In fact, North Korea is launching ' naval forces ' every day .  On the 21st of last month , General Secretary Kim Jong-un inspected the Navy's East Sea Fleet and visited the Korean People's Army Naval Headquarters on the 27th of the same month to celebrate Navy Day . On the 3rd , he mentioned strengthening naval forces in a local map of a ship engine production plant .  Nevertheless, Shin Seung-gi, a researcher at the Korea Institute for Defense Analyzes, told Radio Free Asia (on the 4th) that North Korea's naval power still has clear limits .  In fact, the navy is relatively smaller than the North Korean ground forces . In particular, it is true that more financial resources are needed to develop naval and air power than the army . In order to carry out appropriate operations in modern warfare, a military force based on a certain level of technological prowess is required . This requires quite a lot of financial resources, but these resources are actually limited because North Korea is currently focusing on nuclear weapons and missiles . It can be said that the declared will or intention to take things this way in the future is stronger .  While Secretary General Kim continues his activities in the military sector, his actions to care for public sentiment are not noticeable .  Aside from three visits to typhoon damage recovery sites last month, Secretary General Kim's public activities have mostly focused on the military and political sectors.  Professor Park pointed out that in order to appease public sentiment, benefits that can be given to North Korean residents are needed, but because North Korea's economy is not doing well, it is stuck in a vicious cycle of not being able to take action related to the economy .  Ultimately, the economic problem must be solved . But there is nothing to show at all . There is only so much we can show in the housing and construction sector . Going to flood sites and raising issues can also be seen as Kim Jong-un's love for the people . Overall, it is said that enriching people through the economy is the core of the ideology of loving the people . It can be said that because of the difficulties of not being able to do that, they are focusing more on the military side .  Meanwhile, some are pointing out that Secretary General Kim is using excessive show-offs when inspecting flood-damaged areas and munitions factories to strengthen internal solidarity.  “ We will focus on military-related activities for the time being. ”  North Korean authorities approaching the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the regime .  Many experts, including Jeong Seong-jang, director of the Unification Strategy Research Department at the Sejong Institute of Korea, predict that Secretary General Kim will continue to focus on military actions.  It is known that a military parade is also being prepared on the 9th . In some cases, there is a possibility that North Korea will conduct its seventh nuclear test in September or October . In March of this year , North Korea already demonstrated the nuclear warhead it plans to use in a nuclear test, so I think it will continue to take steps to build a nuclear missile powerhouse for the time being while also taking care of the people's livelihood .  I don’t think there will be much change from now . As North Korea continues to emphasize, securing the system and rebuilding the economy can be seen as the two biggest goal axes . Just as a visiting delegation including the Russian Minister of Defense came and saw a weapons display, military activities will become more prominent .   The military parade on the 9th will be an important event , and there is not much to show on the economic side . One of North Korea's biggest focuses at the moment is satellite launch . It was announced again in October . It is a situation that must succeed.  As the new Cold War structure between Korea, the United States, and Japan versus North Korea, China, and Russia intensifies, Secretary General Kim's public activities focused on the military sector, such as the military parade commemorating the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the North Korean regime, the suspicion of arms trade between North Korea and Russia, and the launch of a reconnaissance satellite scheduled for October , will continue for the time being. This is a view .   China : New national map has sparked a wave of protests China's Ministry of Natural Resources released a new "standard" national map for 2023 on Monday, August 28. In it, China clearly demarcates its nine-dash line, demarcating what it considers to be its maritime boundaries, and claims almost the entire South Sea as its territory.  In this map released by China, in addition to areas that are not owned by China or are not disputed, the areas listed as belonging to China also include Taiwan and the South Seas, which are disputed by many countries, as well as Arunachal Pradesh, Aksai region under Indian control.  The area of ​​the new map of China is 10.45 million square kilometers  For many years, the land area of ​​the People's Republic of China has been determined to be about 9.6 million square kilometers. After the publication of the new map, China's territory was determined to be approximately 10,450,000 square kilometers.  Li Yongchun, a senior official of China's Ministry of Resources, said of the Chinese map: "The correct national map is a symbol of the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity."  As soon as China published this map, it first provoked protests from India, then Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei and Nepal, and Taiwan. They said that they will not recognize the new map of China in 2023, and oppose the symbolic territory.  The first and strongest protest from India  India has been the first and strongest protest against China. India on August 29 strongly protested China's inclusion of provinces and territories such as Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai Chin in its 2023 "standard" map, saying it would only complicate the resolution of the border issue.  According to the report of the "Times of India" newspaper, Indian Foreign Minister S Jaishankar rejected Beijing's "absurd request" in a statement: "China has issued a map with territorial areas that are not its own. It is very clear what the territory of our government is. Claiming absurd land does not make other people's land yours.  T. Kumar "The new map of China is a signal to the world about China's threat"  The former director of Amnesty International's Asia department and the senior adviser of the International Human Rights Network T. Mr. Kumar called China's behavior "imperialist expansion." He noted that the continuation of such expansion not only further strained the border dispute with India, but also signaled the threat of China to the whole world. "This map issued by China not only angered the Indian government and provoked public protests throughout India, but also further strained the relationship between the two countries. Known to cause roughness.  China's latest provocation comes just days before the G20 summit in New Delhi, after which it was revealed that Chinese President Xi Jinping has decided not to attend for the first time. These have further exacerbated the existing border issues between China and India. This imperialist map of China has challenged not only India, but also many neighboring countries in South Asia, signaling to the world China's threat.  T. Mr. Kumar also emphasized: "China has claimed this Indian territory of southern Tibet and Tibet as ours before." In 1962, there was a war in this territory. India's annexation of these territories marks the next step in China's expansion. I think it will only increase the tension that has always existed in the relationship between the two countries.  China angered its neighbors  Indonesia told China to "comply with UNCLOS", while Taiwan said the map "does not change the existence of our country".  Nepal responded by asking Beijing to "respect" its 2020 map.  In response to the map, the Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, "In 2016, an arbitration court in The Hague cited the decision of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which basically canceled China's claims to the entire South China Sea and supported the Philippines."  "These claims violate the sovereignty of the Paracels and Spratly Islands and rights over its waters, and they should be considered invalid because they violate the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea," Vietnam said.  Japan's national television channel NHK reported today, September 6, that Japan has protested against the inclusion of the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa in the new map released by Beijing. Tokyo asked Beijing to cancel the map.  Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno Hirokazu told media in Tokyo on Tuesday: "Japan has strongly protested to China through diplomatic channels over the new map released by Beijing last month.  Because in it, China unilaterally describes its claim to the Senkaku Islands in the southern Okinawa province of Japan. These islands are undoubtedly part of Japan's territory in terms of history and international law. The Japanese government expressed strong objections to China through diplomatic channels and demanded an immediate withdrawal of the interpretation on the map.  In a letter sent back to our radio by the Malaysian embassy in Washington, it emphasized that it cannot independently respond to China's new map, and attached a statement released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the "2023 Standard Map of China".  It said, “This shows China's unilateral maritime initiative (unilateral action) that bypasses Malaysia's territorial waters in Sabah and Sarawak based on the new 1979 map of Malaysia.  Malaysia believes that the South China Sea issue is a complex and sensitive issue. This issue should be dealt with peacefully and rationally through negotiations in accordance with international law provisions such as the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982). It is claimed that  Russia also broke the silence  NEWSWEEK reported on Sept. 1 that the new map, released by China, addresses multiple territorial disputes, including the Bolshoi Ussuriysky Islands, which separate Russia and China at the confluence of the Ussuri and Amur rivers. The island is known as Heixiazi or Black Bear in Chinese.  Last Thursday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that the issue was resolved by a bilateral agreement more than 15 years ago. "Russia adheres to the common position that the border issue between our country and China has finally been resolved," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on its website.  What does China say?  "The correct national map is a symbol of the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity," said Li Yongchun, a senior official of the Ministry of Resources who announced the new map of Beijing. China's "Global Times" previously published an article on the social media platform X, claiming that the "standard map" was compiled based on the way China and other countries around the world draw national borders.  Despite growing protests, the Chinese government has called the release of the so-called "standard map" a "regular practice" and asked relevant countries to look at it "objectively and rationally."  Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said in a press conference in response to the opposition of neighboring countries, "China's position in the South China Sea is consistent and clear. China's relevant agencies regularly publish various types of standard maps every year, with the aim of bringing standard maps to all sectors of society and increasing public awareness of map standardization.  China has so far not changed its attitude of indifference to the strong protests of its neighbors.  Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao said in his latest response to Japan's protest on Wednesday, September 6: "The Diaoyu Islands and its islands have always been China's territory. It is natural that these islands are marked as Chinese territory on the map, and China will not accept Japan's protest. said  America joined the ranks  Beijing's new map not only created new tensions with its neighbors such as India, Malaysia, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Japan, but yesterday, Tuesday, the United States also joined the line, making an official statement against China's new map.  "China's extensive and illegal maritime initiatives in the South China Sea are contrary to international law," US State Department spokesman Vedant Patel said at a regular press conference on September 5. said.  In a statement, he said: "We note that the recently released national map of the People's Republic of China has provoked protests from countries that reject the territorial and maritime claims depicted in it. As for the lines in the South Sea depicted in the new map, we, like many countries, reject the illegal maritime claims reflected in the map and urge the People's Republic of China to recognize maritime claims in the South China Sea and elsewhere as reflected in the 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea. We call for compliance with the law.  China has increased its enemies  However, China's expansionism and indifference in land acquisition is also reflected in the reactions of Chinese citizens on Chinese social media. According to the Chinese section of our radio station, some Chinese netizens commented on the so-called "standard map" of China, saying "China is strong again," while others commented that "the map can be drawn bigger."  Mr. Teng Biao, a Chinese legal analyst living in the United States, said in an interview on Tuesday:  “In fact, the Chinese government continues to exploit the public's Chinese nationalism. Even with the release of this new map, China is taking advantage of nationalistic and ultra-nationalist sentiments among its citizens. China is well aware that the publication of this map will provoke international protests. But he doesn't care because he now sees himself as economically and militarily superior to the neighboring countries, so he openly continues his imperialism.  Teng Biao also said:  "The nature of the Chinese Communist Party is to fear the strong and bully the weak. With China being recognized as the most powerful country in Asia and second only to the United States in the world, many countries have become more economically dependent on China. As a result, the Chinese Communist government began to influence these countries not only economically but also through political penetration into these countries. In fact, China is making enemies in the world by releasing a map that exposes such expansion at a time when its image in human rights and other aspects has worsened and its economy is sinking. Especially at a time when relations with Western countries such as the United States are getting colder and restricting multilateral relations, China has warned the world about China's threat.  According to Reuters, China's latest map released on August 28 shows the famous U-shaped line covering about 90% of the South China Sea. The report shows that more than 3 trillion dollars of business will be held here every year. It faces many disagreements in this world's most hotly contested waterway.  The announcement of China's new official map has upset many countries in the Asia-Pacific region, and opposition from many governments continues to grow.

In response to armed resistance in 2023, the Military Council Army targeted civilians, Innocent civilians are being killed every day due to the use of heavy weapons and air strikes, regardless of military targets.

According to the lists compiled by RFA, from January to the end of August this year, 462 civilians were killed by air and heavy weapons in 12 districts and provinces including Yangon. 812 were injured.

On August 24, around 1:00 p.m., Bago Division, Kyaukgyi Township, A 28-year-old resident of Bodhigyi Village was killed when a jet fighter dropped six bombs on the bridge over the Bok Kha River between Bodhigyi Village and Si Thomu Si Tho Khoo Village.

Ko Saw Alexander, a local close to the family, told RFA that his pregnant wife was hit and killed by an airstrike on the way back to the hospital.

"His wife is about to give birth. He took his wife to the hospital because he was about to give birth. He went to take her to the hospital and then she came back. Wait for her because the plane was flying, and he told me to go. He said that he couldn't go and pick up her phone because the military council was on the bridge. The plane bombed her. When it was dropped like that, it hit her. Only half of her head was left, only a small face was left. After all, her stomach had burst out and there was nothing left, and her intestines also came out. "

It is said that the deceased Saw Babsel Po is survived by a wife who is eight months pregnant and three children.

On the evening of August 27th, Magwe During the battle between the Military Council Army and the local People's Defense Forces near the village of Ganggo Township, a shell fired by the 50th Infantry Division exploded inside the village of Saidu, near the village of Ganggo Township.

As a result, one villager of Saidu was killed and two were injured, a villager of Saidu told RFA.

"We were forming a column on the side of West Ganggo, so we came into contact with the local defense forces. After that, they started shooting with heavy weapons from the 50th Khlara. The 60th and 120th rounds of the village were searched. When three large weapons were fired at Saidu village, one fell on the front of the house. Three people were injured and one died."

Sagaing Division Kachin State and northern Shan State are also fighting between the Military Council Army and the Kachin Liberation Army (KIA).

Colonel Nobu, who is in charge of KIA news and information, said that the military council army has started to rely on heavy weapons and air support due to the increasing number of casualties in ground battles.

"Number one is that the army has the perception that the strategies of offensive columns from the ground are more dangerous for it. Number two is that heavy weapons and air force are also very damaging to the morale. The main thing is to affect the enemy's morale in order to reduce casualties, and we consider that it is possible to use such heavy weapons and air force."

Colonel Nobu said that during these attacks, the military council forces also targeted civilians.

Regarding the attack on civilian targets, RFA contacted General Zaw Min Tun, spokesperson of the Military Council, by telephone, but could not be contacted.

Therefore, when contacting U Thein Tun Oo, the executive director of the Military Strategy Study Group formed by former military generals, he responded that the military cannot be complacent about civilian casualties for its military objectives, nor can the military be blamed.

"Whenever there is a battle in areas close to civilians, civilian deaths cannot be avoided. That is why we cannot go around and say that the other person used heavy weapons. When there is a battle, the Rules of Engagement (ROE) must be avoided, that person must be avoided, and because it is a battle, when there is a rumbling here and there, there is no way to avoid or not avoid civilians. Because an army has a purpose and a goal. You can't be meek."

Human rights activists are calling on international governments to prevent and take action as this is a war crime.

"There is a need for a process that can effectively and pressure the countries and governments involved in the export and sale of jet fuel to cut off the routes as soon as possible. "

National Unity Government (NUG) Human Rights Minister U Aung Myo Min said that if the army's crimes are delayed, there will be more civilian casualties.

"If we continue to take action on this crime, there will be more deaths. The military group will continue to crush and kill people as long as they can until their last breath. So we need things that can be done quickly rather than discussions and presentations. Especially the countries and governments that are involved in the export and sale of jet fuel, we need a process that can effectively and pressure on those countries to cut off the routes as soon as possible."

The NUG said that it is trying to obtain economic sanctions on all imports of jet fuel for the military council and to obtain technical assistance from the air traffic control system.

According to the Association for the Assistance of Political Prisoners (AAPP) as of September 4, 4,035 people have been killed by the military council since the coup.

North Korea : Half of Kim Jong-un's public activities are in the 'military' sector

The Korean Central News Agency reported on the 3rd that North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-un inspected the North-China Machinery Joint Enterprise in North Pyongan Province, which produces marine engines, and an important military factory.

If you analyze North Korean Secretary General Kim Jong-un's public activities in the second half of this year, you can see that the ' military ' sector has increased significantly . As of the 6th , out of a total of 33 public activities, 17 were in the military field, accounting for half . This is a significant increase compared to the same period last year when there was no public military-related activity .

Experts on the Korean Peninsula predicted that there would be no immediate economic results to show, and that Secretary General Kim's public activities in the future would be more focused on the military sector at a time when security cooperation between Korea, the United States , and Japan is strengthening .

A congratulatory visit to the Naval Command in celebration of Navy Day on August 27th .

August 29 Visit to the training command center of the General Staff of the Korean People 's Army .

Map of important military factories on September 3rd .

As North Korea's General Secretary Kim Jong-un continues to engage in public activities related to the military, Radio Free Asia (RFA) reports on Kim Jong-un's public activities by referring to the South Korean Ministry of Unification's " Trends in Kim Jong-un's Public Activities " and North Korea's Korean Central News Agency and Rodong Sinmun ( state-run media ). Based on publication standards ) , we analyzed it . 

According to the Ministry of Unification, Secretary General Kim's public activities in the first half of this year totaled 32, which was half of the past average of 62 . Of these , there were 16 military-related activities confirmed by Radio Free Asia .

In the second half of the year , Secretary General Kim's public activities increased noticeably. In just over two months from July 1 to September 6 , his public activities totaled 33 times , of which 17 were military-related. 

In particular, given that the second half of this year is not even halfway over and the September 9th anniversary of the establishment of the North Korean regime is approaching, Secretary General Kim's military-related actions are expected to increase further .

Additionally, during the same period last year (July 1, 2022 - September 6, 2022), Secretary General Kim's public activities were limited to 15 times, which confirms that public activities have more than doubled this year .

The difference is more evident in military activities. From July 1 to September 6 of last year , Secretary General Kim's public activities related to the military could not be found , and his activities mainly consisted of taking commemorative photos, attending events , political meetings , and visiting shrines. It turns out that .  

“ Kim Jong - un ‘ emphasizes the Navy ’ in response to Korea-US-Japan summit and ROK-US joint exercises ”

In relation to this, Park Won-gon, a professor at Korea's Ewha Womans University, commented on Radio Free Asia on the 4th, " If you look at Secretary General Kim's recent actions, it seems clear that he is focused on the military .   "

It is pointed out that Secretary General Kim must lead both the military and the economy, but as the economy deteriorates due to the border blockade and sanctions against North Korea that lasted for 3 years and 7 months due to the coronavirus pandemic, he is focusing on the military .     

In particular, on the economic side, the recent visit to the flood site while criticizing Prime Minister Kim Deok-hoon can be seen as having quite representative symbolism . In the end , it is Kim Jong-un's responsibility , but the fact that he deliberately created the appearance of passing responsibility is judged to be proof that North Korea is facing significant economic difficulties . That's why they continue to focus more on the military .

In addition, considering the fact that there are three military parades a year and the fact that most of Secretary General Kim's recent local guidance focuses on military-related areas, some say that North Korea is showing off its military achievements despite the difficult internal situation .

In particular, Secretary General Kim's military actions became more prominent after the Korea-US-Japan summit and the ROK-US joint exercise ' Ulji Shield of Freedom ' held in August .

Since the 18th of last month, when the Korea-U.S.-Japan summit was held , there have been five public military-related activities .

Regarding this, Professor Park said that the Korea-U.S.-Japan summit seems to have shocked North Korea, and interpreted Secretary General Kim's recent frequent military moves toward the Navy as a reaction to the strengthening of security cooperation between Korea, the U.S. and Japan .  

The main object of security cooperation between Korea, the United States and Japan is focused on strengthening North Korea's nuclear missile deterrent capabilities at sea , but since North Korea's naval power is so weak, this poses a very big security challenge to them ( North Korea ) . How can this be resolved? There is no . Kim Jong-un is claiming ( allegedly ) to have launched a cruise missile from a naval ship , and I believe he is deliberately trying to offset his poor naval power by doing so . But that seems quite limited .

In fact, North Korea is launching ' naval forces ' every day .

On the 21st of last month , General Secretary Kim Jong-un inspected the Navy's East Sea Fleet and visited the Korean People's Army Naval Headquarters on the 27th of the same month to celebrate Navy Day . On the 3rd , he mentioned strengthening naval forces in a local map of a ship engine production plant .

Nevertheless, Shin Seung-gi, a researcher at the Korea Institute for Defense Analyzes, told Radio Free Asia (on the 4th) that North Korea's naval power still has clear limits .

In fact, the navy is relatively smaller than the North Korean ground forces . In particular, it is true that more financial resources are needed to develop naval and air power than the army . In order to carry out appropriate operations in modern warfare, a military force based on a certain level of technological prowess is required . This requires quite a lot of financial resources, but these resources are actually limited because North Korea is currently focusing on nuclear weapons and missiles . It can be said that the declared will or intention to take things this way in the future is stronger .

While Secretary General Kim continues his activities in the military sector, his actions to care for public sentiment are not noticeable .

Aside from three visits to typhoon damage recovery sites last month, Secretary General Kim's public activities have mostly focused on the military and political sectors.

Professor Park pointed out that in order to appease public sentiment, benefits that can be given to North Korean residents are needed, but because North Korea's economy is not doing well, it is stuck in a vicious cycle of not being able to take action related to the economy .

Ultimately, the economic problem must be solved . But there is nothing to show at all . There is only so much we can show in the housing and construction sector . Going to flood sites and raising issues can also be seen as Kim Jong-un's love for the people . Overall, it is said that enriching people through the economy is the core of the ideology of loving the people . It can be said that because of the difficulties of not being able to do that, they are focusing more on the military side .

Meanwhile, some are pointing out that Secretary General Kim is using excessive show-offs when inspecting flood-damaged areas and munitions factories to strengthen internal solidarity.

“ We will focus on military-related activities for the time being. ”

North Korean authorities approaching the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the regime .

Many experts, including Jeong Seong-jang, director of the Unification Strategy Research Department at the Sejong Institute of Korea, predict that Secretary General Kim will continue to focus on military actions.

It is known that a military parade is also being prepared on the 9th . In some cases, there is a possibility that North Korea will conduct its seventh nuclear test in September or October . In March of this year , North Korea already demonstrated the nuclear warhead it plans to use in a nuclear test, so I think it will continue to take steps to build a nuclear missile powerhouse for the time being while also taking care of the people's livelihood .

I don’t think there will be much change from now . As North Korea continues to emphasize, securing the system and rebuilding the economy can be seen as the two biggest goal axes . Just as a visiting delegation including the Russian Minister of Defense came and saw a weapons display, military activities will become more prominent . 

The military parade on the 9th will be an important event , and there is not much to show on the economic side . One of North Korea's biggest focuses at the moment is satellite launch . It was announced again in October . It is a situation that must succeed.

As the new Cold War structure between Korea, the United States, and Japan versus North Korea, China, and Russia intensifies, Secretary General Kim's public activities focused on the military sector, such as the military parade commemorating the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the North Korean regime, the suspicion of arms trade between North Korea and Russia, and the launch of a reconnaissance satellite scheduled for October , will continue for the time being. This is a view .

China : New national map has sparked a wave of protests

China's Ministry of Natural Resources released a new "standard" national map for 2023 on Monday, August 28. In it, China clearly demarcates its nine-dash line, demarcating what it considers to be its maritime boundaries, and claims almost the entire South Sea as its territory.

In this map released by China, in addition to areas that are not owned by China or are not disputed, the areas listed as belonging to China also include Taiwan and the South Seas, which are disputed by many countries, as well as Arunachal Pradesh, Aksai region under Indian control.

The area of ​​the new map of China is 10.45 million square kilometers

For many years, the land area of ​​the People's Republic of China has been determined to be about 9.6 million square kilometers. After the publication of the new map, China's territory was determined to be approximately 10,450,000 square kilometers.

Li Yongchun, a senior official of China's Ministry of Resources, said of the Chinese map: "The correct national map is a symbol of the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity."

As soon as China published this map, it first provoked protests from India, then Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei and Nepal, and Taiwan. They said that they will not recognize the new map of China in 2023, and oppose the symbolic territory.

The first and strongest protest from India

India has been the first and strongest protest against China. India on August 29 strongly protested China's inclusion of provinces and territories such as Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai Chin in its 2023 "standard" map, saying it would only complicate the resolution of the border issue.

According to the report of the "Times of India" newspaper, Indian Foreign Minister S Jaishankar rejected Beijing's "absurd request" in a statement: "China has issued a map with territorial areas that are not its own. It is very clear what the territory of our government is. Claiming absurd land does not make other people's land yours.

T. Kumar "The new map of China is a signal to the world about China's threat"

The former director of Amnesty International's Asia department and the senior adviser of the International Human Rights Network T. Mr. Kumar called China's behavior "imperialist expansion." He noted that the continuation of such expansion not only further strained the border dispute with India, but also signaled the threat of China to the whole world. "This map issued by China not only angered the Indian government and provoked public protests throughout India, but also further strained the relationship between the two countries. Known to cause roughness.

China's latest provocation comes just days before the G20 summit in New Delhi, after which it was revealed that Chinese President Xi Jinping has decided not to attend for the first time. These have further exacerbated the existing border issues between China and India. This imperialist map of China has challenged not only India, but also many neighboring countries in South Asia, signaling to the world China's threat.

T. Mr. Kumar also emphasized: "China has claimed this Indian territory of southern Tibet and Tibet as ours before." In 1962, there was a war in this territory. India's annexation of these territories marks the next step in China's expansion. I think it will only increase the tension that has always existed in the relationship between the two countries.

China angered its neighbors

Indonesia told China to "comply with UNCLOS", while Taiwan said the map "does not change the existence of our country".

Nepal responded by asking Beijing to "respect" its 2020 map.

In response to the map, the Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, "In 2016, an arbitration court in The Hague cited the decision of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which basically canceled China's claims to the entire South China Sea and supported the Philippines."

"These claims violate the sovereignty of the Paracels and Spratly Islands and rights over its waters, and they should be considered invalid because they violate the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea," Vietnam said.

Japan's national television channel NHK reported today, September 6, that Japan has protested against the inclusion of the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa in the new map released by Beijing. Tokyo asked Beijing to cancel the map.

Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno Hirokazu told media in Tokyo on Tuesday: "Japan has strongly protested to China through diplomatic channels over the new map released by Beijing last month.

Because in it, China unilaterally describes its claim to the Senkaku Islands in the southern Okinawa province of Japan. These islands are undoubtedly part of Japan's territory in terms of history and international law. The Japanese government expressed strong objections to China through diplomatic channels and demanded an immediate withdrawal of the interpretation on the map.

In a letter sent back to our radio by the Malaysian embassy in Washington, it emphasized that it cannot independently respond to China's new map, and attached a statement released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the "2023 Standard Map of China".

It said, “This shows China's unilateral maritime initiative (unilateral action) that bypasses Malaysia's territorial waters in Sabah and Sarawak based on the new 1979 map of Malaysia.

Malaysia believes that the South China Sea issue is a complex and sensitive issue. This issue should be dealt with peacefully and rationally through negotiations in accordance with international law provisions such as the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982). It is claimed that

Russia also broke the silence

NEWSWEEK reported on Sept. 1 that the new map, released by China, addresses multiple territorial disputes, including the Bolshoi Ussuriysky Islands, which separate Russia and China at the confluence of the Ussuri and Amur rivers. The island is known as Heixiazi or Black Bear in Chinese.

Last Thursday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that the issue was resolved by a bilateral agreement more than 15 years ago. "Russia adheres to the common position that the border issue between our country and China has finally been resolved," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on its website.

What does China say?

"The correct national map is a symbol of the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity," said Li Yongchun, a senior official of the Ministry of Resources who announced the new map of Beijing. China's "Global Times" previously published an article on the social media platform X, claiming that the "standard map" was compiled based on the way China and other countries around the world draw national borders.

Despite growing protests, the Chinese government has called the release of the so-called "standard map" a "regular practice" and asked relevant countries to look at it "objectively and rationally."

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said in a press conference in response to the opposition of neighboring countries, "China's position in the South China Sea is consistent and clear. China's relevant agencies regularly publish various types of standard maps every year, with the aim of bringing standard maps to all sectors of society and increasing public awareness of map standardization.

China has so far not changed its attitude of indifference to the strong protests of its neighbors.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao said in his latest response to Japan's protest on Wednesday, September 6: "The Diaoyu Islands and its islands have always been China's territory. It is natural that these islands are marked as Chinese territory on the map, and China will not accept Japan's protest. said

America joined the ranks

Beijing's new map not only created new tensions with its neighbors such as India, Malaysia, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Japan, but yesterday, Tuesday, the United States also joined the line, making an official statement against China's new map.

"China's extensive and illegal maritime initiatives in the South China Sea are contrary to international law," US State Department spokesman Vedant Patel said at a regular press conference on September 5. said.

In a statement, he said: "We note that the recently released national map of the People's Republic of China has provoked protests from countries that reject the territorial and maritime claims depicted in it. As for the lines in the South Sea depicted in the new map, we, like many countries, reject the illegal maritime claims reflected in the map and urge the People's Republic of China to recognize maritime claims in the South China Sea and elsewhere as reflected in the 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea. We call for compliance with the law.

China has increased its enemies

However, China's expansionism and indifference in land acquisition is also reflected in the reactions of Chinese citizens on Chinese social media. According to the Chinese section of our radio station, some Chinese netizens commented on the so-called "standard map" of China, saying "China is strong again," while others commented that "the map can be drawn bigger."

Mr. Teng Biao, a Chinese legal analyst living in the United States, said in an interview on Tuesday:

“In fact, the Chinese government continues to exploit the public's Chinese nationalism. Even with the release of this new map, China is taking advantage of nationalistic and ultra-nationalist sentiments among its citizens. China is well aware that the publication of this map will provoke international protests. But he doesn't care because he now sees himself as economically and militarily superior to the neighboring countries, so he openly continues his imperialism.

Teng Biao also said:

"The nature of the Chinese Communist Party is to fear the strong and bully the weak. With China being recognized as the most powerful country in Asia and second only to the United States in the world, many countries have become more economically dependent on China. As a result, the Chinese Communist government began to influence these countries not only economically but also through political penetration into these countries. In fact, China is making enemies in the world by releasing a map that exposes such expansion at a time when its image in human rights and other aspects has worsened and its economy is sinking. Especially at a time when relations with Western countries such as the United States are getting colder and restricting multilateral relations, China has warned the world about China's threat.

According to Reuters, China's latest map released on August 28 shows the famous U-shaped line covering about 90% of the South China Sea. The report shows that more than 3 trillion dollars of business will be held here every year. It faces many disagreements in this world's most hotly contested waterway.

The announcement of China's new official map has upset many countries in the Asia-Pacific region, and opposition from many governments continues to grow.

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