Elena Solomatina : Certain cheese should be given up for people with obesity and glucose

Research : A doctor reveals the number of times a week hair should be washed to prevent hair loss   Elena Solomatina : Certain cheese should be given up for people with obesity and glucose

Russian nutritionist Elena Solomatina said that cottage cheese curd, or what is known as cottage cheese, is a healthy product, but it should not be abused, especially by some groups of citizens.
She explained that these categories include patients who suffer from diseases of the pancreas and gallbladder, and the product can cause exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system.

She also indicated: "It is forbidden to eat cottage cheese curds, cottage cheese for those who suffer from diabetes, who are exposed to a sharp rise in blood glucose, and people who are overweight."

She added that cheese contains a high percentage of protein, calcium, vitamins, and essential amino acids, and that it is a food rich in calories, and it can contain a high percentage of fat and sodium.

She said, "Some products from cheese do not contain any benefit."

Cottage cheese is known as one of the soft white cheeses, produced by fermenting milk with lactic acid, in a process called "acid cheese".

Research : A doctor reveals the number of times a week hair should be washed to prevent hair loss

Humans lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day, and new hair replaces them. However, sometimes the hair loss is abnormal and may cause concern.
In fact, hair loss is rarely a sign of something serious, but it can psychologically affect an individual.

And according to Dr Amir Khan, speaking on ITV, the way you take care of your hair can be a factor in hair loss.

The doctor said: "We have about 100,000 hairs on our heads and lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day normally. There is natural growth so we tend not to notice this, but for some people, hair loss can be really stressful. Symptoms and signs to look out for include: "Look for it, in particular, things like a receding hairline, bald spots, itching, and scalp inflammation. All of these things can indicate that you're losing more hair than normal."

There are many possible causes of hair loss, as hormones play a big role in this process.

While some risk factors may be difficult to influence, others can be easily changed.

Dr Amir pointed out that the way we wash our hair may play an important role, saying: "There are simple things we can all do - think about how often you wash your hair. You shouldn't do it more than once a day. Washing your hair strips it of moisture." Its natural protective oils. In fact, experts say: You shouldn't wash your hair more than two or three times a week."

The other important factor when it comes to washing your hair is the temperature of the water.

Many advise washing hair with cold water to get a flawless shine. However, Dr. Amir recommended that we not adopt any extreme temperatures, explaining: "Very hot and very cold water should be avoided. Both are damaging to hair and can once again strip hair of its oils and weaken it."

And last but not least, your hair care should not contain a lot of heat or heavy chemicals.

"Limit the number of times you blow-dry your hair, style your hair, or use very strong chemicals on your hair," said Dr. Amir.

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