“You, Blinkin, have honored Baba.” The declared and hidden objectives of the US Secretary of State’s visit to the region

“You, Blinkin, have honored Baba.” The declared and hidden objectives of the US Secretary of State’s visit to the region  Nazareth - Coinciding with the state of tension and congestion , US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is expected to arrive in the country, coming from Cairo, within hours. .   According to Israeli reports and leaks, Blinken will discuss with the Israeli side a number of issues, on top of which is Iran and the fight against its nuclear project, which Israel continues to try to thwart by several means, including, and most recently, the bombing of military technological facilities in Isfahan, as confirmed by central media in the United States. , quoting American and Israeli sources.  And Israeli sources indicate that Blinken will also address the issue of the deep “reforms” that the Netanyahu government has embarked upon, since its launch a month ago, and which the opposition considers a coup against democracy. In his talks with Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Blinken intends to stress the need to “take urgent measures to reduce the escalation,” said US State Department spokesman Vedant Patel, on Friday, after Washington condemned the “horrific” attack in East Jerusalem. It is noteworthy here that Blinken's visit was identified and announced prior to the recent wave of security escalation in the occupied Palestinian territories.  Blinken is expected to discuss with Netanyahu the issue of Jordan and its internal crisis, and Israeli-Jordanian relations, as Jordan is very concerned about escalation.  an internal Israeli affair In this regard, the occupation army radio said that Israel is not interested in the talks focusing on the occupation and the Palestinian issue. Noting that the American side is interested in learning about the nature and depth of "judicial reforms", despite it being an internal Israeli affair, and this is what she considered an anomaly, and indicates Washington's concern about internal interactions and debates in Israel.  Blinken  said , in an interview , that “the most important thing in the near future is to try to establish some calm.” However, the margin of maneuver available to the Secretary of State seems to be limited within the limits of calls for calm, at a time when the Israeli-Palestinian conflict appears to be at a dead end, even though the Joe Biden administration had Many promises were made of the need to settle the Palestinian-Israeli conflict before the US elections in 2020.  “Babouri Rayah, Babouri Gai”  But the occupying power did not heed all these promises, and continued to deepen Judaization and settlement, and violated the rights of the Palestinians on a daily basis, as he continued, and American envoys to the country and the region continue their successive visits without any actual benefit regarding the Palestinian cause. Talk about peace and a two-state settlement remains in the air, and on the ground Washington continues Providing Israel with arms and diplomatic protection and preventing the issuance of condemning resolutions by the Security Council against it, despite its commission of war crimes, such as fattening the settlements and killing 35 Palestinians since the beginning of the month. In view of these successive visits by American officials to the country and the region, carrying a false flag on which lofty values ​​such as peace and human rights are engraved, the cute song “Babouri Rayah Rayah Babouri Gay” or the satirical song by the duo Ahmed Fouad Negm and Sheikh Imam come to mind: “You were honored, Nixon, Baba / Oh, you who bought Watergate” prior to Nixon’s visit to Cairo in 1974, and it was the first visit of an American president to Egypt after the 1973 war, in which America provided the occupying country with an air train of ammunition, weapons and equipment. And later, Anwar Sadat, the poet and singer, was arrested immediately after the release of their satirical song about the American president, who spoke with his tongue about peace issues, while his hand was supporting the occupation of the Palestinian territories, Sinai and the Golan Heights.  Prevent the recurrence of the gift of dignity Against the backdrop of not expecting any real importance of Blinken's visit to the Palestinian cause, researcher Aaron David Miller, former US negotiator and expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, said in an interview with Al-Jazeera: "I think the best the Americans can reach is that The situation will stabilize in order to avoid a recurrence of May 2021,” referring to the “Gift of Dignity” and Operation “Saif al-Quds” (“Guardian of the Walls,” according to the Israeli designation of the war on Gaza). Ghaith al-Omari, an expert at The Washington Institute, believes that Blinken's visit "does not indicate any change in the American position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," but he expected that the talks (with Mahmoud Abbas) would not be comfortable.  The most important issue is Iran Among Washington's goals in Blinken's visit, which was preceded by a visit by CIA chief William Burns, and a visit by the US security adviser to the country, Washington's desire to quickly resume relations with Netanyahu, who returned to power at the head of a government that is the most right-wing in history. Israel. Netanyahu's relations with the administration of US Democratic President Joe Biden were tense, especially with regard to the Iranian nuclear file, but it is expected that the current stalemate in the negotiations to revive the 2015 agreement on the Iranian nuclear deal will contribute to bringing the positions closer. It seems that Iran is the central issue, and the calculations of regional interests are behind this visit, especially since the issue of Iran is linked to the security of the Gulf and the situation inside Syria and the Russian war in Ukraine, which enjoys wide American interest, and its concern increases in light of Tehran continuing to supply the Russian army with destructive combat marches. .  The American side is interested in learning about the nature and depth of the “judicial reforms,” despite it being an internal Israeli matter.  consecutive visits White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan has previously visited Israel to assure Netanyahu of the support of the United States, and Miller says in this regard: “I have never seen this number of visits at such a high level in any American administration.” “This is unprecedented,” he adds, referring to the possibility of Netanyahu visiting the White House, which is being prepared for as of February. "It seems as if they are flooding the region, and Blinken will stress the importance of preserving the historical status quo on the Temple Mount," expert David Makovsky of The Washington Institute said, in an interview with Al-Jazeera.   It is noteworthy that the US administration has preempted the formation of Netanyahu's sixth government by expressing its declared concern about the possibility of appointing extremists like Ben Gvir and Smotrich as ministers, especially since they support the banned "Kach" movement in the United States, and said it is studying the possibility of non-professional cooperation with them, but Washington returned and polite Her tone and adopted different positions in this regard, hiding behind the saying that she will deal with the government, and with its president who is responsible for everything for her. Likewise, Minister of Security Itamar Ben Gvir, one of the most prominent figures of the Israeli extreme right, sparked an international wave of condemnation by entering the Al-Aqsa Mosque courtyard a month ago.  Jordanian-Israeli relations According to other Israeli sources, the Blinken talks will deal with regional issues. Including the “Abraham Accords,” which were reached in 2020 under American auspices to normalize relations between Israel and several Arab countries, and Netanyahu hopes that Saudi Arabia will join them. These sources suggested that Blinken would discuss with Netanyahu the issue of Jordan and its internal crisis, and the Israeli-Jordanian relations, as Jordan is very concerned about the escalation in the occupied Palestinian territories, especially the occupation’s efforts to effectively erase the “status quo” in the Temple Mount, and fears the consequences of this on the internal situation. The crisis is already in crisis inside the Hashemite Kingdom, and this is what worries the US administration, which still sees Jordan as an important ally, and calls on Israel to return the waters to normal with it, after Netanyahu neglected the strategic relations with Jordan, contrary to the recommendations of the Israeli security establishment, especially after the signing of normalization agreements with the UAE and Bahrain before a few years.

Nazareth - Coinciding with the state of tension and congestion , US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is expected to arrive in the country, coming from Cairo, within hours. .

 According to Israeli reports and leaks, Blinken will discuss with the Israeli side a number of issues, on top of which is Iran and the fight against its nuclear project, which Israel continues to try to thwart by several means, including, and most recently, the bombing of military technological facilities in Isfahan, as confirmed by central media in the United States. , quoting American and Israeli sources.

And Israeli sources indicate that Blinken will also address the issue of the deep “reforms” that the Netanyahu government has embarked upon, since its launch a month ago, and which the opposition considers a coup against democracy. In his talks with Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Blinken intends to stress the need to “take urgent measures to reduce the escalation,” said US State Department spokesman Vedant Patel, on Friday, after Washington condemned the “horrific” attack in East Jerusalem. It is noteworthy here that Blinken's visit was identified and announced prior to the recent wave of security escalation in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Blinken is expected to discuss with Netanyahu the issue of Jordan and its internal crisis, and Israeli-Jordanian relations, as Jordan is very concerned about escalation.

an internal Israeli affair
In this regard, the occupation army radio said that Israel is not interested in the talks focusing on the occupation and the Palestinian issue. Noting that the American side is interested in learning about the nature and depth of "judicial reforms", despite it being an internal Israeli affair, and this is what she considered an anomaly, and indicates Washington's concern about internal interactions and debates in Israel.

Blinken  said , in an interview , that “the most important thing in the near future is to try to establish some calm.” However, the margin of maneuver available to the Secretary of State seems to be limited within the limits of calls for calm, at a time when the Israeli-Palestinian conflict appears to be at a dead end, even though the Joe Biden administration had Many promises were made of the need to settle the Palestinian-Israeli conflict before the US elections in 2020.

“Babouri Rayah, Babouri Gai”
 But the occupying power did not heed all these promises, and continued to deepen Judaization and settlement, and violated the rights of the Palestinians on a daily basis, as he continued, and American envoys to the country and the region continue their successive visits without any actual benefit regarding the Palestinian cause. Talk about peace and a two-state settlement remains in the air, and on the ground Washington continues Providing Israel with arms and diplomatic protection and preventing the issuance of condemning resolutions by the Security Council against it, despite its commission of war crimes, such as fattening the settlements and killing 35 Palestinians since the beginning of the month. In view of these successive visits by American officials to the country and the region, carrying a false flag on which lofty values ​​such as peace and human rights are engraved, the cute song “Babouri Rayah Rayah Babouri Gay” or the satirical song by the duo Ahmed Fouad Negm and Sheikh Imam come to mind: “You were honored, Nixon, Baba / Oh, you who bought Watergate” prior to Nixon’s visit to Cairo in 1974, and it was the first visit of an American president to Egypt after the 1973 war, in which America provided the occupying country with an air train of ammunition, weapons and equipment. And later, Anwar Sadat, the poet and singer, was arrested immediately after the release of their satirical song about the American president, who spoke with his tongue about peace issues, while his hand was supporting the occupation of the Palestinian territories, Sinai and the Golan Heights.

Prevent the recurrence of the gift of dignity
Against the backdrop of not expecting any real importance of Blinken's visit to the Palestinian cause, researcher Aaron David Miller, former US negotiator and expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, said in an interview with Al-Jazeera: "I think the best the Americans can reach is that The situation will stabilize in order to avoid a recurrence of May 2021,” referring to the “Gift of Dignity” and Operation “Saif al-Quds” (“Guardian of the Walls,” according to the Israeli designation of the war on Gaza). Ghaith al-Omari, an expert at The Washington Institute, believes that Blinken's visit "does not indicate any change in the American position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," but he expected that the talks (with Mahmoud Abbas) would not be comfortable.

The most important issue is Iran
Among Washington's goals in Blinken's visit, which was preceded by a visit by CIA chief William Burns, and a visit by the US security adviser to the country, Washington's desire to quickly resume relations with Netanyahu, who returned to power at the head of a government that is the most right-wing in history. Israel. Netanyahu's relations with the administration of US Democratic President Joe Biden were tense, especially with regard to the Iranian nuclear file, but it is expected that the current stalemate in the negotiations to revive the 2015 agreement on the Iranian nuclear deal will contribute to bringing the positions closer. It seems that Iran is the central issue, and the calculations of regional interests are behind this visit, especially since the issue of Iran is linked to the security of the Gulf and the situation inside Syria and the Russian war in Ukraine, which enjoys wide American interest, and its concern increases in light of Tehran continuing to supply the Russian army with destructive combat marches. .

The American side is interested in learning about the nature and depth of the “judicial reforms,” despite it being an internal Israeli matter.

consecutive visits
White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan has previously visited Israel to assure Netanyahu of the support of the United States, and Miller says in this regard: “I have never seen this number of visits at such a high level in any American administration.” “This is unprecedented,” he adds, referring to the possibility of Netanyahu visiting the White House, which is being prepared for as of February. "It seems as if they are flooding the region, and Blinken will stress the importance of preserving the historical status quo on the Temple Mount," expert David Makovsky of The Washington Institute said, in an interview with Al-Jazeera.

 It is noteworthy that the US administration has preempted the formation of Netanyahu's sixth government by expressing its declared concern about the possibility of appointing extremists like Ben Gvir and Smotrich as ministers, especially since they support the banned "Kach" movement in the United States, and said it is studying the possibility of non-professional cooperation with them, but Washington returned and polite Her tone and adopted different positions in this regard, hiding behind the saying that she will deal with the government, and with its president who is responsible for everything for her. Likewise, Minister of Security Itamar Ben Gvir, one of the most prominent figures of the Israeli extreme right, sparked an international wave of condemnation by entering the Al-Aqsa Mosque courtyard a month ago.

Jordanian-Israeli relations
According to other Israeli sources, the Blinken talks will deal with regional issues. Including the “Abraham Accords,” which were reached in 2020 under American auspices to normalize relations between Israel and several Arab countries, and Netanyahu hopes that Saudi Arabia will join them. These sources suggested that Blinken would discuss with Netanyahu the issue of Jordan and its internal crisis, and the Israeli-Jordanian relations, as Jordan is very concerned about the escalation in the occupied Palestinian territories, especially the occupation’s efforts to effectively erase the “status quo” in the Temple Mount, and fears the consequences of this on the internal situation. The crisis is already in crisis inside the Hashemite Kingdom, and this is what worries the US administration, which still sees Jordan as an important ally, and calls on Israel to return the waters to normal with it, after Netanyahu neglected the strategic relations with Jordan, contrary to the recommendations of the Israeli security establishment, especially after the signing of normalization agreements with the UAE and Bahrain before a few years.

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