Kominfo officially opens Paypal access

Kominfo officially opens Paypal access  Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (Kominfo) has officially normalized or opened access to financial services from private foreign-owned Electronic System Operators (PSE), namely Paypal, as well as several other platforms including CS Go, DOTA, Steam, and Yahoo.  "Paypal has been open for access since Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 08.00 WIB," said the Director General of Information Applications (Aptika) of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan in a written statement, Tuesday.  The normalization of access was completed after the Ministry of Communications and Informatics communicated with Paypal to participate in the PSE registration according to the Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information Number 5 of 2020. Paypal then showed their commitment to registering their services in order to comply with the provisions of the Indonesian Government.  Thus, the opening of Paypal service access is now no longer temporary but can be accessed normally by the public.  Apart from Paypal, other services that have been normalized by Kominfo are the CS Go, DOTA, Steam, and Yahoo platforms on August 2, 2022, starting today at 08.30 WIB.  "Yahoo has carried out normalization since 08.30 WIB today, Tuesday, August 2, 2022," he said. Semuel added, "The public can now access the three PSE groups mentioned above.  Registration of PSE according to Permenkominfo 5/2022 is one of Indonesia's ways to maintain state sovereignty in the digital space in the midst of massive digital transformation. As of Tuesday (2/8) at 12.30 WIB, on the website pse.kominfo.go.id , 292 foreign PSEs have registered and 8,897 domestic PSEs have registered.

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (Kominfo) has officially normalized or opened access to financial services from private foreign-owned Electronic System Operators (PSE), namely Paypal, as well as several other platforms including CS Go, DOTA, Steam, and Yahoo.

"Paypal has been open for access since Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 08.00 WIB," said the Director General of Information Applications (Aptika) of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan in a written statement, Tuesday.

The normalization of access was completed after the Ministry of Communications and Informatics communicated with Paypal to participate in the PSE registration according to the Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information Number 5 of 2020. Paypal then showed their commitment to registering their services in order to comply with the provisions of the Indonesian Government.

Thus, the opening of Paypal service access is now no longer temporary but can be accessed normally by the public.

Apart from Paypal, other services that have been normalized by Kominfo are the CS Go, DOTA, Steam, and Yahoo platforms on August 2, 2022, starting today at 08.30 WIB.

"Yahoo has carried out normalization since 08.30 WIB today, Tuesday, August 2, 2022," he said. Semuel added, "The public can now access the three PSE groups mentioned above.

Registration of PSE according to Permenkominfo 5/2022 is one of Indonesia's ways to maintain state sovereignty in the digital space in the midst of massive digital transformation. As of Tuesday (2/8) at 12.30 WIB, on the website pse.kominfo.go.id , 292 foreign PSEs have registered and 8,897 domestic PSEs have registered.

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