China tests fish for corona virus

China tests fish for corona virus  Chinese authorities have started conducting COVID-19 tests on caught fish. Videos of fish swabs taken in the coastal city of Xiamen circulated widely on the Internet in China.  It is noteworthy that China's policies to contain the Corona virus that causes COVID-19 are the most stringent in the world.  A representative of the Xiamen Health Department confirmed that the authorities had not only subjected the returning fishermen to tests, but also the fish they had caught.  The move came after Jimmy County issued a directive last month stressing the danger from illegal trade with foreign fishermen at sea, and required that people and goods be tested when fishermen and their catch reach shore.

Chinese authorities have started conducting COVID-19 tests on caught fish. Videos of fish swabs taken in the coastal city of Xiamen circulated widely on the Internet in China.

It is noteworthy that China's policies to contain the Corona virus that causes COVID-19 are the most stringent in the world.

A representative of the Xiamen Health Department confirmed that the authorities had not only subjected the returning fishermen to tests, but also the fish they had caught.

The move came after Jimmy County issued a directive last month stressing the danger from illegal trade with foreign fishermen at sea, and required that people and goods be tested when fishermen and their catch reach shore.

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