Do you want to not feel hungry so that you do not eat and get fat? This is the solution

Why do we feel hungry all day? What is the perfect snack? How do we avoid feeling hungry so that we do not eat and get fat? What fruits contain the least amounts of carbohydrates? And what foods cause infections? The answers are in this report.

Why do we feel hungry all day?
Sometimes you feel like you're starving all day, but is it hunger or just a desire to eat? How do you differentiate between the two and better control your cravings?

Writer Florence Dunn says - in a report published by the French magazine "Sante Magazine" - that hunger results from a slight decrease in sugar or the level of glucose in the blood, and is a physiological signal that indicates that the body burns all the calories provided by the previous meal, and that It's time to eat.

The feeling of hunger is sometimes accompanied by stomach cramps, and this usually occurs after a certain period of eating a meal or after physical activity that consumes the body's stores of glucose (housework, gardening, sports).

And if your satiety does not last more than 2 or 3 hours, you should check how well your diet is balanced. For example, eating one main dish will not be enough to make you feel full in the afternoon.

Fast Food Infographic Did you know - from Hamad Medical Corporation The availability of unhealthy foods at reduced prices and the variety of fast food contributes to an increase in the chances of obesity, and the sizes of meals have become much more than the normal or customary sizes, which makes it difficult to estimate what an individual needs. Thus, the individual often eats more than he should.

Why do some people always feel hungry?
Blood sugar may be the key to understanding the source of untimely and frequently eating cravings. This relationship was demonstrated in a study published in April 2021 in the journal Nature Metabolism, in which researchers collected data on blood sugar responses and other health indicators for 1,070 people after they ate standard breakfasts and freely selected meals over a two-week period.

Participants took a fasting glucose response test to measure how well their bodies "processed" sugar, and had to constantly wear glucose meters to measure their blood sugar for the duration of the study.

After analyzing the data, the scientific team noted that some people experienced "significant drops in sugar" 2 and 4 hours after the "high blood sugar" that occurs after a meal. Those affected by this difference had a 9% increase in hunger and waited half an hour less time than usual to eat their next meal compared to the other participants, even with similar meals. These people consumed 75 extra calories about 3 or 4 hours after breakfast and about 312 extra calories throughout the day. This pattern can lead to a weight gain of about 9 kilograms in one year.

It has long been suspected that blood sugar plays an important role in controlling hunger.

The researchers explain that "low sugar is a better predictor of hunger and subsequent calorie intake than the initial response to post-meal hyperglycemia. This could change how we think about the relationship between blood sugar and the foods we eat."

I do not want to feel hungry so as not to eat and get fatter What is the solution?

1- Choose the foods that fill you up
To ensure more balanced meals, you should combine fiber in fruits and vegetables, complex carbohydrates in bread or starches and proteins in meat, fish and dairy products during each meal.

The craving for food is incompatible with any nutritional need, and you may feel it soon after you finish your meal. And the craving is still present in seeing tempting foods everywhere, like chocolate in the office, sweets from the station vending machine, and pastries on a street corner.

2- Find sources of comfort other than food
Eating provides pleasure, especially sweet foods that stimulate the brain to release serotonin and dopamine. We often want to eat when we are sad, stressed, tired or lethargic. In order not to give in to this urge, try to organize your days better, and practice activities that are sources of comfort. For example, regular exercise boosts the production of endorphins, known as the happiness hormone.

3- Avoid eating between meals
For your health, it is advisable to avoid eating between meals as this increases weight. Eating more frequently also keeps blood sugar high (blood sugar rises logically after eating foods that contain carbohydrates) and increases production of insulin, the hormone responsible for storing fat.

Eating throughout the day disrupts the cycle of hunger and satiety, and increases the imbalance in our meals—especially unhealthy foods that are full of fats and simple sugars, with little to no fiber and complex sugars.

4- Eat light meals to reduce cravings
If your appetite is very limited when eating full main meals, or if the morning or afternoon is particularly long, feel free to snack.

Unlike eating between meals, snacks that are eaten regularly at a specific time of the day are prepared by the body as meals, and do not cause weight gain. Also, people who used to eat a good breakfast and snack are the thinnest.

5- Eat fruits that contain the least amount of carbohydrates, such as:

High in nutritional value and low in sugar, it may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, improve cognitive function, and improve gut health in adults who are overweight or obese, according to a report in Deutsche Welle . ).

Black and blue berries

Berries are a great source of potassium, vitamin C, vitamin K, and many different antioxidants.


Nice flavour, loved by many. One cup of these berries provides 8 grams of dietary fiber and more than 50% of the daily value of vitamin C, in addition to many health benefits.

Do you want to not feel hungry so that you do not eat and get fat?  This is the solution  Why do we feel hungry all day? What is the perfect snack? How do we avoid feeling hungry so that we do not eat and get fat? What fruits contain the least amounts of carbohydrates? And what foods cause infections? The answers are in this report.  Why do we feel hungry all day? Sometimes you feel like you're starving all day, but is it hunger or just a desire to eat? How do you differentiate between the two and better control your cravings?  Writer Florence Dunn says - in a report published by the French magazine "Sante Magazine" - that hunger results from a slight decrease in sugar or the level of glucose in the blood, and is a physiological signal that indicates that the body burns all the calories provided by the previous meal, and that It's time to eat.  The feeling of hunger is sometimes accompanied by stomach cramps, and this usually occurs after a certain period of eating a meal or after physical activity that consumes the body's stores of glucose (housework, gardening, sports).  And if your satiety does not last more than 2 or 3 hours, you should check how well your diet is balanced. For example, eating one main dish will not be enough to make you feel full in the afternoon.  Fast Food Infographic Did you know - from Hamad Medical Corporation The availability of unhealthy foods at reduced prices and the variety of fast food contributes to an increase in the chances of obesity, and the sizes of meals have become much more than the normal or customary sizes, which makes it difficult to estimate what an individual needs. Thus, the individual often eats more than he should.  Why do some people always feel hungry? Blood sugar may be the key to understanding the source of untimely and frequently eating cravings. This relationship was demonstrated in a study published in April 2021 in the journal Nature Metabolism, in which researchers collected data on blood sugar responses and other health indicators for 1,070 people after they ate standard breakfasts and freely selected meals over a two-week period.  Participants took a fasting glucose response test to measure how well their bodies "processed" sugar, and had to constantly wear glucose meters to measure their blood sugar for the duration of the study.  After analyzing the data, the scientific team noted that some people experienced "significant drops in sugar" 2 and 4 hours after the "high blood sugar" that occurs after a meal. Those affected by this difference had a 9% increase in hunger and waited half an hour less time than usual to eat their next meal compared to the other participants, even with similar meals. These people consumed 75 extra calories about 3 or 4 hours after breakfast and about 312 extra calories throughout the day. This pattern can lead to a weight gain of about 9 kilograms in one year.  It has long been suspected that blood sugar plays an important role in controlling hunger.  The researchers explain that "low sugar is a better predictor of hunger and subsequent calorie intake than the initial response to post-meal hyperglycemia. This could change how we think about the relationship between blood sugar and the foods we eat."   I do not want to feel hungry so as not to eat and get fatter What is the solution?  1- Choose the foods that fill you up To ensure more balanced meals, you should combine fiber in fruits and vegetables, complex carbohydrates in bread or starches and proteins in meat, fish and dairy products during each meal.   The craving for food is incompatible with any nutritional need, and you may feel it soon after you finish your meal. And the craving is still present in seeing tempting foods everywhere, like chocolate in the office, sweets from the station vending machine, and pastries on a street corner.  2- Find sources of comfort other than food Eating provides pleasure, especially sweet foods that stimulate the brain to release serotonin and dopamine. We often want to eat when we are sad, stressed, tired or lethargic. In order not to give in to this urge, try to organize your days better, and practice activities that are sources of comfort. For example, regular exercise boosts the production of endorphins, known as the happiness hormone.  3- Avoid eating between meals For your health, it is advisable to avoid eating between meals as this increases weight. Eating more frequently also keeps blood sugar high (blood sugar rises logically after eating foods that contain carbohydrates) and increases production of insulin, the hormone responsible for storing fat.  Eating throughout the day disrupts the cycle of hunger and satiety, and increases the imbalance in our meals—especially unhealthy foods that are full of fats and simple sugars, with little to no fiber and complex sugars.  4- Eat light meals to reduce cravings If your appetite is very limited when eating full main meals, or if the morning or afternoon is particularly long, feel free to snack.  Unlike eating between meals, snacks that are eaten regularly at a specific time of the day are prepared by the body as meals, and do not cause weight gain. Also, people who used to eat a good breakfast and snack are the thinnest.  5- Eat fruits that contain the least amount of carbohydrates, such as: avocado  High in nutritional value and low in sugar, it may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, improve cognitive function, and improve gut health in adults who are overweight or obese, according to a report in Deutsche Welle . ).   Black and blue berries  Berries are a great source of potassium, vitamin C, vitamin K, and many different antioxidants.  Raspberry  Nice flavour, loved by many. One cup of these berries provides 8 grams of dietary fiber and more than 50% of the daily value of vitamin C, in addition to many health benefits.   The strawberry  A cup of strawberries contains more than 3 grams of dietary fiber, and provides a rich and varied array of nutrients.  watermelon  A refreshing choice especially on hot days. It has a relatively low sugar content and provides great nutritional value.   Tomatoes  Some people think that tomatoes are a vegetable, but in reality, tomatoes are fruits. A cup of cherry tomatoes contains less than 30 calories, and contains about 4 grams of carbohydrates.   What is the perfect snack? The ideal snack consists of grain products, such as bread, dairy products (milk, cheese) and fruit. But that doesn't stop you from enjoying pastries or chocolate bars from time to time, because the urge to eat also comes with depriving ourselves.  What foods can cause infections? The Spanish “Hola Doctor ” website explains that inflammation is a natural process that protects the body from some diseases and promotes the healing process, but when inflammation is frequent and becomes chronic, this increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity.  Some foods can increase the risk of infection, such as: Sugar Added sugar does not provide any nutritional value, but it has many uses in food processing because it preserves it and helps to ferment it. But sugar causes the body to release inflammatory factors called cytokines that cause inflammation.   Added sugar - known as sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup - is the type most commonly used in our diet. It's hard to resist sweets, cakes, sodas, and even artificial fruit juices, but experts recommend stopping or cutting back on them. Other alternatives such as honey or natural fruit juices can be chosen.  refined carbohydrates Scientific evidence suggests that processed carbohydrates such as bread, biscuits and sweets may stimulate inflammation due to their high glycemic index, because the fiber they naturally contain is actually eliminated during the processing process.  White rice and products made with white flour, such as bread, rolls and biscuits, are among the inflammatory carbohydrates. But not all carbohydrates are necessarily bad for health. There are healthy options like whole grains, oatmeal or quinoa.  Saturated fat Saturated fats lead to inflammation in fatty tissue that exacerbates inflammation in the joints, in addition to being an indicator of heart disease. Foods such as pizza and cheese are among the largest sources of saturated fat, along with red meat.  "trans fats" Fast food, fried and frozen foods, cakes, and most types of margarine are sources of trans fats, which are worse than saturated fats because they increase levels of "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides, while lowering "good" cholesterol in the blood.

The strawberry

A cup of strawberries contains more than 3 grams of dietary fiber, and provides a rich and varied array of nutrients.


A refreshing choice especially on hot days. It has a relatively low sugar content and provides great nutritional value.


Some people think that tomatoes are a vegetable, but in reality, tomatoes are fruits. A cup of cherry tomatoes contains less than 30 calories, and contains about 4 grams of carbohydrates.

What is the perfect snack?
The ideal snack consists of grain products, such as bread, dairy products (milk, cheese) and fruit. But that doesn't stop you from enjoying pastries or chocolate bars from time to time, because the urge to eat also comes with depriving ourselves.

What foods can cause infections?
The Spanish “Hola Doctor ” website explains that inflammation is a natural process that protects the body from some diseases and promotes the healing process, but when inflammation is frequent and becomes chronic, this increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

Some foods can increase the risk of infection, such as:
Added sugar does not provide any nutritional value, but it has many uses in food processing because it preserves it and helps to ferment it. But sugar causes the body to release inflammatory factors called cytokines that cause inflammation.

Added sugar - known as sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup - is the type most commonly used in our diet. It's hard to resist sweets, cakes, sodas, and even artificial fruit juices, but experts recommend stopping or cutting back on them. Other alternatives such as honey or natural fruit juices can be chosen.

refined carbohydrates
Scientific evidence suggests that processed carbohydrates such as bread, biscuits and sweets may stimulate inflammation due to their high glycemic index, because the fiber they naturally contain is actually eliminated during the processing process.

White rice and products made with white flour, such as bread, rolls and biscuits, are among the inflammatory carbohydrates. But not all carbohydrates are necessarily bad for health. There are healthy options like whole grains, oatmeal or quinoa.

Saturated fat
Saturated fats lead to inflammation in fatty tissue that exacerbates inflammation in the joints, in addition to being an indicator of heart disease. Foods such as pizza and cheese are among the largest sources of saturated fat, along with red meat.

"trans fats"
Fast food, fried and frozen foods, cakes, and most types of margarine are sources of trans fats, which are worse than saturated fats because they increase levels of "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides, while lowering "good" cholesterol in the blood.

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