Why did the French residing in Morocco contribute to Macron's victory for a second presidential term?

French President Emmanuel Macron obtained 16,922 votes from French voters residing in Morocco, who contributed strongly to his victory in a second presidential term.

French President Emmanuel Macron obtained 16,922 votes from French voters residing in Morocco, who contributed strongly to his victory in a second presidential term.

Experts believe that the massive vote of the French community residing in Morocco for Macron has a "rational and pragmatic" logic.

The international relations specialist, Muhammad Boden, said that "voting heavily is related to supporting continuity at the level of political orientation, not to mention that it stems from an ideological background that wants to obstruct the extreme right."

Boden pointed to another reason, which is the fear of French residents in Morocco of reciprocity with the countries in which they reside, if the leader of the far-right, Marine Le Pen, came to power, by implementing a strict immigration policy as it was aimed at.

Why did the French residing in Morocco contribute to Macron's victory for a second presidential term? French President Emmanuel Macron obtained 16,922 votes from French voters residing in Morocco, who contributed strongly to his victory in a second presidential term.  French President Emmanuel Macron obtained 16,922 votes from French voters residing in Morocco, who contributed strongly to his victory in a second presidential term.  Experts believe that the massive vote of the French community residing in Morocco for Macron has a "rational and pragmatic" logic.  The international relations specialist, Muhammad Boden, said that "voting heavily is related to supporting continuity at the level of political orientation, not to mention that it stems from an ideological background that wants to obstruct the extreme right."  Boden pointed to another reason, which is the fear of French residents in Morocco of reciprocity with the countries in which they reside, if the leader of the far-right, Marine Le Pen, came to power, by implementing a strict immigration policy as it was aimed at.  The newspaper stated that the French community in Morocco was keen on the continuation of the smooth relations between Morocco and France and their development towards comprehensive horizons, which is provided by Macron's election again.

The newspaper stated that the French community in Morocco was keen on the continuation of the smooth relations between Morocco and France and their development towards comprehensive horizons, which is provided by Macron's election again.

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