The German government said that satellite images of civilian bodies in Bucha, Ukraine, provided strong evidence against Russia's denial of the crimes.
The German government said Wednesday that satellite images of civilian corpses in the Ukrainian city of Bucha provided strong evidence against Russia's denial that its forces were involved in the crimes.
"The evaluation of the satellite imagery led Berlin to conclude that the Russian statements denying any connection with the murders, and saying that the images of the dead were fabricated, are not supported," said government spokesman Steffen Hebechttrait.
He continued, "Analysis of satellite images, taken between March 10 and 18, shows that the bodies in Bucha have been dead in place since at least March 10, and reliable evidence indicates that between March 7 and 30, Russian forces were in Region".
He added, "Therefore, the targeted assassinations carried out by units of the Russian armed forces and security forces are evidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin accepted these violations and war crimes in order to achieve his goals."
For his part, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Wednesday that "Russia's assertions that these scenes are fabricated are turning against those who spread these lies."
He added, "Killing civilians is a war crime whose perpetrators and supporters must be held accountable," noting that he supports the principle of an independent investigation.
And on Sunday, the Ukrainian Prosecutor General, Irina Vinestova, announced that 410 bodies of civilians had been found in the city of Bucha, after the Ukrainian army had recently regained control of it.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused the Russian forces of killing these civilians, but the Kremlin denied doing so, considering that Kyiv "fabricated" these images and scenes in a "provocative play," as he described it.