Istiqlal Mosque holds congregational tarawih during Ramadan
Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Grand Imam of the Istiqlal Mosque, Nasaruddin Umar, said that his party will hold the Tarawih Prayers in congregation during Ramadan 1443 Hijri, while still implementing health protocols.
"The Tarawih prayer will be held once. Later, it will be our national and international qori imam," said Nassarudin Umar in Jakarta, Friday.
Nasaruddin said to avoid things that are not desirable while the COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing, the tarawih lecture will be shortened. However, he could not confirm the capacity of the congregation during the Tarawih prayer.
In the previous year, the Istiqlal Mosque had also opened Tarawih Prayers, but it was limited to only 30 percent or around 2,000 people for the main room. Pilgrims who will enter Istiqlal must go through screening first.
"What we avoid is the accumulation of pilgrims. In the upper (room) there are no problems, we have to calculate the entrance, parking and place for storing slippers," he said.
Likewise with breaking fast, the Istiqlal manager will again hold iftar activities after the last two years had to be stopped due to the high COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, especially Jakarta.
He said the Istiqlal Mosque had held joint iftar Mondays and Thursdays in recent weeks. This condition is also a trial for the implementation of breaking the fast for Ramadan.
"We break our fast following an old tradition. From us to us. So far this Istiqlal has been extraordinary," he said.
Nasaruddin appealed to the congregation to continue to adhere to health protocols while in the mosque area. Pilgrims who will pray, must wear a mask.
"We apply mandatory masks for all pilgrims, we also prepare spare masks. Our officers will be disciplined in calling on the congregation," he said.
North Sumatra MUI: Mosques in various regions welcome the month of Ramadan
Medan (ANTARA) - Ketua Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Sumatera Utara Bidang Dakwah Prof Dr Mohd Hatta mengatakan para pengurus masjid dan pemuka agama di daerah menyambut dengan gembira datangnya bulan suci Ramadhan tahun 2022.
"Berdasarkan pemantauan kami, masjid di berbagai daerah saat ini telah bersiap untuk pelaksanaan shalat dan ibadah lainnya di bulan Ramadhan," ucap Hatta, di Medan, Sabtu,
Hatta berharap semoga dengan ketaatan para jamaah terhadap protokol kesehatan (prokes), pandemi COVID-19 akan menghilang, khususnya di wilayah Provinsi Sumatera Utara, umumnya di Indonesia.
"Kita juga bersyukur kepada Allah SWT dan terima kasih kepada Pemerintah Pusat (Kementerian Agama) yang telah mengijinkan mudik Lebaran pada Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1443 Hijriah," ucapnya.
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He stated that many residents have not seen their hometown since the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Of course, people are grateful that on Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijri, they can meet their family and relatives in their hometown," said Hatta.
Previously, the Central Government (Ministry of Religion) had issued a new regulation regarding the implementation of the 2022 Ramadan worship.
The Central Government has allowed the holding of Ramadan worship in congregation in mosques and prayer rooms, including Lebaran Homecoming.*
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