Congress spokesperson Surjewala said that on the instructions of Sonia Gandhi, the general secretary and in-charge have held a meeting. It was decided in this meeting that the inflation-free India campaign would be run in three phases.
New Delhi:The Congress has decided to sound the bugle against the government for the ever-increasing inflation of essential commodities like petrol-diesel, gas. Congress will launch a movement this Thursday at 11 am by playing drums and bells. Congress chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewala on Saturday announced the inflation-free India campaign (Congress Mehngai Mukt Bharat Abhiyan). Surjewala said that this inflation created by BJP only benefits the rich and crushes everyone else. Congress spokesperson said, on one hand it is reducing earnings and on the other hand it is giving continuous shock of inflation. The government is doing the work of tormenting the people of the country with sesame seeds. Everyone is upset by this. Surjewala said that on the instructions of Sonia Gandhi, the general secretary and in-charge have held a meeting. It was decided in this meeting that the inflation-free India campaign would be run in three phases.
Excise duty on petrol increased by more than 5 times
The Congress spokesperson said that in May 2014, the excise on petrol was Rs 9.20 on diesel and Rs 3.46 on diesel. But the BJP government has increased the excise duty on diesel by 531% on petrol by 203% in the last eight years. The Modi government has looted 26 lakh crores from the pockets of the public in 8 years. This is not an allegation but a government figure. Talking about the corona epidemic for two years, Rs 29 has been increased on petrol and Rs 27.58 on diesel. The spokesman said that during the Manmohan Singh government in the UPA, the subsidy on petrol and diesel in the year 2011-12 was Rs 1 lakh 42 thousand crore. Then it was increased to about one and a half lakh rupees. Through this relief was given to the poor.
Preparation to end subsidy on petrol and diesel
In 2016, the Modi government reduced the subsidy to Rs 27,000 crore, which is now only Rs 11,000 crore. This too is going to end soon. A gas cylinder was priced at Rs 410 eight years ago, today it costs Rs 1000 to 1200. 539.49 has been increased on 410 cylinders in 8 years. The price of gas has come down in the international market, whereas the price of gas has more than doubled in our country. CNG was Rs 35 in 2014, which has now increased to Rs 80 per kg. Therefore, the inflation-free India campaign will be launched on March 31. At 11 o'clock, all the people of Congress will give a call to the people. On that day, Kenny of his cylinder diesel will stand outside the house and will ring the bell and drum.
The second phase will be between April 2 and April 4. In this, religious and social organizations will also be taken along. Inflation free India dharna and march will be taken out at district level. On 7th April, Congress offices of every state will take out inflation-free India march and picketing along with all the unions.