Yedioth: The waning power of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank is cause for concern

يديعوت: تضاؤل ​​قوة السلطة الفلسطينية في الضفة الغربية يدعو للقلق  “القدس العربي”: ذكرت صحيفة إسرائيلية انّ السيطرة الأمنية لرئيس السلطة الفلسطينية محمود عباس، وحكومته باتت ضعيفة في الضفة الغربية المحتلة، تزامناً مع حالة الغضب الداخلي من التعيينات الجديدة في المناصب العليا في منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية التي يُنظر إليها على أنها محاولة من قبل عباس لتأمين خليفته الذي اختاره بنفسه.  وبحسب ما نشرته صحيفة “يديعوت أحرنوت” الإسرائيلية ، فإن ما ورد  يقدم توصيفاً للوضع الداخلي للسلطة، أما في المشهد الضفاوي فإنّ من أسباب ضعف السلطة هو إقدام قوات الاحتلال على هدم المنزل القريب من مدينة جنين بالضفة الغربية للمواطن محمد جرادات، الذي اتهمته إسرائيل مع آخرين بقتل مستوطن  يقطن في بؤرة حوميش الاستيطانية غير القانونية في الضفة الغربية في ديسمبر/كانون أول الماضي.  وفي السياق ذاته، يتعرض عشرات السكان الفلسطينيين لخطر الطرد من منازلهم في حي الشيخ جراح بالقدس المحتلة؛ والذين تشير الصحيفة إلى ترك عباس لهم يواجهون مصيرهم منفردين، فيما قتلت القوات الإسرائيلية -الأسبوع الماضي- ثلاثة فلسطينيين في وضح النهار وسط مدينة نابلس الخاضعة للسيطرة الكاملة للسلطة الفلسطينية، دون أي رد من طرفها أثناء ذلك.  ولفتت “يديعوت” في سياق تقريرها الذي يسلط الضوء على تراجع دور  السلطة الفلسطينية في الضفة الغربية، إلى تظاهر الآلاف من الفلسطينيين الساخطين في الخليل وأماكن أخرى في الضفة الغربية ضد الفوضى الأمنية وارتفاع أسعار الكهرباء والغاز وعدد لا يحصى من المواد الغذائية، والذين طالبو بإجابات واتخاذ إجراءات عملية لحل أزماتهم المعيشية المتلاحقة.  يأتي كل ذلك وسط مخاوف بعد اجتماع المجلس المركزي الفلسطيني بمنظمة التحرير الفلسطينية، الأسبوع الماضي، الذي استخدمه رئيس السلطة الفلسطينية محمود عباس لترسيخ سلطته وتأمين خليفته، على حد قول “يديعوت”.  ونوّهت الصحيفة إلى الانتقادات التي وجهتها الفصائل الفلسطينية الرئيسة للتعيينات الجديدة لعباس في مناصب عليا في منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية خلال اجتماع المجلس المركزي، و التي وصفتها بأنها “غير شرعية، وتزيد الانقسام، وتكرّس التفرّد”.  وقالت: “منتقدو عباس اتهموه بالاستيلاء على السلطة؛ حيث تبدو السياسات الداخلية الفلسطينية أكثر انقسامًا من أي وقت مضى”.  يديعوت: منتقدو عباس اتهموه بالاستيلاء على السلطة؛ حيث تبدو السياسات الداخلية الفلسطينية أكثر انقسامًا من أي وقت مضى  وكانت آخر مرة أجريت فيها انتخابات رئاسية للسلطة الفلسطينية في عام 2005، في حين أُجري اقتراع للمجلس التشريعي الفلسطيني قبل 16 عامًا، وبعد مرور عام، حدث انقسام بين غزة والضفة الغربية، ما تسبب في حدوث شقاق كبير بين أكبر فصيلين فلسطينيين، وخلق كيانين سياسيين منفصلين، لكن عباس حلّ المجلس التشريعي الفلسطيني في 2018.  وفي محاولة لتهدئة الغضب في الشارع الفلسطيني، أعلن البيان الختامي لاجتماع المجلس المركزي الفلسطيني عن تجميد التنسيق الأمني بين السلطة الفلسطينية وإسرائيل، إذ كانت منظمة التحرير الفلسطنيية قد صدّرت هذا الإعلان قبل أربع سنوات ولم تنفّذه مطلقًا، وفشلت هذه المرة في حشد الكثير من الدعم لسياساتها، فيما يشك الكثير من الفلسطينيين في الدوافع وراءها.  ونقلت الصحيفة عن جهاد منصور، المحامي من نابلس قوله: “إن الناس اعتادوا على التصريحات النارية لمسؤولين فلسطينيين”.  وتابع: “إنهم يعدّوننا أمرا مفروغا منه، إنهم يعتقدون حقًا أننا أغبياء، عندما يكونون في مأزق يهاجمون إسرائيل ويهددون بوقف التنسيق الأمني مع الاحتلال”، مضيفاً “إنهم لا يتابعون أبدًا أيًّا من قراراتهم”.  ورداً على ذلك قالت الصحيفة إن السلطة الفلسطينية تواجه مشكلة أكبر، وهي التصور المتنامي بين الكثيرين بأن سيطرتها على الأرض متزعزعة.  وتستدل الصحيفة بكلام تنسبه لناشط اجتماعي اعتقلته قوات الأمن التابعة للسلطة الفلسطينية عدة مرات: “لقد فشلوا في الحفاظ على ثقة الناس، كان لديهم متسع من الوقت لتنفيذ أجندتهم، وفشلوا.. إنهم مهتمون فقط بتأمين مواقعهم الخاصة”.  ولا يقتصر الانقسام بين الفصائل الفلسطينية على فتح وحماس؛ بل إن في حركة فتح نفسها هناك العديد من كبار مسؤوليها إما مهمشون من الرئيس البالغ من العمر 86 عاما أو طردوا من الجماعة، حسب زعم الصحيفة.  من جهته أكد المحلل السياسي المقيم في رام الله فارس صرفندي لـ”يديعوت” أن منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية والسلطة الفلسطينية قد أضعفتهما سياسات عباس؛ حيث “تراجعت السلطة الفلسطينية شعبيا نتيجة ممارسات الحكم الخطأ وحالة الفساد والركود والانحراف التي أصابتها”، مضيفًا أن الشارع الفلسطيني “فقد الثقة” بالسلطة الفلسطينية، ما دفع الكثيرين للبحث عن “بديل”.  وخلافًا لفكر السلطة وعقيدتها فإنه بعد مقتل ثلاثة أعضاء من كتائب شهداء الأقصى، الجناح العسكري لحركة فتح، أشاد العديد من أعضاء الحركة، بمن فيهم عباس، بالثلاثة عناصر، حسب تعبيرها.  لكن صرفندي عقّب: “أعتقد أن تصعيد خطاب حركة فتح ما هو إلا محاولة للتغطية على ضعف خطاب السلطة الفلسطينية؛ لأن فتح حتى هذه اللحظة هي السلطة الفلسطينية، ولا يوجد فك ارتباط حقيقي بين الكيانين”.  ويقول: إن عام 2022 سيشهد تصاعدا في أعمال “العنف” في الأراضي الفلسطينية، نتيجة المشاكل المالية للسلطة الفلسطينية والتوتر المستمر مع المستوطنين في الضفة الغربية.     Yedioth: The waning power of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank is cause for concern  An Israeli newspaper reported that the security control of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his government has become weak in the occupied West Bank, coinciding with the state of internal anger over the new appointments to senior positions in the Palestine Liberation Organization, which is seen as an attempt by Abbas to secure his successor whom he chose himself.  According to what was published by the Israeli newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth, what was reported provides a description of the internal situation of the authority, but in the West Bank scene, one of the reasons for the weakness of the authority is the demolition of the house near the city of Jenin in the West Bank of the citizen Muhammad Jaradat, whom Israel accused with others The killing of a settler residing in the illegal Homesh outpost in the West Bank last December.  In the same context, dozens of Palestinian residents are at risk of being evicted from their homes in the  Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of occupied Jerusalem; The newspaper indicates that Abbas left them to face their fate on their own, while the Israeli forces - last week - killed three Palestinians in broad daylight in the center of the city of Nablus, which is under the full control of the Palestinian Authority, without any response from its side during that.  In the context of its report, which highlights the declining role of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, "Yediot" pointed to the demonstrations of thousands of disaffected Palestinians in Hebron and other places in the West Bank against the security chaos, the high prices of electricity, gas and countless foodstuffs, who demanded answers and action. Practical measures to solve their successive living crises.  All this comes amid fears after the meeting of the Palestinian Central Council with the Palestine Liberation Organization, last week, which Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas used to consolidate his authority and secure his successor, according to Yedioth.  The newspaper noted the criticism leveled by the main Palestinian factions of Abbas's new appointments to senior positions in the Palestine Liberation Organization during the Central Council meeting, which it described as "illegitimate, increasing division, and perpetuating exclusivity."  “Abbas’s critics accused him of seizing power,” she said. Where Palestinian domestic politics seem more divided than ever.”  Yedioth: Abbas's critics accused him of seizing power; Where Palestinian domestic politics seem more divided than ever The last time a presidential election for the Palestinian Authority was held was in 2005, while a vote for the Palestinian Legislative Council was held 16 years ago, and a year later, a split occurred between Gaza and the West Bank, causing a major rift between the two largest Palestinian factions, and creating two separate political entities However, Abbas dissolved the Palestinian Legislative Council in 2018.  In an attempt to calm the anger in the Palestinian street, the final statement of the Palestinian Central Council meeting announced the freezing of security coordination between the Palestinian Authority and Israel, as the Palestine Liberation Organization had issued this declaration four years ago and never implemented it, and this time it failed to mobilize much support for its policies. While many Palestinians doubt the motives behind it.  The newspaper quoted Jihad Mansour, a lawyer from Nablus, as saying: “People are used to the fiery statements of Palestinian officials.” He continued, “They take us for granted. They really think that we are idiots, when they are in trouble, they attack Israel and threaten to stop security coordination with the occupation,” adding, “They never follow through with any of their decisions.”  In response, the newspaper said that the Palestinian Authority is facing a bigger problem, which is the growing perception among many that its control over the land is shaky.  The newspaper quotes a social activist who was arrested several times by the Palestinian Authority security forces: “They failed to maintain the people’s trust, they had plenty of time to implement their agenda, and they failed... They are only interested in securing their own positions.”  The division between Palestinian factions is not limited to Fatah and Hamas; Indeed, in the Fatah movement itself, there are many of its senior officials either marginalized from the 86-year-old president or expelled from the group, according to the newspaper.  For his part, a Ramallah-based political analyst, Faris Sarafandi, confirmed to "Yediot" that the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority have been weakened by Abbas' policies; Where “the Palestinian Authority has popularly retreated as a result of wrong governance practices and the state of corruption, stagnation and deviation that has affected it,” adding that the Palestinian street “lost confidence” in the Palestinian Authority, which prompted many to search for an “alternative.”  Contrary to the ideology and ideology of the authority, after the killing of three members of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the military wing of Fatah, many members of the movement, including Abbas, praised the three elements, as she put it.  But Sarafandi commented: “I think that the escalation of the rhetoric of the Fatah movement is nothing but an attempt to cover up the weakness of the PA’s rhetoric; Because until this moment Fatah is the Palestinian Authority, and there is no real disengagement between the two entities.”  He says: The year 2022 will witness an escalation of "violence" in the Palestinian territories, as a result of the financial problems of the Palestinian Authority and the ongoing tension with settlers in the West Bank.

Yedioth: The waning power of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank is cause for concern

An Israeli newspaper reported that the security control of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his government has become weak in the occupied West Bank, coinciding with the state of internal anger over the new appointments to senior positions in the Palestine Liberation Organization, which is seen as an attempt by Abbas to secure his successor whom he chose himself.

According to what was published by the Israeli newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth, what was reported provides a description of the internal situation of the authority, but in the West Bank scene, one of the reasons for the weakness of the authority is the demolition of the house near the city of Jenin in the West Bank of the citizen Muhammad Jaradat, whom Israel accused with others The killing of a settler residing in the illegal Homesh outpost in the West Bank last December.

In the same context, dozens of Palestinian residents are at risk of being evicted from their homes in the  Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of occupied Jerusalem; The newspaper indicates that Abbas left them to face their fate on their own, while the Israeli forces - last week - killed three Palestinians in broad daylight in the center of the city of Nablus, which is under the full control of the Palestinian Authority, without any response from its side during that.

In the context of its report, which highlights the declining role of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, "Yediot" pointed to the demonstrations of thousands of disaffected Palestinians in Hebron and other places in the West Bank against the security chaos, the high prices of electricity, gas and countless foodstuffs, who demanded answers and action. Practical measures to solve their successive living crises.

All this comes amid fears after the meeting of the Palestinian Central Council with the Palestine Liberation Organization, last week, which Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas used to consolidate his authority and secure his successor, according to Yedioth.

The newspaper noted the criticism leveled by the main Palestinian factions of Abbas's new appointments to senior positions in the Palestine Liberation Organization during the Central Council meeting, which it described as "illegitimate, increasing division, and perpetuating exclusivity."

“Abbas’s critics accused him of seizing power,” she said. Where Palestinian domestic politics seem more divided than ever.”

Yedioth: Abbas's critics accused him of seizing power; Where Palestinian domestic politics seem more divided than ever
The last time a presidential election for the Palestinian Authority was held was in 2005, while a vote for the Palestinian Legislative Council was held 16 years ago, and a year later, a split occurred between Gaza and the West Bank, causing a major rift between the two largest Palestinian factions, and creating two separate political entities However, Abbas dissolved the Palestinian Legislative Council in 2018.

In an attempt to calm the anger in the Palestinian street, the final statement of the Palestinian Central Council meeting announced the freezing of security coordination between the Palestinian Authority and Israel, as the Palestine Liberation Organization had issued this declaration four years ago and never implemented it, and this time it failed to mobilize much support for its policies. While many Palestinians doubt the motives behind it.

The newspaper quoted Jihad Mansour, a lawyer from Nablus, as saying: “People are used to the fiery statements of Palestinian officials.”
He continued, “They take us for granted. They really think that we are idiots, when they are in trouble, they attack Israel and threaten to stop security coordination with the occupation,” adding, “They never follow through with any of their decisions.”

In response, the newspaper said that the Palestinian Authority is facing a bigger problem, which is the growing perception among many that its control over the land is shaky.

The newspaper quotes a social activist who was arrested several times by the Palestinian Authority security forces: “They failed to maintain the people’s trust, they had plenty of time to implement their agenda, and they failed... They are only interested in securing their own positions.”

The division between Palestinian factions is not limited to Fatah and Hamas; Indeed, in the Fatah movement itself, there are many of its senior officials either marginalized from the 86-year-old president or expelled from the group, according to the newspaper.

For his part, a Ramallah-based political analyst, Faris Sarafandi, confirmed to "Yediot" that the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority have been weakened by Abbas' policies; Where “the Palestinian Authority has popularly retreated as a result of wrong governance practices and the state of corruption, stagnation and deviation that has affected it,” adding that the Palestinian street “lost confidence” in the Palestinian Authority, which prompted many to search for an “alternative.”

Contrary to the ideology and ideology of the authority, after the killing of three members of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the military wing of Fatah, many members of the movement, including Abbas, praised the three elements, as she put it.

But Sarafandi commented: “I think that the escalation of the rhetoric of the Fatah movement is nothing but an attempt to cover up the weakness of the PA’s rhetoric; Because until this moment Fatah is the Palestinian Authority, and there is no real disengagement between the two entities.”

He says: The year 2022 will witness an escalation of "violence" in the Palestinian territories, as a result of the financial problems of the Palestinian Authority and the ongoing tension with settlers in the West Bank.

حماس ترحب بقرار المحكمة الدستورية في جنوب أفريقيا حول معاداة السامية م غزة: رحب عضو المكتب السياسي لحركة “حماس” ورئيس مكتب العلاقات الدولية موسى أبو مرزوق، بـ”القرار التاريخي الصادر عن المحكمة الدستورية في جنوب إفريقيا، الذي يؤكد أن معاداة الصهيونية ليست معاداة للسامية، وأن انتقاد الصهيونية لا يعتبر انتقادا لليهود، كونه يشكل دعماً قانونيا وإسنادا سياسيا لمناهضي الاحتلال الصهيوني لأراضينا الفلسطينية المحتلة”.  ونقلت وكالة “شهاب” للأنباء الفلسطينية السبت عن أبو مرزوق قوله إن “الاحتلال أمضى سنوات وعقودا طويلة يمارس ابتزازه الرخيص على الدول والقوى الرافضة له، وحرمان شعبنا الفلسطيني من الحصول على دعم دول العالم لنيل حقوقه التاريخية والمشروعة”.  وأكد أن “القرار القضائي في جنوب أفريقيا يمثل دفعة قوية وتشجيعاً كبيرا لباقي الجهات القضائية حول العالم، لإصدار أحكام قانونية واتخاذ خطوات قضائية شبيهة”، مشيرًا إلى أنه من “شأنها تضييق الخناق على الاحتلال الصهيوني، الذي يسعى للحيلولة دون ممارسة شعبنا الفلسطيني لحقه في تقرير المصير، والتحرير والعودة، وفق ما قررته الشرائع الدولية وتقارير الأمم المتحدة”.  وأشار أبو مرزوق إلى أن “الاحتلال الصهيوني الذي ما فتئ ينتهك القانون الدولي واتفاقيات جنيف ومواثيق الأمم المتحدة، ما زال يمارس الترهيب ضد الدول الرافضة لاستمراره على الأراضي الفلسطينية، ما يجعل من قرار محكمة جنوب إفريقيا فرصة لأن يدفع الاحتلال ثمن انتهاكاته وجرائمه، مبينًا أنها مناسبة مهمة لأن تنتهج باقي الجهات القضائية حول العالم النهج القانوني ذاته، الذي يعمل على تعرية الاحتلال أمام العالم، ووقف سياسته الابتزازية في ربط أي انتقاد له بمعاداة السامية”.    Hamas welcomes South African Constitutional Court ruling on anti-Semitism  Gaza: A member of the Hamas political bureau and head of the International Relations Office, Musa Abu Marzouk , welcomed the “historic decision of the South African Constitutional Court, which affirms that anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism , and that criticism of Zionism is not considered criticism of the Jews, as it constitutes support for Legal and political support for opponents of the Zionist occupation of our occupied Palestinian lands.  On Saturday, the Palestinian Shehab news agency quoted Abu Marzouk as saying that “the occupation has spent many years and decades practicing its cheap blackmail against countries and forces that reject it, and depriving our Palestinian people of obtaining the support of countries around the world to obtain their historical and legitimate rights.”  He stressed that “the judicial decision in South Africa represents a strong impetus and great encouragement to the rest of the judicial authorities around the world, to issue legal rulings and take similar judicial steps,” noting that “it would tighten the screws on the Zionist occupation, which seeks to prevent the Palestinian people from exercising their right to decide Fate, liberation and return, as decided by international laws and United Nations reports.”  Abu Marzouk pointed out that “the Zionist occupation, which has continued to violate international law, the Geneva Conventions, and the charters of the United Nations, continues to practice intimidation against countries that reject its continued presence on the Palestinian territories, which makes the South African Court’s decision an opportunity for the occupation to pay the price for its violations and crimes, indicating that it is appropriate.” It is important for the rest of the judicial authorities around the world to follow the same legal approach, which works to expose the occupation before the world, and stop its extortionary policy of linking any criticism of it to anti-Semitism.”

Hamas welcomes South African Constitutional Court ruling on anti-Semitism

Gaza: A member of the Hamas political bureau and head of the International Relations Office, Musa Abu Marzouk , welcomed the “historic decision of the South African Constitutional Court, which affirms that anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism , and that criticism of Zionism is not considered criticism of the Jews, as it constitutes support for Legal and political support for opponents of the Zionist occupation of our occupied Palestinian lands.

On Saturday, the Palestinian Shehab news agency quoted Abu Marzouk as saying that “the occupation has spent many years and decades practicing its cheap blackmail against countries and forces that reject it, and depriving our Palestinian people of obtaining the support of countries around the world to obtain their historical and legitimate rights.”

He stressed that “the judicial decision in South Africa represents a strong impetus and great encouragement to the rest of the judicial authorities around the world, to issue legal rulings and take similar judicial steps,” noting that “it would tighten the screws on the Zionist occupation, which seeks to prevent the Palestinian people from exercising their right to decide Fate, liberation and return, as decided by international laws and United Nations reports.”

Abu Marzouk pointed out that “the Zionist occupation, which has continued to violate international law, the Geneva Conventions, and the charters of the United Nations, continues to practice intimidation against countries that reject its continued presence on the Palestinian territories, which makes the South African Court’s decision an opportunity for the occupation to pay the price for its violations and crimes, indicating that it is appropriate.” It is important for the rest of the judicial authorities around the world to follow the same legal approach, which works to expose the occupation before the world, and stop its extortionary policy of linking any criticism of it to anti-Semitism.”

متحدث الأمم المتحدة لـ”القدس العربي”: إخلاء المنازل من سكانها في حي الشيخ جراح انتهاك للقانون الدولي الإنساني  نيويورك (الأمم المتحدة)- “القدس العربي”: أعرب المتحدث الرسمي باسم الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة، ستيفان دوجريك، عن رفض المنظمة لممارسة إخلاء البيوت من سكانها لأن في ذلك انتهاكا للقانون الدولي الإنساني.  جاء ذلك ردّا على سؤال لـ”القدس العربي” حول قيام وفد مشكل من وكالات الأمم المتحدة في فلسطين المحتلة بما في ذلك الأونروا بزيارة بيت عائلة سالم المهددة بالإخلاء من قبل قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي.  وأكد المتحدث في المؤتمر الصحافي اليومي، الذي يعقده في مقر الأمم المتحدة، زيارة الوفد الأممي قائلا: “نعم، بالفعل، قام ممثلو الفريق القطري للأمم المتحدة المعنيين بالعمل الإنساني بزيارة لحي الشيخ جراح. وقد التقى الفريق، الذي تضمن عددا من وكالات الأمم المتحدة، مع عائلة سالم في حي الشيخ جراح بالقدس الشرقية المحتلة”.  وأضاف دوجريك “كما تعلمون، تواجه العائلة، وهي عائلة مكونة من 12 شخصا، خطر الإخلاء خلال شهر مارس من منزلهم… المنزل الذي كانوا يعيشون فيه، وقد عرفوه، منذ 70 عاما”.  وقال المتحدث الرسمي “لقد طالبنا مرارا وتكرارا بوقف عمليات الإخلاء القسري وعمليات الهدم في الضفة الغربية المحتلة، بما في ذلك القدس الشرقية. فبموجب القانون الإنساني الدولي، يُحظر النقل القسري للأشخاص المحميين من قبل قوة الاحتلال، بغض النظر عن دوافعهم. يجب اتخاذ خطوات فعالة لتهدئة الموقف قبل اندلاع أزمة أخرى”.  وأضاف دوجريك أن الفريق القُطري الإنساني قد دعا جميع قادة المجتمع السياسي إلى الامتناع عن الأعمال والخطابات الاستفزازية، “يجب على السلطات الإسرائيلية اتخاذ خطوات لضمان حماية المدنيين، بمن فيهم اللاجئون”.  وردا على سؤال”القدس العربي” حول غياب تور وينسلاند، منسق عملية السلام في الشرق الأوسط وممثل الأمم المتحدة في فلسطين المحتلة، “لماذا لم يكن وينسلاند جزءا من الوفد الذي توجه إلى الشيخ جراح وأعرب عن تضامنه مع تلك العائلة المهددة بالإخلاء؟”.  قال دوجريك: “كما تعلمون، السيد وينسلاند هو الممثل الأقدم والأكثر تمثيلاً للأمم المتحدة على الأرض، وجزء من بعثة UNSCO (مكتب المنسق الخاص للأمم المتحدة). وأعتقد أن المشاعر والسياسات التي عبر عنها الوفد هي أيضا انعكاس لموقف وينسلاند”.  وما زال حي الشيخ جراح يشهد مواجهات يومية بين الفلسطينيين من سكان الحي والمستوطنين المدعومين من جيش الاحتلال وقواه الأمنية. وقد أصيب عدد من المتضامنين مع صمود سكان الحي، أمس الجمعة.  يسكن حي الشيخ جراح نحو 500 فلسطيني يعيشون في نحو 28 بيتا أو منشأة عقارية، وهم مهددون بالترحيل لمصلحة الجمعيات الاستيطانية. وقد شيدت هذه المنازل عام 1956، باتفاقية بين وزارة الإنشاء والتعمير الأردنية ووكالة الأمم المتحدة لإغاثة وتشغيل اللاجئين الفلسطينيين (أونروا) والأهالي، حيث تم تفويض الأهالي بملكية الوحدات السكنية وتسجيلها بأسمائهم.    The United Nations spokesman for “Al-Quds Al-Arabi”: Evacuating the houses of their residents in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood is a violation of international humanitarian law  New York (United Nations) - The official spokesman for the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Stephane Dujarric, expressed the organization's rejection of the practice of evacuating homes from their residents because this is a violation of international humanitarian law.  This came in response to a question by Al-Quds Al-Arabi about a delegation formed from the United Nations agencies in occupied Palestine, including UNRWA, visiting the home of the Salem family, who is threatened with eviction by the Israeli occupation forces.  In the daily press conference, which is being held at the United Nations Headquarters, the spokesman confirmed the visit of the UN delegation, saying: “Yes, indeed, representatives of the United Nations country team concerned with humanitarian action visited the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. The team, which included a number of UN agencies, met with Salem's family in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem.  "As you know, the family, a family of 12, is in danger of eviction during the month of March from their home... the house they've been living in, they've known, for 70 years," Dujarric added.  “We have repeatedly called for a halt to forced evictions and demolitions in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem,” the spokesperson said. Under international humanitarian law, the forcible transfer of protected persons by an occupying power is prohibited, regardless of their motive. Effective steps must be taken to calm the situation before another crisis erupts.”  Dujarric added that the HCT had called on all leaders of the political community to refrain from provocative actions and rhetoric, “The Israeli authorities must take steps to ensure the protection of civilians, including refugees.”  In response to Al-Quds Al-Arabi’s question about the absence of Tor Wencesland, the Middle East peace coordinator and the United Nations representative in occupied Palestine, “Why was Wencesland not part of the delegation that went to Sheikh Jarrah and expressed its solidarity with that family threatened with eviction?”  “As you know, Mr. Wencesland is the oldest and most representative representative of the United Nations on Earth, and part of the UNSCO (United Nations Special Coordinator's Office) mission,” Dujarric said. I think the sentiment and policies expressed by the delegation are also a reflection of Wencesland's position."  The Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood is still witnessing daily confrontations between the Palestinian residents of the neighborhood and the settlers supported by the occupation army and its security forces. Yesterday, Friday, a number of people in solidarity with the steadfastness of the neighborhood's residents were injured.  About 500 Palestinians live in about 28 houses or real estate establishments in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, and they are threatened with deportation for the benefit of the settlement associations. These houses were built in 1956, according to an agreement between the Jordanian Ministry of Construction and Development, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and the people, whereby the people were delegated the ownership of the housing units and registered in their names.

The United Nations spokesman for “Al-Quds Al-Arabi”: Evacuating the houses of their residents in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood is a violation of international humanitarian law

New York (United Nations) - The official spokesman for the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Stephane Dujarric, expressed the organization's rejection of the practice of evacuating homes from their residents because this is a violation of international humanitarian law.

This came in response to a question by Al-Quds Al-Arabi about a delegation formed from the United Nations agencies in occupied Palestine, including UNRWA, visiting the home of the Salem family, who is threatened with eviction by the Israeli occupation forces.

In the daily press conference, which is being held at the United Nations Headquarters, the spokesman confirmed the visit of the UN delegation, saying: “Yes, indeed, representatives of the United Nations country team concerned with humanitarian action visited the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. The team, which included a number of UN agencies, met with Salem's family in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem.

"As you know, the family, a family of 12, is in danger of eviction during the month of March from their home... the house they've been living in, they've known, for 70 years," Dujarric added.

“We have repeatedly called for a halt to forced evictions and demolitions in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem,” the spokesperson said. Under international humanitarian law, the forcible transfer of protected persons by an occupying power is prohibited, regardless of their motive. Effective steps must be taken to calm the situation before another crisis erupts.”

Dujarric added that the HCT had called on all leaders of the political community to refrain from provocative actions and rhetoric, “The Israeli authorities must take steps to ensure the protection of civilians, including refugees.”

In response to Al-Quds Al-Arabi’s question about the absence of Tor Wencesland, the Middle East peace coordinator and the United Nations representative in occupied Palestine, “Why was Wencesland not part of the delegation that went to Sheikh Jarrah and expressed its solidarity with that family threatened with eviction?”

“As you know, Mr. Wencesland is the oldest and most representative representative of the United Nations on Earth, and part of the UNSCO (United Nations Special Coordinator's Office) mission,” Dujarric said. I think the sentiment and policies expressed by the delegation are also a reflection of Wencesland's position."

The Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood is still witnessing daily confrontations between the Palestinian residents of the neighborhood and the settlers supported by the occupation army and its security forces. Yesterday, Friday, a number of people in solidarity with the steadfastness of the neighborhood's residents were injured.

About 500 Palestinians live in about 28 houses or real estate establishments in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, and they are threatened with deportation for the benefit of the settlement associations. These houses were built in 1956, according to an agreement between the Jordanian Ministry of Construction and Development, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and the people, whereby the people were delegated the ownership of the housing units and registered in their names.

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