Western pressure increases on Moscow Russia accuses NATO of militarizing the Black Sea

ضغوط غربية متزايدة على موسكو.. روسيا تتهم الناتو بعسكرة البحر الأسود والرئيس الأوكراني يحذر: لا نخشى أحدا  اتهمت موسكو حلف شمال الأطلسي (ناتو) بعسكرة منطقة البحر الأسود واستغلال الأزمة مع أوكرانيا لتعزيز وجوده العسكري شرقي أوروبا، في حين تصاعدت التحذيرات الغربية لروسيا، وقالت واشنطن إن القوات الروسية بدلا من الانسحاب من الحدود الأوكرانية، بدأت تتخذ مواقع قتالية.  ووصفت المتحدثة باسم الخارجية الروسية ماريا زاخاروفا حجج حلف الناتو لتعزيز وجوده العسكري في أوروبا الشرقية، بما في ذلك نشر مجموعات قتالية في رومانيا، بالهراء.  وقالت زاخاروفا إن عسكرة منطقة البحر الأسود فكرة قديمة للناتو. وجددت موقف روسيا بأنها لن تهاجم أي دولة من الناتو أو من خارجه.  وفي بروكسل، اتهم الحلف موسكو بتجميع أكبر حشد عسكري منذ الحرب الباردة، كما قرر نشر قوات قتالية في شرق ووسط أوروبا.  ودعا وزراء دفاع الدول الأعضاء في حلف الناتو روسيا إلى سحب قواتها من أوكرانيا، واختيار طريق الدبلوماسية للحوار فيما يتعلق بأمن أوروبا.  جاء ذلك في بيان صدر مساء أمس الأربعاء عن اجتماع الوزراء في مقر الحلف بالعاصمة البلجيكية بروكسل، حول الوضع في أوكرانيا. وأعرب الوزراء عن قلقهم العميق إزاء الحشود العسكرية الروسية على الحدود الأوكرانية.  وفي أوكرانيا، قال الرئيس فولوديمير زيلينسكي إن بلاده لا تخشى أحدا ومستعدة للدفاع عن نفسها ضد أي غزو روسي.   جاء ذلك في كلمة خلال مناورات عسكرية كبرى حضرها زيلينسكي اختبرت خلالها القوات الأوكرانية في مدينة ريفني غرب البلاد أسلحة مضادة للدبابات قدمها الغرب.  واتجه الرئيس الأوكراني بعدها شرقا إلى ماريوبول قرب خط المواجهة مع الانفصاليين الموالين لروسيا.  من جهته، قال وزير الداخلية الأوكراني دنيس موناستيرسكي إن القوات الأمنية سترد بقوة على أي محاولة انفصالية أو محاولة للسيطرة على مبان إدارية.  وأفاد موناستيرسكي بأنه تم اتخاذ جميع التدابير اللازمة لجميع السيناريوهات الممكنة للاستيلاء على المباني الإدارية ودوائر الشرطة، مؤكدا أنه سيتم اتخاذ القرارات اللازمة بسرعة كبيرة، ولن يسمح بأي مظاهر انفصالية داخل البلاد.  قلق أميركي وفي الولايات المتحدة، قال المتحدث باسم الخارجية الأمريكية نيد برايس إن قلق واشنطن لم يتراجع بشأن غزو روسي محتمل لأوكرانيا.   وأشار برايس إلى أن بلاده لا تزال ترى المزيد من القوات الروسية على الحدود وهي تتجه إلى مواقع القتال بدلا من الانسحاب.  كما قال مسؤول كبير في البيت الأبيض إن روسيا عززت وجودها على الحدود مع أوكرانيا بما لا يقل عن 7 آلاف عسكري وصل بعضهم الأربعاء، واصفا إعلان موسكو سحب قسم من قواتها بأنه "كاذب".  وأكد أنه بإمكان روسيا "في أي لحظة" اختلاق ذريعة لغزو أوكرانيا، مضيفا أن موسكو تقول إنها "تريد إيجاد حل دبلوماسي لكن أفعالها تشير إلى عكس ذلك".  في غضون ذلك، حث كل من الرئيس الأميركي جو بايدن والمستشار الألماني أولاف شولتس موسكو على اتخاذ خطوات حقيقية لنزع فتيل التوتر، وأكدا أنه لم تتم حتى الآن ملاحظة انسحاب كبير للقوات الروسية من الحدود الأوكرانية.  وجاء في بيان صادر عن المستشارية الألمانية عقب اتصال هاتفي بين الزعيمين أن "خطر حدوث عدوان عسكري آخر من جانب روسيا ضد أوكرانيا لا يزال مرتفعا، ومن الضروري توخي أقصى درجات الحذر".  وأضاف بايدن وشولتس أنه "يتعين على روسيا اتخاذ خطوات حقيقية لخفض التصعيد"، وجددا التحذير من أن أي عدوان عسكري آخر تشنه موسكو ضد أوكرانيا سيؤدي إلى "عواقب وخيمة للغاية".   وكان شولتس قد اتصل هاتفيا ببايدن لإطلاعه على نتائج محادثاته الثلاثاء مع الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين في موسكو، ورحبا بتصريحات بوتين بأن الجهود الدبلوماسية يجب أن تستمر لحل الأزمة الأوكرانية.  تشكيك غربي من جهته، أعلن الجيش الروسي أمس الأربعاء انتهاء تدريبات ومغادرة عسكريين روس شبه جزيرة القرم، ونشر مقطع فيديو قال إنه يظهر عربات محملة بمعدات عسكرية تغادر المنطقة ليلا.  كما وعدت بيلاروسيا بأن جميع العسكريين الروس المنتشرين على أراضيها في إطار مناورات سيغادرون البلاد في الموعد المقرر لانتهاء التدريبات في 20 فبراير/شباط الحالي.  في المقابل، أكد كل من وزير الخارجية الأميركي أنتوني بلينكن والأمين العام لحلف الناتو ينس ستولتنبرغ، أنهم لم يلاحظوا خفضا للوجود العسكري الروسي على الحدود.   وأكد بلينكن أن التهديد الروسي "موجود وحقيقي"، مؤكدا أنه "على العكس، نواصل رؤية قوات عند الحدود، خصوصا قوات قد تكون في المقدمة في أي عدوان جديد على أوكرانيا".  وقال إن الناتو سيعزز وجوده العسكري على جناحه الشرقي للدفاع عن حلفائه ضد تهديدات روسيا التي أصبحت تمثّل "الوضع الطبيعي الجديد في أوروبا".  وفي تطور آخر، قال البنتاغون أمس الأربعاء إن طائرات روسية اقتربت من 3 طائرات للبحرية الأميركية فوق البحر المتوسط في مطلع الأسبوع.  واقتربت الطائرات الروسية من 3 طائرات أميركية من الطراز "بي-8 إيه" (P-8A) بينما كانت تحلق في المجال الجوي الدولي فوق البحر المتوسط.    Western pressure increases on Moscow Russia accuses NATO of militarizing the Black Sea, and the Ukrainian president warns: We do not fear anyone  Moscow accused the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) of militarizing the Black Sea region and exploiting the crisis with Ukraine to strengthen its military presence in eastern Europe, while Western warnings to Russia escalated, and Washington said that Russian forces, instead of withdrawing from the Ukrainian borders, began to take combat positions.  Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova described NATO's arguments for strengthening its military presence in Eastern Europe, including the deployment of combat groups in Romania, as nonsense.  Zakharova said the militarization of the Black Sea region is an old NATO idea. And it renewed Russia's position that it would not attack any country from NATO or from outside it.  In Brussels, the alliance accused Moscow of assembling the largest military buildup since the Cold War, and decided to deploy combat forces in Eastern  The defense ministers of NATO member states called on Russia to withdraw its forces from Ukraine, and to choose the path of diplomacy for dialogue regarding the security of Europe.  This came in a statement issued yesterday evening, Wednesday, by a meeting of ministers at NATO headquarters in the Belgian capital, Brussels, on the situation in Ukraine. The Ministers expressed their deep concern about the Russian military build-up on the Ukrainian border.  Don't fear anyone In Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky said his country was not afraid of anyone and was ready to defend itself against any Russian invasion. This came in a speech during major military exercises attended by Zelensky, during which Ukrainian forces in the western city of Rivne tested anti-tank weapons supplied by the West.  The Ukrainian president then headed east to Mariupol, near the front line with pro-Russian separatists. For his part, Ukrainian Interior Minister Denis Monastirsky said that the security forces would respond forcefully to any separatist attempt or attempt to seize administrative buildings.  Monastirsky stated that all necessary measures have been taken for all possible scenarios to seize administrative buildings and police departments, stressing that the necessary decisions will be taken very quickly, and no separatist manifestations will be allowed inside the country.  American concern In the United States, State Department spokesman Ned Price said Washington's concern about a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine has not abated.  Price noted that his country is still seeing more Russian troops on the border moving to combat positions rather than withdrawing. A senior White House official also said that Russia has strengthened its presence on the border with Ukraine with at least 7,000 soldiers, some of whom arrived on Wednesday, describing Moscow's announcement of withdrawing part of its forces as "a lie."  He stressed that Russia could "at any moment" create a pretext to invade Ukraine, adding that Moscow says it "wants to find a diplomatic solution, but its actions indicate the opposite."  Real steps Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz urged Moscow to take real steps to defuse the tension, stressing that no significant withdrawal of Russian forces from the Ukrainian border has yet been observed.  "The risk of further military aggression by Russia against Ukraine remains high, and it is necessary to exercise the utmost caution," said a statement issued by the German Chancellery after a phone call between the two leaders.  Biden and Schulz added that "Russia must take real steps to reduce the escalation," and reiterated the warning that any further military aggression by Moscow against Ukraine would lead to "very serious consequences."  Schulz had called Biden to update him on the results of his talks Tuesday with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, and they welcomed Putin's statements that diplomatic efforts should continue to resolve the Ukraine crisis.  Western doubt For its part, the Russian army announced yesterday, Wednesday, the end of exercises and the departure of Russian soldiers from the Crimean peninsula, and published a video clip that it said showed vehicles loaded with military equipment leaving the region at night.  Belarus also promised that all Russian soldiers deployed on its soil as part of exercises will leave the country on the scheduled end of the exercises on February 20.  On the other hand, both US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed that they had not noticed a reduction in the Russian military presence on the border.  Blinken stressed that the Russian threat "is present and real," stressing that "on the contrary, we continue to see forces at the border, especially forces that may be at the fore in any new aggression against Ukraine."  He said that NATO would strengthen its military presence on its eastern flank to defend its allies against threats from Russia, which has become the "new normal in Europe."  In another development, the Pentagon said yesterday, Wednesday, that Russian planes approached 3 US Navy planes over the Mediterranean at the weekend.  The Russian planes approached 3 American P-8A planes while they were flying in international airspace over the Mediterranean.

Western pressure increases on Moscow Russia accuses NATO of militarizing the Black Sea, and the Ukrainian president warns: We do not fear anyone

Moscow accused the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) of militarizing the Black Sea region and exploiting the crisis with Ukraine to strengthen its military presence in eastern Europe, while Western warnings to Russia escalated, and Washington said that Russian forces, instead of withdrawing from the Ukrainian borders, began to take combat positions.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova described NATO's arguments for strengthening its military presence in Eastern Europe, including the deployment of combat groups in Romania, as nonsense.

Zakharova said the militarization of the Black Sea region is an old NATO idea. And it renewed Russia's position that it would not attack any country from NATO or from outside it.

In Brussels, the alliance accused Moscow of assembling the largest military buildup since the Cold War, and decided to deploy combat forces in Eastern 
The defense ministers of NATO member states called on Russia to withdraw its forces from Ukraine, and to choose the path of diplomacy for dialogue regarding the security of Europe.

This came in a statement issued yesterday evening, Wednesday, by a meeting of ministers at NATO headquarters in the Belgian capital, Brussels, on the situation in Ukraine. The Ministers expressed their deep concern about the Russian military build-up on the Ukrainian border.

Don't fear anyone
In Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky said his country was not afraid of anyone and was ready to defend itself against any Russian invasion.
This came in a speech during major military exercises attended by Zelensky, during which Ukrainian forces in the western city of Rivne tested anti-tank weapons supplied by the West.

The Ukrainian president then headed east to Mariupol, near the front line with pro-Russian separatists.
For his part, Ukrainian Interior Minister Denis Monastirsky said that the security forces would respond forcefully to any separatist attempt or attempt to seize administrative buildings.

Monastirsky stated that all necessary measures have been taken for all possible scenarios to seize administrative buildings and police departments, stressing that the necessary decisions will be taken very quickly, and no separatist manifestations will be allowed inside the country.

American concern
In the United States, State Department spokesman Ned Price said Washington's concern about a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine has not abated.

Price noted that his country is still seeing more Russian troops on the border moving to combat positions rather than withdrawing.
A senior White House official also said that Russia has strengthened its presence on the border with Ukraine with at least 7,000 soldiers, some of whom arrived on Wednesday, describing Moscow's announcement of withdrawing part of its forces as "a lie."

He stressed that Russia could "at any moment" create a pretext to invade Ukraine, adding that Moscow says it "wants to find a diplomatic solution, but its actions indicate the opposite."

Real steps
Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz urged Moscow to take real steps to defuse the tension, stressing that no significant withdrawal of Russian forces from the Ukrainian border has yet been observed.

"The risk of further military aggression by Russia against Ukraine remains high, and it is necessary to exercise the utmost caution," said a statement issued by the German Chancellery after a phone call between the two leaders.

Biden and Schulz added that "Russia must take real steps to reduce the escalation," and reiterated the warning that any further military aggression by Moscow against Ukraine would lead to "very serious consequences."

Schulz had called Biden to update him on the results of his talks Tuesday with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, and they welcomed Putin's statements that diplomatic efforts should continue to resolve the Ukraine crisis.

Western doubt
For its part, the Russian army announced yesterday, Wednesday, the end of exercises and the departure of Russian soldiers from the Crimean peninsula, and published a video clip that it said showed vehicles loaded with military equipment leaving the region at night.

Belarus also promised that all Russian soldiers deployed on its soil as part of exercises will leave the country on the scheduled end of the exercises on February 20.

On the other hand, both US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed that they had not noticed a reduction in the Russian military presence on the border.

Blinken stressed that the Russian threat "is present and real," stressing that "on the contrary, we continue to see forces at the border, especially forces that may be at the fore in any new aggression against Ukraine."

He said that NATO would strengthen its military presence on its eastern flank to defend its allies against threats from Russia, which has become the "new normal in Europe."

In another development, the Pentagon said yesterday, Wednesday, that Russian planes approached 3 US Navy planes over the Mediterranean at the weekend.

The Russian planes approached 3 American P-8A planes while they were flying in international airspace over the Mediterranean.

مشروع قانون بحظر الحجاب خلال المسابقات الرياضية في فرنسا.. ما القصة؟ من المنتظر أن يحال مشروع قانون يحظر ارتداء الحجاب في المسابقات الرياضية إلى البرلمان الفرنسي. ارتداء الرموز الدينية في الأماكن العامة ووضع الدين بشكل عام موضوعان مثيران للجدل منذ فترة طويلة في فرنسا (Pascal Rossignol/Reuters) تابعنا تابعنا سيُحال مشروع قانون يحظر ارتداء الحجاب في المسابقات الرياضية إلى الجمعية الوطنية الفرنسية (البرلمان) بعد أن رفض مجلس الشيوخ، الأربعاء، التصويت على التشريع.  ويهدف مشروع القانون حسب تعبيره إلى "إضفاء الطابع الديمقراطي على الرياضة"، بما يشمل قواعد إدارة الاتحادات الرياضية الكبرى.  لكنه يتضمن فقرة، سبق إلحاقها كتعديل من قبل مجلس الشيوخ الذي يهيمن عليه المحافظون، تنص على حظر ارتداء "الرموز الدينية الظاهرة" في الأحداث والمسابقات التي تنظمها الاتحادات الرياضية.  ومع ذلك، لاقت هذه الخطوة معارضة حكومة الرئيس إيمانويل ماكرون التي تنتمي إلى تيار الوسط وحلفائها الذين يتمتعون بأغلبية في الجمعية الوطنية والتي تملك حق التصويت النهائي على المشروع.  وارتداء الرموز الدينية في الأماكن العامة ووضع الدين بشكل عام موضوعان مثيران للجدل منذ فترة طويلة في فرنسا، وهي دولة علمانية بامتياز وتشكل موطناً لأكبر أقلية مسلمة في أوروبا.  وتعد الهوية ووضع الإسلام في المجتمع الفرنسي من القضايا الشائكة التي تشغل الرأي العام قبل الانتخابات الرئاسية في أبريل/نيسان، والتي يتنافس فيها مرشحان من اليمين المتطرف تعتمد برامجهما على التشكيك في توافق الإسلام مع قيم الجمهورية. ويحظى الاثنان معاً بما يقرب من 35% من دعم الناخبين.  وسارعت حكومة ماكرون في التنديد بالتعديل. وفي ظل الأغلبية التي يتمتع بها حزبه وحلفاؤه في مجلس النواب، من المرجح أن تجري إزالة التعديل من مشروع القانون.  وستستضيف فرنسا دورة الألعاب الأولمبية الصيفية في عام 2024، وتساءل منتقدو التشريع عن مدى تأثيره على بروتوكول الأزياء في الألعاب، التي سيمثل المشاركون فيها دولاً ذات غالبية مسلمة، إذا تم إقرار القانون.    A draft law banning the headscarf during sports competitions in France What's the story?  It is expected that a bill banning the wearing of headscarves in sports competitions will be referred to the French Parliament.  A bill banning the wearing of headscarves in sports competitions will be referred to the French National Assembly (parliament) after the Senate refused, on Wednesday, to vote on the legislation.  The bill, as he puts it, aims to "democratize sport", including the rules for managing major sports federations.  But it does include a clause, previously appended as an amendment by the conservative-dominated Senate, to ban the wearing of "obvious religious symbols" at events and competitions organized by sports federations.  However, the move was opposed by the centrist government of President Emmanuel Macron and its allies, which have a majority in the National Assembly, which holds the final vote on the project.  The wearing of religious symbols in public and the status of religion in general have long been hotly debated topics in France, a largely secular country that is home to Europe's largest Muslim minority.  Identity and the status of Islam in French society are among the thorny issues that occupy public opinion before the presidential elections in April, in which two far-right candidates are competing, whose programs depend on questioning the compatibility of Islam with the values ​​of the republic. Together, the two have approximately 35% of voter support.  Macron's government was quick to denounce the amendment. With the majority of his party and allies in the House of Representatives, the amendment is likely to be removed from the bill.  France will host the Summer Olympics in 2024, and critics of the legislation have questioned how much it will affect fashion protocol at the Games, whose participants will represent Muslim-majority countries, if the law is passed.

A draft law banning the headscarf during sports competitions in France What's the story?

It is expected that a bill banning the wearing of headscarves in sports competitions will be referred to the French Parliament.

A bill banning the wearing of headscarves in sports competitions will be referred to the French National Assembly (parliament) after the Senate refused, on Wednesday, to vote on the legislation.

The bill, as he puts it, aims to "democratize sport", including the rules for managing major sports federations.

But it does include a clause, previously appended as an amendment by the conservative-dominated Senate, to ban the wearing of "obvious religious symbols" at events and competitions organized by sports federations.

However, the move was opposed by the centrist government of President Emmanuel Macron and its allies, which have a majority in the National Assembly, which holds the final vote on the project.

The wearing of religious symbols in public and the status of religion in general have long been hotly debated topics in France, a largely secular country that is home to Europe's largest Muslim minority.

Identity and the status of Islam in French society are among the thorny issues that occupy public opinion before the presidential elections in April, in which two far-right candidates are competing, whose programs depend on questioning the compatibility of Islam with the values ​​of the republic. Together, the two have approximately 35% of voter support.

Macron's government was quick to denounce the amendment. With the majority of his party and allies in the House of Representatives, the amendment is likely to be removed from the bill.

France will host the Summer Olympics in 2024, and critics of the legislation have questioned how much it will affect fashion protocol at the Games, whose participants will represent Muslim-majority countries, if the law is passed.

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