Watched Canadian police arrest two leaders of protests against Corona measures

شاهد | الشرطة الكندية تعتقل اثنين من قادة الاحتجاجات ضد إجراءات كورونا اعتقلت الشرطة الكندية مساء الخميس اثنين من قادة الاحتجاجات المناهضة لإجراءات كبح كوفيد-19 في البلاد، وذلك عقب تفعيل الحكومة الكندية قانون الطوارئ للمرة الثانية فقط في تاريخ كندا لمواجهة احتجاج سائقي الشاحنات.  اعتقلت الشرطة الكندية مساء الخميس تامارا لينش إحدى قادة الاحتجاجات المناهضة لإجراءات كبح كوفيد-19 في البلاد، حسب ما أكد الحساب الرسمي للحركة الاحتجاجية في تغريدة على تويتر مرفقة بشريط فيديو.  واعتُقلت لينش من دون مقاومة. وقبل ذلك بساعات عندما أعطت الشرطة إنذاراً نهائياً للمتظاهرين، نشرت لينش مقطع فيديو على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي قالت فيه إن اعتقالها بات "الآن أمراً لا مفر منه".  وأظهرت الصور لينش مكبلة في سيارة للشرطة محاطة بشرطيين اثنين، وتقول لرفاقها: "اصمدوا".   قبيل ذلك اعتُقل أيضاً كريس باربر أحد قادة الحركة الاحتجاجية في عملية جرت بهدوء وجرى تصويرها ونشرها على شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي.  وللمرة الأولى منذ بداية الحركة الاحتجاجية تمركزت مجموعات من عناصر الشرطة بشكل كبير الخميس في شوارع أوتاوا بمواجهة المتظاهرين ومئات الشاحنات التي تغلق الشوارع.   وأعلن قائد شرطة أوتاوا بالإنابة ستيف بيل في مؤتمر صحفي الخميس أن تحركاً أمنياً لإنهاء احتجاج سائقي الشاحنات الذين يحاصرون وسط العاصمة الكندية منذ ثلاثة أسابيع بات "وشيكا".  وقال بيل إن السلطات "بدأت بتشديد الطوق في محيط الاحتجاجات"، بما في ذلك وضع عوائق أمنية وتقييد الوصول إلى وسط المدينة الذي يتجمع فيه سائقو الشاحنات المعارضين لإجراءات كوفيد.  وبدأت الاحتجاجات مع رفض سائقي الشاحنات شرط إلزامية التلقيح ضد كوفيد لعبور الحدود الأمريكية، لكنّ المطالب تزايدت لتشمل إلغاء كل التدابير الصحية.  وأدت الاحتجاجات إلى قطع ستة معابر حدودية بينها طريق تجارة استراتيجي عبر جسر أمباسدور بين ويندسور وأونتاريو وديترويت.  وفعّل رئيس الوزراء الكندي جاستن ترودو قانون الطوارئ الذي يمنح الحكومة صلاحيات جديدة واسعة لوضع حدّ للاحتجاجات، وهي المرة الثانية فقط في تاريخ كندا التي يجري فيها تفعيل هذا الإجراء.  واعتبر ترودو في كلمة الخميس أمام مجلس العموم أنّ الاحتجاجات ضد التدابير الصحية في كندا لم تعد "سلمية"، مضيفاً أنه حان الوقت "لاسترجاع الثقة بالمؤسسات".  وقال إن "هدف كل الإجراءات، وبينها الإجراءات المالية التي ينص عليها قانون الطوارئ، هو مواجهة التهديد الحالي والسيطرة على الوضع بالكامل".  وشدد على أن "الحواجز والاحتلالات تشكل تهديداً لاقتصادنا ولعلاقاتنا مع شركائنا التجاريين".  وفي رسالة وجهها إلى رؤساء حكومات المقاطعات مساء الأربعاء اعتبر ترودو أن التحرك الاحتجاجي "يهدد الديموقراطية" ويدمر "سمعة كندا في الخارج".    Watched Canadian police arrest two leaders of protests against Corona measures  Canadian police on Thursday evening arrested two leaders of the anti-Covid-19 protests in the country, after the Canadian government activated emergency law for only the second time in Canadian history to confront a protest of truck drivers.  Canadian police on Thursday evening arrested Tamara Lynch, one of the leaders of the protests against measures to curb Covid-19 in the country, according to the official account of the protest movement, in a tweet on Twitter attached to a video.  Lynch was arrested without resistance. Hours earlier, when police gave an ultimatum to the protesters, Lynch posted a video on social media in which she said her arrest was "now inevitable."  Pictures showed Lynch handcuffed to a police car surrounded by two policemen, telling her comrades: "Hold on." Prior to that, Chris Barber, one of the leaders of the protest movement, was also arrested in a quiet operation that was filmed and posted on social networks.  For the first time since the beginning of the protest movement, groups of police officers were largely stationed Thursday in the streets of Ottawa, confronting protesters and hundreds of trucks blocking the streets.  Ottawa's acting police chief, Steve Bell, announced at a news conference Thursday that a security move to end the protest of truck drivers who have been besieging the center of the Canadian capital for three weeks was "imminent."  Bell said the authorities "began to tighten the cordon around the protests," including placing security obstacles and restricting access to the city center where truck drivers opposed to the Covid measures congregate.  The protests began with truck drivers refusing the mandatory requirement for a Covid vaccination to cross the US border, but demands grew to include the abolition of all health measures.  The protests cut six border crossings, including a strategic trade route across the Ambassador Bridge between Windsor, Ontario and Detroit.  Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau activated the emergency law that gives the government broad new powers to end the protests, only the second time in Canada's history that this measure has been activated.  In his speech Thursday to the House of Commons, Trudeau considered that protests against health measures in Canada are no longer "peaceful", adding that it was time to "restore confidence in institutions."  "The goal of all measures, including the financial measures stipulated in the emergency law, is to confront the current threat and to control the situation completely," he said.  He stressed that "the barriers and occupations pose a threat to our economy and our relations with our trading partners."  In a letter to provincial heads of government on Wednesday evening, Trudeau said the protest movement "threatens democracy" and damages "Canada's reputation abroad."

Watched Canadian police arrest two leaders of protests against Corona measures

Canadian police on Thursday evening arrested two leaders of the anti-Covid-19 protests in the country, after the Canadian government activated emergency law for only the second time in Canadian history to confront a protest of truck drivers.

Canadian police on Thursday evening arrested Tamara Lynch, one of the leaders of the protests against measures to curb Covid-19 in the country, according to the official account of the protest movement, in a tweet on Twitter attached to a video.

Lynch was arrested without resistance. Hours earlier, when police gave an ultimatum to the protesters, Lynch posted a video on social media in which she said her arrest was "now inevitable."

Pictures showed Lynch handcuffed to a police car surrounded by two policemen, telling her comrades: "Hold on."
Prior to that, Chris Barber, one of the leaders of the protest movement, was also arrested in a quiet operation that was filmed and posted on social networks.

For the first time since the beginning of the protest movement, groups of police officers were largely stationed Thursday in the streets of Ottawa, confronting protesters and hundreds of trucks blocking the streets.

Ottawa's acting police chief, Steve Bell, announced at a news conference Thursday that a security move to end the protest of truck drivers who have been besieging the center of the Canadian capital for three weeks was "imminent."

Bell said the authorities "began to tighten the cordon around the protests," including placing security obstacles and restricting access to the city center where truck drivers opposed to the Covid measures congregate.

The protests began with truck drivers refusing the mandatory requirement for a Covid vaccination to cross the US border, but demands grew to include the abolition of all health measures.

The protests cut six border crossings, including a strategic trade route across the Ambassador Bridge between Windsor, Ontario and Detroit.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau activated the emergency law that gives the government broad new powers to end the protests, only the second time in Canada's history that this measure has been activated.

In his speech Thursday to the House of Commons, Trudeau considered that protests against health measures in Canada are no longer "peaceful", adding that it was time to "restore confidence in institutions."

"The goal of all measures, including the financial measures stipulated in the emergency law, is to confront the current threat and to control the situation completely," he said.

He stressed that "the barriers and occupations pose a threat to our economy and our relations with our trading partners."

In a letter to provincial heads of government on Wednesday evening, Trudeau said the protest movement "threatens democracy" and damages "Canada's reputation abroad."

برلمان الإكوادور يصوت لصالح قانون يجيز الإجهاض لضحايا الاغتصاب بعد الاحتجاجات الواسعة التي شهدتها شوارع الإكوادور في الفترة الأخيرة وأطلقها مؤيدون للإجهاض ومجموعة من الناشطين في المنظمات النسوية صوَّت المشروعون بعد انقسامات عميقة لصالح قانون يجيز الإجهاض في حالات الاغتصاب.  أقر برلمان الإكوادور أمس الخميس قانوناً يجيز الإجهاض للفتيات القاصرات والنساء في حالات الاغتصاب.  وصوَّت لصالح القانون 75 نائباً، فيما عارضه 41 نائباً، وامتنع 14 آخرون عن التصويت.  ويجيز القانون للقاصرات ضحايا الاغتصاب إجراء عملية إجهاض حتى الأسبوع الثاني عشر من الحمل، أما بالنسبة إلى النساء البالغات فتصل المدة حتى الأسبوع الثامن عشر.  ومن المنتظر عرض القانون الذي يلغي تجريم الإجهاض في حالات الاغتصاب على رئيس البلاد غويلرمو لاسو من أجل التصديق أو الرفض، وذلك في غضون 30 يوماً.  وعمت مظاهرة غاضبة شوارع الإكوادور الفترة الأخيرة احتجاجاً على قانون الإجهاض الذي كان يجيز للمرأة إجراء عملية إجهاض بحالتين فقط، وهما إذا كانت حياة المرأة الحامل معرضة للخطر أو إذا كان الحمل نتيجة لاغتصاب امرأة من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة.    Ecuador's parliament votes to legalize abortion for rape victims  After widespread protests in the streets of Ecuador in the recent period launched by pro-abortion and a group of activists in women's organizations, the lawmakers voted, after deep divisions, in favor of a law legalizing abortion in cases of rape.  Ecuador's parliament on Thursday passed a law authorizing abortion for underage girls and women in cases of rape.  75 deputies voted in favor of the law, 41 deputies opposed it, and 14 others abstained.  The law permits minor rape victims to have an abortion until the twelfth week of pregnancy, while for adult women the period is up to the eighteenth week.  The law decriminalizing abortion in cases of rape is expected to be presented to President Guillermo Laso for approval or rejection, within 30 days.  An angry demonstration swept the streets of Ecuador recently, protesting against the abortion law, which allowed women to have an abortion in only two cases, namely if the life of the pregnant woman is in danger or if the pregnancy was the result of rape of a woman with special needs.

Ecuador's parliament votes to legalize abortion for rape victims

After widespread protests in the streets of Ecuador in the recent period launched by pro-abortion and a group of activists in women's organizations, the lawmakers voted, after deep divisions, in favor of a law legalizing abortion in cases of rape.

Ecuador's parliament on Thursday passed a law authorizing abortion for underage girls and women in cases of rape.

75 deputies voted in favor of the law, 41 deputies opposed it, and 14 others abstained.

The law permits minor rape victims to have an abortion until the twelfth week of pregnancy, while for adult women the period is up to the eighteenth week.

The law decriminalizing abortion in cases of rape is expected to be presented to President Guillermo Laso for approval or rejection, within 30 days.

An angry demonstration swept the streets of Ecuador recently, protesting against the abortion law, which allowed women to have an abortion in only two cases, namely if the life of the pregnant woman is in danger or if the pregnancy was the result of rape of a woman with special needs.

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