Ugur Sahin, the developer of the Biontech-Pfizer vaccine, offers good news to the world and good news from Moderna

أوغور شاهين مطوّر لقاح بيونتك-فايزر يزف بشرى للعالم.. وخبر طيب من مودرنا  ما البشرى التي زفها العالم الألماني أوغور شاهين مطور لقاح بيونتك-فايزر (BioNTech-Pfizer) للعالم؟ وما الخبر الطيب الآخر من شركة مودرنا (Moderna)؟ ولماذا سجلت اليابان عدد وفيات غير مسبوق بكوفيد-19؟ ولماذا يرى البعض أنه بالرغم من أن موجة أوميكرون تنحسر -وهذا يدعو للتفاؤل- فإن الوباء لم ينته بعد؟  البشرى هي أن العالم صار مستعدا أكثر لسلالات كورونا الجديدة، إذ قال العالم أوغور شاهين -صانع أول لقاح بتقنية الحمض النووي الريبي المرسال (mRNA)- إن العالم بات "مستعدا أكثر فأكثر" لمواجهة المتحورات الجديدة من كوفيد-19 التي سيضطر للتعايش معها لأعوام.   وقال في حديث لوكالة الصحافة الفرنسية "ستأتي متحورات أخرى، ولكننا نتعلم المزيد دائما، ونحن مستعدون بشكل أفضل".  ويلفت الباحث إلى أننا "يجب أن نتقبل الاضطرار للعيش خلال السنوات العشر المقبلة مع الفيروس".  مودرنا تتطلع لطرح لقاح تعزيزي خاص بأوميكرون بحلول أغسطس قال الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة التكنولوجيا الحيوية الأميركية مودرنا -لرويترز- إنه قد يكون هناك لقاح تعزيزي خاص بأوميكرون جاهز بحلول أغسطس/آب المقبل، لكن الشركة لا تزال تجمع بيانات من تجارب سريرية لتحديد ما إذا كان هذا اللقاح سيوفر حماية أفضل مقارنة بتلقي جرعة جديدة من اللقاح الحالي.  وبدأت مودرنا الشهر الماضي التجارب السريرية لجرعة معززة مصممة خصيصا لاستهداف أوميكرون، لكن النتائج الأولية من الدراسات التي أجريت على القرود تظهر أن اللقاح الخاص بأوميكرون قد لا يوفر حماية أقوى من جرعة جديدة من اللقاح الحالي.  وقال رئيس مودرنا التنفيذي ستيفان بانسيل -في مقابلة- إن الشركة تهدف إلى إعداد لقاح معزز بحلول أغسطس/آب 2022، وذلك قبل فصل الخريف المقبل الذي قال إن مزيدا من الأشخاص الأكثر عرضة للتأثر قد يحتاجون إليه فيه.  وقال "نعتقد أنه ستكون هناك حاجة إلى جرعة معززة. لا أعرف حتى الآن هل سيكون من اللقاح الحالي أو من لقاح خاص بأوميكرون، أو مزيج منهما.. في جرعة واحدة".   لقاح شامل يحمي من كوفيد-19 والإنفلونزا وأمراض أخرى وقال بانسيل إنه سيتم اتخاذ قرار خلال الأشهر المقبلة عندما تكون بيانات التجارب السريرية متاحة.   كما أكد أن مودرنا -وفي أفضل التصورات- سيكون جاهزا لديها بحلول أغسطس/آب 2023، ما تسميه باللقاح الشامل الذي يحمي في وقت واحد من كوفيد-19 والإنفلونزا وأمراض أخرى تؤثر على الجهاز التنفسي.  الرعاية المنزلية لمريض كوفيد-19 المصدر: الصفحة الرسمية لمنظمة الصحة العالمية على تويتر الرابط:  اليابان تسجل عدد وفيات غير مسبوق بكوفيد-19.. لماذا؟ سجلت اليابان رقما غير مسبوق جديدا للوفيات اليومية الناجمة عن كوفيد-19، في موجة من الوفيات تذكيها سلالة أوميكرون.   وخلص إحصاء أجرته هيئة الإذاعة اليابانية إلى أن عدد الوفيات المسجلة حديثا زاد إلى 271 يوم الخميس، في ثالث يوم على التوالي يتخطى فيه العدد 200.  ومنذ بداية فبراير/شباط، جرى تسجيل 2446 وفاة، وهو بالفعل ثاني أكثر الشهور وفيات بسبب الجائحة المستمرة منذ عامين.  وقالت لجنة من الخبراء في قطاع الصحة  إن زيادة الإصابات الناجمة عن السلالة أوميكرون الشديدة العدوى بلغت ذروتها، لكن من المرجح استمرار الحالات التي تتطلب رعاية في المستشفيات وحالات الوفاة، خاصة بين كبار السن.  تأخر الحكومة اليابانية في توزيع الجرعات التنشيطية وقال خبراء ومسؤولون محليون إن تأخر الحكومة اليابانية في توزيع الجرعات التنشيطية من اللقاحات المضادة لفيروس كورونا، جعلها أكثر عرضة لزيادة عدد الوفيات بسبب أوميكرون عن البلدان الغنية الأخرى.   وعلى الرغم من أن اليابان تباطأت نسبيا في إطلاق حملتها الأولى للتطعيمات -وفقا لرويترز- فإنها عززت سرعتها، وبحلول نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني كان لديها أعلى معدل تطعيم بين مجموعة الدول الصناعية السبع.  ولكن بعد ذلك، التزمت وزارة الصحة ببروتوكول ينص على الانتظار لمدة 8 أشهر بين الجرعات الأولى من اللقاح والجرعة التنشيطية، على الرغم من أن الدول الأخرى قلصت فترات الانتظار، كما حثت الحكومات المحلية -ومن ضمنها حكومة طوكيو- على توزيع الجرعات التنشيطية بشكل أسرع.  وتم تقليص فترة الانتظار أخيرا إلى 6 أشهر، وهي لا تزال أطول من فترة الانتظار في كوريا الجنوبية التي تصل إلى 3 أشهر وفي سنغافورة والتي تبلغ 5 أشهر.  وتلقى 10% فقط من سكان اليابان الجرعة الثالثة من اللقاحات، مقارنة بأكثر من 50% في كوريا الجنوبية وسنغافورة.   عالمان تركيان في ألمانيا يبعثان الأمل في الإنسانية بفضل شركة بيوتكنولوجيا أسسها الطبيبان المغتربان التركيان في ألمانيا أوغور شاهين وزوجته أوزليم توراجي، تفوق الطبيبان في سباق الوصول إلى لقاح مضاد لفيروس كورونا. 12.11.2020  موجة أوميكرون تنحسر وهذا يدعو للتفاؤل.. لكن الوباء لم ينته بعد يقول تقرير نشرته صحيفة "التايم" (Time) الذي أعده كل من غافن يامي وأبر كران ورانو ديلون، إن الولايات المتحدة شهدت موجة شتوية وحشية من كوفيد-19، مدفوعة بمتحور أوميكرون الشديد العدوى، حيث إن الوفيات اليومية هي أعلى مما كانت عليه خلال ذروة موجة دلتا الخريف الماضي، فقد استقرت عند حوالي 2500 حالة في اليوم، ولا تزال العديد من المستشفيات تقع تحت ضغط كبير وتؤجل العمليات الجراحية الاختيارية، لتوفير الأسرّة لمرضى كوفيد-19، وأصبح معدل الحالات اليومية أعلى مما كان عليه خلال فترة متحور دلتا، وذلك كله على الرغم من التنبؤات في الماضي بأننا وصلنا إلى مناعة القطيع وأن الوباء قد انتهى.  ويذكر التقرير أن هناك دلائل واعدة على أننا نقترب من منعطف، فالحالات اليومية الجديدة تتراجع بسرعة؛ حيث تنخفض بنسبة أكثر من 75% مما كانت عليه في ذروة موجة أوميكرون، وتقل الحاجة للعلاج في المستشفيات أيضا. ورغم أننا لم نخرج بعد بشكل واضح من الأزمة، فإن التراجع الحاد في الحالات يدعو للتفاؤل.  ويوضّح التقرير أنه في مواجهة هذه الحالات المتراجعة، يدعو بعض النقاد إلى وضع حد لتدابير مكافحة الوباء، مثل إنهاء ارتداء الأقنعة في الأماكن المغلقة واختبار الذين لا يعانون من أعراض، وهو ما نفذته بعض الولايات بالتراجع عن إلزام الناس بالأقنعة.   ويقول الكتاب إنهم يتفهمون تماما الإحباط ونفاد الصبر على هذه المطالبات، حيث إن التعب الوبائي حقيقي، لكنهم قالوا أيضا إن هذا التوق إلى "الطبيعي" يتجاهل حقيقة أن مجتمعنا قبل كوفيد-19 كان أي شيء غير كونه طبيعيا، مشيرين إلى أنه لو كان الأمر كذلك، لما عانينا من الجائحة بهذا الشكل المدمر.  احتمالات كبيرة لانتقال فيروس كورونا ويبين كتاب التقرير أنه ربما تكون المشكلة الكبرى في أنه لا يزال هناك قدر كبير من احتمالات انتقال الفيروس، فمع وجود حوالي 175 ألف إصابة يومية جديدة، لم يتم تلقيح سوى أقل من ثلثي الأميركيين بشكل كامل بلقاحات لم تعد توفر نفس القدر من الحماية التي كانت توفرها قبل أوميكرون، كما تلقى ربع الأميركيين فقط جرعة معززة توفر أعلى مستوى من الحماية ضد العدوى والاستشفاء والوفاة، إلى جانب عدم المساواة المستمر في التطعيم، بما في ذلك عدم المساواة على أساس عرقي، حيث يتم تطعيم السكان السود والإسبان بمعدل أقل مقارنة بالسكان البيض، مع صغر نسبة التطعيم بين الأطفال والمراهقين.  ويلفت الكتاب إلى ما تسميه صحيفة نيويورك تايمز (New York Times) "جائحة المنسيين"، حيث يعاني حوالي 7 ملايين أميركي من ضعف جهاز المناعة بسبب عمليات الزرع أو علاج السرطان أو أدوية التهاب المفاصل أو غيرها من الحالات الطبية، ويمكن أن  يمرضوا بشدة إذا أصيبوا بكوفيد-19، وهذا الدفع نحو العودة إلى الوضع الطبيعي يتجاهلهم بشكل واقعي، كما أن هناك عددا متزايدا من الذين يعانون من مرض طويل الأمد بعد النجاة من الإصابة، وهي الحالة المعروفة الآن باسم "لونغ كوفيد" التي بدأنا للتو في فهمها.   ويؤكد الكتّاب أنه مع وصول الأدوية الجديدة المضادة للفيروسات، مثل "باكسلوفيد" (Paxlovid)، ومع فعالية الاستخدام المبكر لمضادات الفيروسات "ريمديسيفير" (Remdesivir)، أصبح حصول الجميع على الاختبارات المجانية أكثر إلحاحا، حيث يمكن أن تقلل هذه الأدوية من فرص الدخول إلى المستشفى أو الموت إذا ما أخذت بعد وقت قصير من ظهور الأعراض، وهو ما يتطلب الوصول إلى الاختبارات من أجل تشخيص مبكر، كما يجب أن تقترن زيادة فرص الوصول للاختبارات بإمكانية الحصول العادل والمنصف على هذه الأدوية، خاصة بالنسبة للمجتمعات التي تتمتع بفرص منخفضة للحصول على الرعاية.  ويختتم الكتاب بالتأكيد على أن وجود الكثير من الناس في جميع أنحاء العالم من دون تطعيم، يدفع للحذر من تدفقات الوباء في المستقبل، مشيرين إلى أنه إذا أرادت الولايات المتحدة أن تنهي الوباء، فعليها أن تبذل المزيد من الجهد لتعزيز الوصول العالمي للقاحات، بما في ذلك التبرع بعدة أضعاف الجرعات، ومشاركة تكنولوجيا اللقاح، وتمويل الإنتاج العالمي الضخم، كما يتعين عليها أن تقوم بمعدلات تطعيم أعلى وتوفير بيانات وأنظمة مراقبة أفضل، وسياسات قائمة على البيانات والاختبارات السريعة، وتحسين التهوية في الأماكن العامة المشتركة، ونظام استعداد أكثر مرونة.     Ugur Sahin, the developer of the Biontech-Pfizer vaccine, offers good news to the world and good news from Moderna  The CEO of US biotechnology company Moderna has stated that there may be an Omicron booster ready by August.  What good news did the German scientist Ugur Sahin, the developer of the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine, bring to the world? What is the other good news from Moderna? And why did Japan record an unprecedented number of deaths from Covid-19? And why do some see that although the Omicron wave is receding - and this calls for optimism - the epidemic is not over yet?  The good news is that the world has become more prepared for the new strains of Corona, as the scientist Ugur Sahin - the maker of the first vaccine with messenger RNA technology (mRNA) - said that the world is “more and more ready” to confront the new mutants of Covid-19 that he will have to live with for years.  "Other mutations will come, but we are always learning more, and we are better prepared," he told AFP.  The researcher points out that "we must accept having to live for the next ten years with the virus."  Moderna is looking to release an Omicron booster vaccine by August The CEO of the American biotechnology company Moderna told Reuters that there may be an Omicron booster vaccine ready by next August, but the company is still collecting data from clinical trials to determine whether this vaccine will provide better protection compared to receiving a new dose of the vaccine. Present.  Moderna last month began clinical trials of a booster dose designed specifically to target Omicron, but preliminary results from studies in monkeys show that the Omicron vaccine may not provide stronger protection than a new dose of the current vaccine.  Moderna CEO Stephen Bancel said - in an interview - that the company aims to prepare a booster vaccine by August 2022, before next fall, when he said that more people who are most vulnerable may need it.  "We believe that a booster dose will be needed. I don't know yet whether it will be from the current vaccine or from the Omicron vaccine, or a combination of both in a single dose," he said.  A comprehensive vaccine that protects against COVID-19, influenza and other diseases Bancel said a decision will be made over the coming months when clinical trial data is available.  He also confirmed that Moderna will have - in the best case scenario - ready by August 2023, what it calls a universal vaccine that simultaneously protects against Covid-19, influenza and other diseases that affect the respiratory system.  Japan records an unprecedented number of deaths from Covid-19 .. Why? Japan recorded a new unprecedented number of daily deaths from Covid-19, in a wave of deaths fueled by the Omicron strain.  And a statistics conducted by the Japanese Broadcasting Corporation concluded that the number of newly recorded deaths increased to 271 on Thursday, the third consecutive day in which the number exceeded 200.  Since the beginning of February, 2,446 deaths have been recorded, which is already the second most fatal month due to the two-year pandemic.  A panel of experts in the health sector said that the increase in infections caused by the highly contagious Omicron strain had peaked, but that cases requiring hospital care and deaths were likely to continue, especially among the elderly.  The Japanese government has delayed distributing booster doses Experts and local officials said that the Japanese government's delay in distributing booster doses of coronavirus vaccines made it more likely to increase the number of deaths due to Omicron than other rich countries.  Although Japan was relatively slow in launching its first vaccination campaign - according to Reuters - it boosted its speed, and by November it had the highest vaccination rate among the Group of Seven industrialized countries.  But after that, the Ministry of Health adhered to a protocol that stipulated a waiting period of 8 months between the first doses of the vaccine and the booster dose, although other countries reduced waiting times, and urged local governments - including the Tokyo government - to distribute the booster doses faster.  The waiting period was finally reduced to 6 months, which is still longer than the 3 months in South Korea and 5 months in Singapore.  Only 10% of the Japanese population received the third dose of vaccines, compared to more than 50% in South Korea and Singapore.  Two Turkish scientists in Germany give hope to humanity Thanks to a biotechnology company founded by two Turkish expatriate doctors in Germany, Ugur Sahin and his wife Ozlem Toraji, the two doctors outperformed in the race to find a vaccine against the Corona virus.  12.11.2020  The Omicron wave is receding, and this is cause for optimism..but the epidemic is not over yet A report published by "Time" newspaper ( Time ) prepared by Gavin Yami, Upper Crane and Rano Dillon says that the United States has witnessed a brutal winter wave of Covid-19, driven by the highly contagious Omicron mutant, as daily deaths are higher than they were during the peak The delta wave last fall, it stabilized at about 2,500 cases per day, and many hospitals are still under great pressure and postpone elective surgeries, to provide beds for Covid-19 patients, and the rate of daily cases is higher than it was during the delta mutating period, and all of that Despite predictions in the past that we have reached herd immunity and that the epidemic is over.  The report states that there are promising signs that we are approaching a turning point. New daily cases are declining rapidly; It is more than 75% lower than it was at the peak of the omicron wave, and the need for hospitalization is also reduced. Although we are not yet clearly out of the crisis, the sharp decline in cases is cause for optimism.  The report explains that in the face of these declining cases, some critics are calling for an end to anti-epidemic measures, such as ending the wearing of masks in enclosed spaces and testing for those without symptoms, which some states have implemented by undoing the requirement for people to wear masks.  The writers say that they fully understand the frustration and impatience with these claims, as the epidemiological fatigue is real, but they also said that this yearning for “normal” ignores the fact that our society before Covid-19 was anything but normal, noting that if this were the case Why did we suffer from the pandemic in such a devastating way.  Great chances of transmission of the Corona virus The authors of the report show that perhaps the biggest problem is that there is still a great deal of potential for transmission of the virus, with about 175,000 new infections daily, only less than two-thirds of Americans have been fully vaccinated with vaccines that no longer provide the same protection as they did. Prior to Omicron, only a quarter of Americans received a booster dose that provided the highest level of protection against infection, hospitalization, and death, along with persistent inequalities in vaccination, including racial inequality, where black and Hispanic populations are vaccinated at a lower rate than white populations, with Small rate of vaccination among children and adolescents.  The book points to what the New York Times calls a "pandemic of the forgotten," in which about 7 million Americans have weakened immune systems due to transplants, cancer treatment, arthritis medications, or other medical conditions, and could become seriously ill if infected. With Covid-19, this push to return to normal realistically ignores them, and there is an increasing number of people suffering from long-term illness after surviving infection, a condition now known as "Long Covid" that we are just beginning to understand.  The authors stress that with the arrival of new antiviral drugs, such as "Paxlovid", and with the effectiveness of the early use of the antiviral "Remdesivir" (Remdesivir), it has become more urgent for everyone to obtain free tests, as these drugs can reduce the chances of entry into Hospitalization or death if taken soon after the onset of symptoms, which requires access to tests for early diagnosis, and increased access to tests must be accompanied by fair and equitable access to these drugs, especially for communities with low access to care .  The book concludes by emphasizing that the presence of many people around the world without vaccination, prompts caution about future epidemic flows, noting that if the United States wants to end the epidemic, it must do more to enhance global access to vaccines, including Donate multiple doses, share vaccine technology, and fund global mass production, and they must implement higher vaccination rates, better data and monitoring systems, data-driven policies and rapid testing, better ventilation in shared public spaces, and a more flexible preparedness system.

Ugur Sahin, the developer of the Biontech-Pfizer vaccine, offers good news to the world and good news from Moderna

The CEO of US biotechnology company Moderna has stated that there may be an Omicron booster ready by August.

What good news did the German scientist Ugur Sahin, the developer of the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine, bring to the world? What is the other good news from Moderna? And why did Japan record an unprecedented number of deaths from Covid-19? And why do some see that although the Omicron wave is receding - and this calls for optimism - the epidemic is not over yet?

The good news is that the world has become more prepared for the new strains of Corona, as the scientist Ugur Sahin - the maker of the first vaccine with messenger RNA technology (mRNA) - said that the world is “more and more ready” to confront the new mutants of Covid-19 that he will have to live with for years.

"Other mutations will come, but we are always learning more, and we are better prepared," he told AFP.

The researcher points out that "we must accept having to live for the next ten years with the virus."

Moderna is looking to release an Omicron booster vaccine by August
The CEO of the American biotechnology company Moderna told Reuters that there may be an Omicron booster vaccine ready by next August, but the company is still collecting data from clinical trials to determine whether this vaccine will provide better protection compared to receiving a new dose of the vaccine. Present.

Moderna last month began clinical trials of a booster dose designed specifically to target Omicron, but preliminary results from studies in monkeys show that the Omicron vaccine may not provide stronger protection than a new dose of the current vaccine.

Moderna CEO Stephen Bancel said - in an interview - that the company aims to prepare a booster vaccine by August 2022, before next fall, when he said that more people who are most vulnerable may need it.

"We believe that a booster dose will be needed. I don't know yet whether it will be from the current vaccine or from the Omicron vaccine, or a combination of both in a single dose," he said.

A comprehensive vaccine that protects against COVID-19, influenza and other diseases
Bancel said a decision will be made over the coming months when clinical trial data is available.

He also confirmed that Moderna will have - in the best case scenario - ready by August 2023, what it calls a universal vaccine that simultaneously protects against Covid-19, influenza and other diseases that affect the respiratory system.

Japan records an unprecedented number of deaths from Covid-19 .. Why?
Japan recorded a new unprecedented number of daily deaths from Covid-19, in a wave of deaths fueled by the Omicron strain.

And a statistics conducted by the Japanese Broadcasting Corporation concluded that the number of newly recorded deaths increased to 271 on Thursday, the third consecutive day in which the number exceeded 200.

Since the beginning of February, 2,446 deaths have been recorded, which is already the second most fatal month due to the two-year pandemic.

A panel of experts in the health sector said that the increase in infections caused by the highly contagious Omicron strain had peaked, but that cases requiring hospital care and deaths were likely to continue, especially among the elderly.

The Japanese government has delayed distributing booster doses
Experts and local officials said that the Japanese government's delay in distributing booster doses of coronavirus vaccines made it more likely to increase the number of deaths due to Omicron than other rich countries.

Although Japan was relatively slow in launching its first vaccination campaign - according to Reuters - it boosted its speed, and by November it had the highest vaccination rate among the Group of Seven industrialized countries.

But after that, the Ministry of Health adhered to a protocol that stipulated a waiting period of 8 months between the first doses of the vaccine and the booster dose, although other countries reduced waiting times, and urged local governments - including the Tokyo government - to distribute the booster doses faster.

The waiting period was finally reduced to 6 months, which is still longer than the 3 months in South Korea and 5 months in Singapore.

Only 10% of the Japanese population received the third dose of vaccines, compared to more than 50% in South Korea and Singapore.

Two Turkish scientists in Germany give hope to humanity Thanks to a biotechnology company founded by two Turkish expatriate doctors in Germany, Ugur Sahin and his wife Ozlem Toraji, the two doctors outperformed in the race to find a vaccine against the Corona virus.  12.11.2020

The Omicron wave is receding, and this is cause for optimism..but the epidemic is not over yet
A report published by "Time" newspaper ( Time ) prepared by Gavin Yami, Upper Crane and Rano Dillon says that the United States has witnessed a brutal winter wave of Covid-19, driven by the highly contagious Omicron mutant, as daily deaths are higher than they were during the peak The delta wave last fall, it stabilized at about 2,500 cases per day, and many hospitals are still under great pressure and postpone elective surgeries, to provide beds for Covid-19 patients, and the rate of daily cases is higher than it was during the delta mutating period, and all of that Despite predictions in the past that we have reached herd immunity and that the epidemic is over.

The report states that there are promising signs that we are approaching a turning point. New daily cases are declining rapidly; It is more than 75% lower than it was at the peak of the omicron wave, and the need for hospitalization is also reduced. Although we are not yet clearly out of the crisis, the sharp decline in cases is cause for optimism.

The report explains that in the face of these declining cases, some critics are calling for an end to anti-epidemic measures, such as ending the wearing of masks in enclosed spaces and testing for those without symptoms, which some states have implemented by undoing the requirement for people to wear masks.

The writers say that they fully understand the frustration and impatience with these claims, as the epidemiological fatigue is real, but they also said that this yearning for “normal” ignores the fact that our society before Covid-19 was anything but normal, noting that if this were the case Why did we suffer from the pandemic in such a devastating way.

Great chances of transmission of the Corona virus
The authors of the report show that perhaps the biggest problem is that there is still a great deal of potential for transmission of the virus, with about 175,000 new infections daily, only less than two-thirds of Americans have been fully vaccinated with vaccines that no longer provide the same protection as they did. Prior to Omicron, only a quarter of Americans received a booster dose that provided the highest level of protection against infection, hospitalization, and death, along with persistent inequalities in vaccination, including racial inequality, where black and Hispanic populations are vaccinated at a lower rate than white populations, with Small rate of vaccination among children and adolescents.

The book points to what the New York Times calls a "pandemic of the forgotten," in which about 7 million Americans have weakened immune systems due to transplants, cancer treatment, arthritis medications, or other medical conditions, and could become seriously ill if infected. With Covid-19, this push to return to normal realistically ignores them, and there is an increasing number of people suffering from long-term illness after surviving infection, a condition now known as "Long Covid" that we are just beginning to understand.

The authors stress that with the arrival of new antiviral drugs, such as "Paxlovid", and with the effectiveness of the early use of the antiviral "Remdesivir" (Remdesivir), it has become more urgent for everyone to obtain free tests, as these drugs can reduce the chances of entry into Hospitalization or death if taken soon after the onset of symptoms, which requires access to tests for early diagnosis, and increased access to tests must be accompanied by fair and equitable access to these drugs, especially for communities with low access to care .

The book concludes by emphasizing that the presence of many people around the world without vaccination, prompts caution about future epidemic flows, noting that if the United States wants to end the epidemic, it must do more to enhance global access to vaccines, including Donate multiple doses, share vaccine technology, and fund global mass production, and they must implement higher vaccination rates, better data and monitoring systems, data-driven policies and rapid testing, better ventilation in shared public spaces, and a more flexible preparedness system.

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