Two young men were injured in a settler attack on their vehicle near Ramallah

إصابة شابين في اعتداء مستوطنين على مركبتهما قرب رام الله صورة أرشيفية رام الله 21-2-2022 وفا- أصيب شابان، مساء اليوم الإثنين، جراء اعتداء مستوطنين على مركبتهما، قرب قرية دير نظام شمال غرب رام الله.  وأفادت مصادر محلية لـ"وفا" بأن مستوطنين هاجموا المركبة بالحجارة، ما أدى لإصابة شابين كانا داخلها بكسور ورضوض، إضافة إلى تحطيم زجاجها.  قوات القمع تعتدي على الأسرى في قسم 10 بسجن "نفحة"  رام الله 21-2-2022 وفا- ذكر نادي الأسير، مساء اليوم الإثنين، أن قوات القمع اعتدت على كافة الأسرى في قسم 10 بسجن "نفحة"، واحتجزتهم في ساحة السجن "الفورة" لمدة أربع ساعات.  وأضاف، في بيان له، مساء اليوم الإثنين، أن قوات القمع استأنفت الاعتداء على الأسرى بالضرب بعد إدخالهم إلى القسم، وعزلت ثلاثة أسرى، عرف منهم الأسيران رمزي عبيد، وحمزة الطقطوق، مشيرا إلى أن حالة من التوتر الشديد ما زالت تسود السجن.   Two young men were injured in a settler attack on their vehicle near Ramallah  Ramallah WAFA - Two young men were injured this evening, Monday, when settlers attacked their vehicle, near Deir Nidham village, northwest of Ramallah.  Local sources told "Wafa" that settlers attacked the vehicle with stones, injuring two young men who were inside it with fractures and bruises, in addition to smashing its windows.  Repressive forces assault prisoners in Section 10 of "Nafha" prison  Ramallah WAFA - The Prisoners' Club reported this evening, Monday, that the repressive forces assaulted all prisoners in Section 10 of "Nafha" prison, and detained them in the "Al-Foara" prison yard for four hours.  He added, in a statement, this evening, Monday, that the repressive forces resumed beating the prisoners after they were admitted to the station, and isolated three prisoners, including the two prisoners, Ramzi Obeid and Hamza al-Taqtouk, indicating that a state of extreme tension still prevails in the prison.

Two young men were injured in a settler attack on their vehicle near Ramallah

Ramallah WAFA - Two young men were injured this evening, Monday, when settlers attacked their vehicle, near Deir Nidham village, northwest of Ramallah.

Local sources told "Wafa" that settlers attacked the vehicle with stones, injuring two young men who were inside it with fractures and bruises, in addition to smashing its windows.

إصابة شابين في اعتداء مستوطنين على مركبتهما قرب رام الله صورة أرشيفية رام الله 21-2-2022 وفا- أصيب شابان، مساء اليوم الإثنين، جراء اعتداء مستوطنين على مركبتهما، قرب قرية دير نظام شمال غرب رام الله.  وأفادت مصادر محلية لـ"وفا" بأن مستوطنين هاجموا المركبة بالحجارة، ما أدى لإصابة شابين كانا داخلها بكسور ورضوض، إضافة إلى تحطيم زجاجها.  قوات القمع تعتدي على الأسرى في قسم 10 بسجن "نفحة"  رام الله 21-2-2022 وفا- ذكر نادي الأسير، مساء اليوم الإثنين، أن قوات القمع اعتدت على كافة الأسرى في قسم 10 بسجن "نفحة"، واحتجزتهم في ساحة السجن "الفورة" لمدة أربع ساعات.  وأضاف، في بيان له، مساء اليوم الإثنين، أن قوات القمع استأنفت الاعتداء على الأسرى بالضرب بعد إدخالهم إلى القسم، وعزلت ثلاثة أسرى، عرف منهم الأسيران رمزي عبيد، وحمزة الطقطوق، مشيرا إلى أن حالة من التوتر الشديد ما زالت تسود السجن.   Two young men were injured in a settler attack on their vehicle near Ramallah  Ramallah WAFA - Two young men were injured this evening, Monday, when settlers attacked their vehicle, near Deir Nidham village, northwest of Ramallah.  Local sources told "Wafa" that settlers attacked the vehicle with stones, injuring two young men who were inside it with fractures and bruises, in addition to smashing its windows.  Repressive forces assault prisoners in Section 10 of "Nafha" prison  Ramallah WAFA - The Prisoners' Club reported this evening, Monday, that the repressive forces assaulted all prisoners in Section 10 of "Nafha" prison, and detained them in the "Al-Foara" prison yard for four hours.  He added, in a statement, this evening, Monday, that the repressive forces resumed beating the prisoners after they were admitted to the station, and isolated three prisoners, including the two prisoners, Ramzi Obeid and Hamza al-Taqtouk, indicating that a state of extreme tension still prevails in the prison.

Repressive forces assault prisoners in Section 10 of "Nafha" prison

Ramallah WAFA - The Prisoners' Club reported this evening, Monday, that the repressive forces assaulted all prisoners in Section 10 of "Nafha" prison, and detained them in the "Al-Foara" prison yard for four hours.

He added, in a statement, this evening, Monday, that the repressive forces resumed beating the prisoners after they were admitted to the station, and isolated three prisoners, including the two prisoners, Ramzi Obeid and Hamza al-Taqtouk, indicating that a state of extreme tension still prevails in the prison.

السعودية.. إصابة 16 مدنياً إثر تدمير مسيرة أطلقت باتجاه مطار في جازان أصيب 16 مدنياً إثر تدمير طائرة مُسيرة أٌطلقت باتجاه مطار الملك عبد الله في جازان بجنوب المملكة.  نقلت وسائل إعلام رسمية الأحد عن التحالف الذي تقوده السعودية ويحارب الحوثيين في اليمن، إن 16 مدنياً أًصيبوا إثر تدمير طائرة مُسيرة أٌطلقت باتجاه مطار الملك عبد الله في جازان بجنوب المملكة.  وأشارت إلى أن 3 مصابين وُصفت حالتهم بالحرجة.  وكان التحالف قال في وقت سابق إن "المُسيرة انطلقت من مطار صنعاء، العاصمة اليمنية الخاضعة لسيطرة جماعة الحوثي المتحالفة مع إيران".  وتدخل التحالف في اليمن في 2015 إثر إطاحة الحوثيين بالحكومة المعترف بها دولياً. وتقول الحركة إنها تحارب نظاماً فاسداً وتدخلاً أجنبياً.  واعتاد الحوثيون إطلاق صواريخ باليستية وطائرات مفخخة من دون طيار على مناطق سعودية وإماراتية وأخرى يمنية، مقابل إعلانات متكررة من التحالف بإحباط هذه الهجمات.  وبطلب من الرئيس اليمني عبد ربه منصور هادي، يدعم التحالف بقيادة السعودية منذ مارس/آذار 2015، القوات الموالية للحكومة، في مواجهة الحوثيين المدعومين من إيران، المسيطرين على محافظات بينها العاصمة صنعاء منذ سبتمبر/أيلول 2014.  ويشهد اليمن منذ نحو 7 سنوات حرباً مستمرة بين القوات الموالية للحكومة المدعومة بتحالف عسكري عربي تقوده الجارة السعودية، والحوثيين المدعومين من إيران، المسيطرين على عدة محافظات بينها العاصمة صنعاء منذ سبتمبر/ أيلول 2014.     Saudi Arabia 16 civilians were injured as a result of the destruction of a march launched towards an airport in Jazan Sixteen civilians were injured when a drone was launched towards King Abdullah Airport in Jazan, in the south of the Kingdom.  On Sunday, official media reported that the Saudi-led coalition fighting the Houthis in Yemen said that 16 civilians were injured after the destruction of a drone that was launched towards King Abdullah Airport in Jizan, in the south of the kingdom.  She indicated that 3 patients were in critical condition. The coalition had said earlier that "the march was launched from Sanaa airport, the Yemeni capital, which is under the control of the Iran-aligned Houthi group."  The coalition intervened in Yemen in 2015 after the Houthis overthrew the internationally recognized government. The movement says it is fighting a corrupt regime and foreign interference.  The Houthis used to launch ballistic missiles and booby-trapped drones at Saudi, Emirati and Yemeni regions, in return for repeated declarations by the coalition to thwart these attacks.  At the request of Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, the Saudi-led coalition has since March 2015 supported the forces loyal to the government, in the face of the Iranian-backed Houthis, who have controlled governorates including the capital, Sanaa, since September 2014.  Yemen has been witnessing for nearly 7 years a continuous war between pro-government forces backed by an Arab military alliance led by the neighboring Saudi Arabia, and the Iran-backed Houthis, who have controlled several governorates, including the capital, Sanaa, since September 2014.

Saudi Arabia 16 civilians were injured as a result of the destruction of a march launched towards an airport in Jazan

Sixteen civilians were injured when a drone was launched towards King Abdullah Airport in Jazan, in the south of the Kingdom.

On Sunday, official media reported that the Saudi-led coalition fighting the Houthis in Yemen said that 16 civilians were injured after the destruction of a drone that was launched towards King Abdullah Airport in Jizan, in the south of the kingdom.

She indicated that 3 patients were in critical condition.
The coalition had said earlier that "the march was launched from Sanaa airport, the Yemeni capital, which is under the control of the Iran-aligned Houthi group."

The coalition intervened in Yemen in 2015 after the Houthis overthrew the internationally recognized government. The movement says it is fighting a corrupt regime and foreign interference.

The Houthis used to launch ballistic missiles and booby-trapped drones at Saudi, Emirati and Yemeni regions, in return for repeated declarations by the coalition to thwart these attacks.

At the request of Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, the Saudi-led coalition has since March 2015 supported the forces loyal to the government, in the face of the Iranian-backed Houthis, who have controlled governorates including the capital, Sanaa, since September 2014.

Yemen has been witnessing for nearly 7 years a continuous war between pro-government forces backed by an Arab military alliance led by the neighboring Saudi Arabia, and the Iran-backed Houthis, who have controlled several governorates, including the capital, Sanaa, since September 2014.

حالات اختناق جراء حريق بمخيّم لاجئين سوريين في لبنان أصيب عدد من الأشخاص بحالات اختناق جراء حريق اندلع في مخيم للاجئين السوريين في بلدة قب إلياس، شرقي لبنان.  اندلع الاثنين حريق في مخيم للاجئين السوريين في البقاع، شرقي لبنان، ما أدى إلى إصابة عدد من سكانه بحالات اختناق.  وذكرت الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام (رسمية)، أن حريقاً التهم عدداً من خيم مخيم للاجئين السوريين في بلدة قب إلياس، شرقي لبنان.  وفي وقت لاحق، تمكنت فرق الإطفاء في الدفاع المدني من إخماد الحريق، وفق الوكالة.  وأشارت الوكالة إلى أن الحريق أدى لإصابة عدد من سكان المخيم بحالات اختناق (دون ذكر عددهم)، وجرى إسعافهم.  ولم يكشف عن الأسباب التي أدت لاندلاع الحريق.  ويبلغ عدد اللاجئين السوريين المقيمين في لبنان 1.5 مليون تقريباً، نحو 900 ألف منهم مسجلون لدى مفوضية الأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين، ويعاني معظمهم أوضاعاً معيشية صعبة.   Cases of suffocation as a result of a fire in a Syrian refugee camp in Lebanon  A number of people suffocated as a result of a fire that broke out in a camp for Syrian refugees in the town of Qab Elias, eastern Lebanon.  On Monday, a fire broke out in a camp for Syrian refugees in the Bekaa Valley, eastern Lebanon, causing a number of its residents to suffocate.  The National News Agency (official) stated that a fire destroyed a number of tents in a camp for Syrian refugees in the town of Qab Elias, eastern Lebanon.  Later, civil defense firefighting teams were able to put out the fire, according to the agency. The agency indicated that the fire caused a number of camp residents to suffocate (without mentioning their number), and they were treated.  He did not disclose the reasons that led to the outbreak of the fire. The number of Syrian refugees residing in Lebanon is approximately 1.5 million, about 900,000 of whom are registered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and most of them suffer from difficult living conditions.

Cases of suffocation as a result of a fire in a Syrian refugee camp in Lebanon

A number of people suffocated as a result of a fire that broke out in a camp for Syrian refugees in the town of Qab Elias, eastern Lebanon.

On Monday, a fire broke out in a camp for Syrian refugees in the Bekaa Valley, eastern Lebanon, causing a number of its residents to suffocate.

The National News Agency (official) stated that a fire destroyed a number of tents in a camp for Syrian refugees in the town of Qab Elias, eastern Lebanon.

Later, civil defense firefighting teams were able to put out the fire, according to the agency.
The agency indicated that the fire caused a number of camp residents to suffocate (without mentioning their number), and they were treated.

He did not disclose the reasons that led to the outbreak of the fire.
The number of Syrian refugees residing in Lebanon is approximately 1.5 million, about 900,000 of whom are registered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and most of them suffer from difficult living conditions.

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