Three or five meals a day is better for your health and to prevent the rumen?

ثلاث أم خمس وجبات في اليوم أفضل لصحتك ولمنع الكرش؟ الإفطار الصباحي ينهي فترة الصيام الليلية التي تستمر عادة من 10 إلى 14 ساعة. لكن لا يتعين على البالغين إجبار أنفسهم على تناول وجبة الإفطار إذا لم تكن لديهم شهية في الصباح.  اقضِ يومك متمتعا بالقوة والنشاط، وأفضل طريقة للقيام بذلك هي اتباع نظام غذائي متوازن. ولكن ما هي أفضل طريقة لملء احتياطاتك من الطاقة طوال اليوم دون زيادة وزن جسمك؟ 5 وجبات أم 3؟  لا ينبغي لأحد أن يجبر نفسه على تناول الإفطار في الصباح، ولا تكاد توجد أي قواعد ثابتة عندما يتعلق الأمر بتناول الطعام أثناء النهار. وهناك بعض النصائح لوجبة المساء. لكن كم وجبة غذائية في اليوم هي الأفضل للأكل الصحي؟  8 نصائح للتخلص من دهون البطن الكرش كرش وزن حمية ريجيم تخفيف الوزن  وتقول مارغريت مورلو من جمعية التغذية والحمية -وفق ما نقل موقع دويتشه فيله عن موقع "تي أونلاين" الألماني- "لا توجد قواعد ثابتة" لذلك. على سبيل المثال، يجب على الجميع أن يفكروا بأنفسهم فيما إذا كان بإمكانهم قضاء يومهم بشكل أفضل بثلاث أو 3 وجبات.   الجمعية الألمانية للتغذية ترى الأمر على هذا النحو أيضا، وتضيف المتحدثة باسم الجمعية أنتي غال "توازن الطاقة في اليوم أمر حاسم لتطوير وزن الجسم".  في الليل فترة صيام لكن مع الأطفال الأمر مختلف. وتقول إيفونه كنيبس من مركز حماية المستهلك في ولاية شمال الراين ويستفاليا لموقع "تي أونلاين" الألماني، "5 وجبات مناسبة لهم بسبب نشاط عملية التمثيل الغذائي".  معدة الأطفال أصغر أيضا. من حيث المبدأ، تعتبر الوجبات الخفيفة أيضا فكرة جيدة للبالغين، لأنها توفر فرصة لتناول وجبة خفيفة من المكسرات أو الخضار النيئة.   الإفطار الصباحي ينهي فترة الصيام الليلية التي تستمر عادةً من 10 إلى 14 ساعة. لكن لا يتعين على البالغين إجبار أنفسهم على تناول وجبة الإفطار إذا لم تكن لديهم شهية في الصباح. "لا يوجد إيقاع أكل مثالي للجميع"، تضيف أنتي غال. ومع ذلك، توصي بتناول وجبة واحدة على الأقل في الصباح.  كما أن وجبة واحدة دافئة في اليوم ليست ضرورية للغاية. وتنصح إيفونه كنيبس بـ"التحضير والطهي من مجموعة متنوعة من الأطعمة".  ولا يهم ما إذا كنت تأكل دافئا في وقت الغذاء أو في المساء. يجب أن تكون الكربوهيدرات الصحية مثل الأرز الطبيعي أو البطاطا الحلوة أو "معكرونة القمح الكاملة" في قائمة الطعام، وكذلك البقوليات أو الخضار أو السلطة.  تناول شيء حلو في وقت الظهيرة يُسمح به، حسب مورلو من جمعية التغذية والحمية "يمكن أيضا أن تكون قطعة من الكعك" وتؤكل بكميات قليلة ولا تؤثر سلبا على الشكل. وإذا كنت ترغب في ملء الطاقة، يمكنك أيضا تناول منتجات الحبوب الكاملة أو الفاكهة.   مع حلول المساء، ينخفض ​​نشاط التمثيل الغذائي في الجسم. بمعنى آخر، يجب تناول كميات أقل على العشاء لتجنب زيادة الوزن.  وتوضح مورلو لموقع "تي أونلاين" الألماني "هذا ينطبق على كل من يجلس أمام التلفزيون بعد تناول الطعام أو ينام مباشرة".  وإذا كنت لا تزال تتحرك وتذهب في نزهة على الأقدام، على سبيل المثال، يمكنك أن تأكل أكثر من ذلك بقليل.   وبصرف النظر عن التغذية، تعتبر الأنشطة البدنية مهمة على أي حال، ومن الأفضل توزيعها على مدى اليوم.  وهذا يعني، على سبيل المثال، المشي قليلا في الصباح، لكن هذا وحده لا يكفي.  وتضيف إيفونه كنيبس "يجب على الجميع ممارسة التمارين الرياضية مرة واحدة على الأقل في الأسبوع بصورة مكثفة".     Three or five meals a day is better for your health and to prevent the rumen?  The morning breakfast ends the nightly fasting period that usually lasts from 10 to 14 hours. But adults don't have to force themselves to eat breakfast if they don't have an appetite in the morning.  Spend your day strong and energetic, and the best way to do this is to eat a balanced diet. But what's the best way to fill up your energy reserves throughout the day without increasing your body weight? 5 meals or 3?  No one should force themselves to eat breakfast in the morning, and there are hardly any fixed rules when it comes to eating during the day. A few tips for the evening meal. But how many meals a day is the best for healthy eating?  8 tips to get rid of belly fat, rumen, rumen, weight loss, diet, weight loss "There are no fixed rules" for that, says Margaret Morlow of the Nutrition and Dietetic Association - according to what Deutsche Welle quoted the German website T Online - as quoted by Deutsche Welle. For example, everyone should think for themselves whether they could spend their day better with three or three meals.  The German Dietetic Association sees it this way as well, adding, "The energy balance of the day is crucial for the development of body weight."  During the night, there is a period of fasting But with children it is different. "5 meals are suitable for them because of the activity of the metabolic process," Yvonne Knepps from the Consumer Protection Center in North Rhine-Westphalia told the German "T Online" website.  Children's stomachs are also smaller. In principle, snacks are also a good idea for adults, as they provide an opportunity to snack on nuts or raw vegetables.  The morning breakfast ends the nightly fasting period that usually lasts from 10 to 14 hours. But adults don't have to force themselves to eat breakfast if they don't have an appetite in the morning. “There is no perfect eating rhythm for everyone,” adds Ante Gal. However, she recommends eating at least one meal in the morning.  Also, one warm meal a day is not absolutely necessary. "Prepare and cook from a variety of foods," says Yvonne Knepps.  And it doesn't matter whether you eat warm at lunchtime or in the evening. Healthy carbohydrates such as natural rice, sweet potatoes or "whole wheat pasta" should be on the menu, as should legumes, vegetables or salads.  Eating something sweet in the afternoon is allowed, according to Morlow of the Dietetic Association "It can also be a piece of cake" and eaten in small quantities and does not negatively affect the figure. And if you want to fill up on energy, you can also eat whole grain products or fruit.  Evening snack As the evening falls, the metabolic activity of the body decreases. In other words, you should eat less at dinner to avoid weight gain.  "This applies to everyone who sits in front of the TV after eating or sleeps directly," Morlo explained to the German "T Online" website.  And if you still move and go for a walk, for example, you can eat a little more. Aside from nutrition, physical activities are important anyway, and it is best to spread them out throughout the day.  This means, for example, a little walk in the morning, but this alone is not enough.  "Everyone should do intense exercise at least once a week," says Yvonne Knepps.

Three or five meals a day is better for your health and to prevent the rumen?

The morning breakfast ends the nightly fasting period that usually lasts from 10 to 14 hours. But adults don't have to force themselves to eat breakfast if they don't have an appetite in the morning.

Spend your day strong and energetic, and the best way to do this is to eat a balanced diet. But what's the best way to fill up your energy reserves throughout the day without increasing your body weight? 5 meals or 3?

No one should force themselves to eat breakfast in the morning, and there are hardly any fixed rules when it comes to eating during the day. A few tips for the evening meal. But how many meals a day is the best for healthy eating?

8 tips to get rid of belly fat, rumen, rumen, weight loss, diet, weight loss
"There are no fixed rules" for that, says Margaret Morlow of the Nutrition and Dietetic Association - according to what Deutsche Welle quoted the German website T Online - as quoted by Deutsche Welle. For example, everyone should think for themselves whether they could spend their day better with three or three meals.

The German Dietetic Association sees it this way as well, adding, "The energy balance of the day is crucial for the development of body weight."

During the night, there is a period of fasting
But with children it is different. "5 meals are suitable for them because of the activity of the metabolic process," Yvonne Knepps from the Consumer Protection Center in North Rhine-Westphalia told the German "T Online" website.

Children's stomachs are also smaller. In principle, snacks are also a good idea for adults, as they provide an opportunity to snack on nuts or raw vegetables.

The morning breakfast ends the nightly fasting period that usually lasts from 10 to 14 hours. But adults don't have to force themselves to eat breakfast if they don't have an appetite in the morning. “There is no perfect eating rhythm for everyone,” adds Ante Gal. However, she recommends eating at least one meal in the morning.

Also, one warm meal a day is not absolutely necessary. "Prepare and cook from a variety of foods," says Yvonne Knepps.

And it doesn't matter whether you eat warm at lunchtime or in the evening. Healthy carbohydrates such as natural rice, sweet potatoes or "whole wheat pasta" should be on the menu, as should legumes, vegetables or salads.

Eating something sweet in the afternoon is allowed, according to Morlow of the Dietetic Association "It can also be a piece of cake" and eaten in small quantities and does not negatively affect the figure. And if you want to fill up on energy, you can also eat whole grain products or fruit.

Evening snack
As the evening falls, the metabolic activity of the body decreases. In other words, you should eat less at dinner to avoid weight gain.

"This applies to everyone who sits in front of the TV after eating or sleeps directly," Morlo explained to the German "T Online" website.

And if you still move and go for a walk, for example, you can eat a little more.
Aside from nutrition, physical activities are important anyway, and it is best to spread them out throughout the day.

This means, for example, a little walk in the morning, but this alone is not enough.

"Everyone should do intense exercise at least once a week," says Yvonne Knepps.

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