The occupation’s violations continue: injuries, arrests, and targeting of trees and agricultural lands

تواصل انتهاكات الاحتلال: إصابات واعتقالات واستهداف أشجار وأراضي زراعية محافظات 4-2-2022 وفا- واصل جنود الاحتلال الإسرائيلي والمستوطنون، اليوم الجمعة، عدوانهم على شعبنا ومقدساته وممتلكاته، حيث أصيب عدد من المواطنين خلال مواجهات مع الاحتلال وقمع فعاليات، وجرى اعتقال 3 مواطنين، وإطلاق النار صوب مزارعين ورعاة مواشي جنوب القطاع، بينما أقدم مستوطنون على اقتلاع وتكسير أشجار في سلفيت، وطارد آخرون رعاة أغنام قرب الخليل.  مصابون خلال مواجهات مع الاحتلال وقمع فعاليات  أصيب 3 مواطنين بالرصاص الحي، و42 آخرون بالرصاص المعدني المغلف بالمطاط، و87 بالاختناق، و3 بحروق في الوجه، خلال مواجهات مع مع قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي على جبل صبيح في بلدة بيتا، جنوب نابلس.  وفي بيت دجن شرق المحافظة، أصيب مواطنان بالرصاص المعدني المغلف بالمطاط، و23 بالاختناق بالغاز المسيل للدموع، خلال مواجهات مع الاحتلال.  كما أصيب 3 مواطنين بالرصاص المعدني المغلف بالمطاط، والعشرات بالاختناق خلال قمع جيش الاحتلال، للمسيرة الأسبوعية في بلدة كفر قدوم شرق قلقيلية، التي تنظم احتجاجاً على للاستيطان، وللمطالبة بفتح شارع القرية المغلق.  3 معتقلين من قلقيلية وجنين  اعتقلت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي الشابين قصي عدنان جمعة، وموسى عبد اللطيف القدومي بعد دهم منزليهما في بلدة كفر قدوم شرق قلقيلية.  كما اعتقل الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، الشاب يوسف فيصل بزور، من بلدة برقين غرب جنين، وذلك أثناء مروره على حاجز الحمرا قرب طوباس.   المستوطنون يقتلعون ويكسرون أشجاراً ويطاردون رعاة أغنام  أقدم مستوطنون على اقتلاع وتكسير ما يقارب 40 شجرة زيتون، تعود ملكيتها للمواطن علي ياسين من بلدة ياسوف شرق سلفيت، واقتلاع 50 شتلة عنب تعود ملكيتها للمواطن ناجح حرب من كفر الديك غرب محافظة سلفيت.  وفي انتهاك ثانٍ، طارد مستوطنون رعاة الأغنام في مراعي قرية زنوتا في بلدة الظاهرية جنوب الخليل، ومنعوهم من الرعي فيها.  قوات الاحتلال تطلق النار شرق خان يونس  أطلقت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، نيران رشاشاتها بكثافة صوب الأراضي الزراعية شرق بلدة عبسان الجديدة وقرب خزاعة، إلى الشرق من محافظة خان يونس جنوب قطاع غزة.  وأُجبر المزارعون ورعاة الأغنام على الانسحاب من أراضيهم ومراعيهم، دون التبليغ عن إصابات.    The occupation’s violations continue: injuries, arrests, and targeting of trees and agricultural lands  Governorates 4-2-2022 Wafa - Today, Friday, the Israeli occupation soldiers and settlers continued their aggression against our people, their sanctities and property, as a number of citizens were injured during confrontations with the occupation and the suppression of activists, and 3 citizens were arrested, and shootings were directed at farmers and shepherds in the southern Gaza Strip, while Settlers uprooted and broke trees in Salfit, and others chased shepherds near Hebron .  Injured during confrontations with the occupation and the suppression of activities 3 civilians were wounded with live bullets, 42 others were injured by rubber-coated metal bullets, 87 suffocated, and 3 had burns to the face, during confrontations with the Israeli occupation forces on Sabeeh Mountain in the town of Beita, south of Nablus .  In Beit Dajan, east of the governorate, two civilians were wounded with rubber-coated metal bullets, and 23 from suffocation with tear gas, during confrontations with the occupation .  In addition, 3 civilians were injured by rubber-coated metal bullets, and dozens suffocated during the occupation army's suppression of the weekly march in the town of Kafr Qaddoum, east of Qalqilya, which is organized to protest against the settlements, and to demand the opening of the closed village street .  3 detainees from Qalqilya and Jenin The Israeli occupation forces arrested the two young men, Qusai Adnan Juma'a, and Musa Abdel Latif Qaddoumi, after raiding their homes in the town of Kafr Qaddoum, east of Qalqilya .  The Israeli occupation also arrested the young man, Yousef Faisal Bazoor, from the town of Burqin, west of Jenin, while he was passing through the Hamra checkpoint near Tubas .  Settlers uproot and break trees and chase shepherds Settlers uprooted and broke approximately 40 olive trees, owned by Ali Yassin from Yasuf town, east of Salfit, and uprooted 50 grape seedlings, owned by Najeh Harb, from Kafr ad-Dik, west of Salfit Governorate .  In a second violation, settlers chased sheep shepherds in the pastures of the village of Zanouta in the town of Al Dhahiriya, south of Hebron, and prevented them from grazing there .  Occupation forces open fire east of Khan Yunis The Israeli occupation forces fired heavy machine guns towards agricultural lands east of the new town of Abasan and near Khuza’a, to the east of Khan Yunis governorate in the southern Gaza Strip .  Farmers and shepherds were forced to withdraw from their lands and pastures, without any casualties reported .

The occupation’s violations continue: injuries, arrests, and targeting of trees and agricultural lands

Governorates 4-2-2022 Wafa - Today, Friday, the Israeli occupation soldiers and settlers continued their aggression against our people, their sanctities and property, as a number of citizens were injured during confrontations with the occupation and the suppression of activists, and 3 citizens were arrested, and shootings were directed at farmers and shepherds in the southern Gaza Strip, while Settlers uprooted and broke trees in Salfit, and others chased shepherds near Hebron .

Injured during confrontations with the occupation and the suppression of activities
3 civilians were wounded with live bullets, 42 others were injured by rubber-coated metal bullets, 87 suffocated, and 3 had burns to the face, during confrontations with the Israeli occupation forces on Sabeeh Mountain in the town of Beita, south of Nablus .

In Beit Dajan, east of the governorate, two civilians were wounded with rubber-coated metal bullets, and 23 from suffocation with tear gas, during confrontations with the occupation .

In addition, 3 civilians were injured by rubber-coated metal bullets, and dozens suffocated during the occupation army's suppression of the weekly march in the town of Kafr Qaddoum, east of Qalqilya, which is organized to protest against the settlements, and to demand the opening of the closed village street .

3 detainees from Qalqilya and Jenin
The Israeli occupation forces arrested the two young men, Qusai Adnan Juma'a, and Musa Abdel Latif Qaddoumi, after raiding their homes in the town of Kafr Qaddoum, east of Qalqilya .

The Israeli occupation also arrested the young man, Yousef Faisal Bazoor, from the town of Burqin, west of Jenin, while he was passing through the Hamra checkpoint near Tubas .

Settlers uproot and break trees and chase shepherds
Settlers uprooted and broke approximately 40 olive trees, owned by Ali Yassin from Yasuf town, east of Salfit, and uprooted 50 grape seedlings, owned by Najeh Harb, from Kafr ad-Dik, west of Salfit Governorate .

In a second violation, settlers chased sheep shepherds in the pastures of the village of Zanouta in the town of Al Dhahiriya, south of Hebron, and prevented them from grazing there .

Occupation forces open fire east of Khan Yunis
The Israeli occupation forces fired heavy machine guns towards agricultural lands east of the new town of Abasan and near Khuza’a, to the east of Khan Yunis governorate in the southern Gaza Strip .

Farmers and shepherds were forced to withdraw from their lands and pastures, without any casualties reported .

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